How much worse will this get - predictions?

No, you don't have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. There is NO doubt that he's fomenting this violence. "Little Marco" himself pointed out that you don't see this shit at ANY other GOP candidate's rallies.
I'd have to say that there can be NO doubt that he NOW knows. Period.

But here's the catch - there are many posts here condemning people like Cruz (Cruz!) for criticizing Trump's words at his rallies. I think it's possible that Trump will refuse to say anything to calm people down, he doesn't want to annoy his, uh, base.

So then shit hits the fan worse than it has already.

seems that you are hoping for violence. Why is that?
You're just incorrectly perceiving my words.

OK, then explain why you
No, you don't have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. There is NO doubt that he's fomenting this violence. "Little Marco" himself pointed out that you don't see this shit at ANY other GOP candidate's rallies.
I'd have to say that there can be NO doubt that he NOW knows. Period.

But here's the catch - there are many posts here condemning people like Cruz (Cruz!) for criticizing Trump's words at his rallies. I think it's possible that Trump will refuse to say anything to calm people down, he doesn't want to annoy his, uh, base.

So then shit hits the fan worse than it has already.

seems that you are hoping for violence. Why is that?
You're just incorrectly perceiving my words.

then explain yourself. if the security is good, protestors can be contained and removed.

I find if telling that only liberals become violent protestors. Do you think it might be that Soros and others are paying them?
Sure, he might be funding them.

So we have angry protestors and a rally crowd that admits it's angry about the state of the country. We already have seen violence at his rallies, including that sucker punch. We have had a candidate talk about punching protestors and sending them out on a stretcher, among other incendiary comments.

It's therefore not unreasonable to assume that the possibility of increased violence exists.

Taking a country back from the usurpers sometimes requires violence. I hope it doesn't in our case. But if that's what it takes to get the country back on track, then so be it.
Large protests and marches. Rioting in several major cities, looting, buildings set ablaze. Martial Law. Anarchy in America. Total war with people against government forces. Total breakdown of society. Invasion by a rogue nation after a massive assault with many cities decimated by intense bombing and rumors of chemical weapons.
No probably not.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

It is hard to see an upper limit.

The protesters believe that people they are trying to intimidate are effectively Pure Evil, who want to kill them and theirs, and oppress the survivors.

The Trump supporters are very tired of that shit.

THe organizers, I think just want to use intimidation at this point, and probably realize that actually mob violence would actually hurt their cause.

BUT when using angry mobs, precision control is not an option.

Random Chance will play a role here.

Also, consider this.

What makes you think this won't happen next election too?
The word has gone out to every Trump supporter: DO NOT! go to any Hillary or Bernie rally and cause any problems! You see that this is what is happening.
Trump is a genius at marketing.
He is currently 'rope-a-doping' Sander's and BLM supporters. Letting the world watch as they attempt to deny Trump's right to free speech. It's working perfectly.
The LIB MSM/DEMS/BLM might as well hand Trump the keys to the White house on a solid GOLD platter.
Well, there is Trump, and then there are his supporters.

A lot of people think professional wrestling is real.
Not really. Trump and his supporters are one.
He believes 100% in them and they believe 100% in him.
Ever been to a 'cage fight' Mac?
I promise you it's not professional wrestling.
And the 'enhanced' security cage fighters are not going to be putting on an act after some LIB pussy with a 'man-bun' takes a swing at any of them.
No, I'm afraid I've never been to a "cage fight".

So it sounds to me like you're only expecting increased violence if it's in response to violence?

effective security will prevent violence. Now, if you want to talk about violence, lets talk about the daily shootings in the liberal bastions of Chicago and Detroit.
There will be riots. There will be arrests. There will be people going to the hospitals and the morgues before this is done.

If the DNC keeps sending in Obstruction forces grabbing signs and ripping them in half......threatening people..........the people being threatened are going to eventually hit back.

It's gonna get ugly.
i see the hate filled America haters driving more and more voters toward Trump, the more they cause unneeded violence, which the media will cover.., thankfully, will bring on a landslide victory for Trump, and if he chooses Cruz as VP, the victory will be the victory of unheard of proportions. people who have never voted or rarely vote will be stampeding to the polls to vote for Trump-Cruz.., too many Americans (that leaves out 90% of libertards) are tired of the same ol same ol shit....., i am, are you ?? :up:
There will be riots. There will be arrests. There will be people going to the hospitals and the morgues before this is done.

If the DNC keeps sending in Obstruction forces grabbing signs and ripping them in half......threatening people..........the people being threatened are going to eventually hit back.

It's gonna get ugly.
That's my guess. Hopefully we're wrong.
No, you don't have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. There is NO doubt that he's fomenting this violence. "Little Marco" himself pointed out that you don't see this shit at ANY other GOP candidate's rallies.
I'd have to say that there can be NO doubt that he NOW knows. Period.

But here's the catch - there are many posts here condemning people like Cruz (Cruz!) for criticizing Trump's words at his rallies. I think it's possible that Trump will refuse to say anything to calm people down, he doesn't want to annoy his, uh, base.

So then shit hits the fan worse than it has already.

seems that you are hoping for violence. Why is that?
You're just incorrectly perceiving my words.

OK, then explain why you
No, you don't have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. There is NO doubt that he's fomenting this violence. "Little Marco" himself pointed out that you don't see this shit at ANY other GOP candidate's rallies.
I'd have to say that there can be NO doubt that he NOW knows. Period.

But here's the catch - there are many posts here condemning people like Cruz (Cruz!) for criticizing Trump's words at his rallies. I think it's possible that Trump will refuse to say anything to calm people down, he doesn't want to annoy his, uh, base.

So then shit hits the fan worse than it has already.

seems that you are hoping for violence. Why is that?
You're just incorrectly perceiving my words.

then explain yourself. if the security is good, protestors can be contained and removed.

I find if telling that only liberals become violent protestors. Do you think it might be that Soros and others are paying them?
Sure, he might be funding them.

So we have angry protestors and a rally crowd that admits it's angry about the state of the country. We already have seen violence at his rallies, including that sucker punch. We have had a candidate talk about punching protestors and sending them out on a stretcher, among other incendiary comments.

It's therefore not unreasonable to assume that the possibility of increased violence exists.
Anything is possible. Let's wait and see what happens.
Trump's PRIVATE rallies are a microcosm of what has happened to America.
The REPs by the thousands turn up to a Trump rally simply to hear what Trump has to say and promise. They aren't going to the rally to witness violence or to be part of the violence the LIBs are 100% responsible for. If the LIBs who attend were not willing to do almost anything to deny Trump and his supporters their right to freedom of assembly there would not be a problem. The LIBs are more than within their rights to protest OUTSIDE what is a PRIVATE rally. This is what too many people are losing sight of. The Trump rallies are PRIVATE functions.
Do I have a right to sneak into your living room when you are having a Private meeting and disrupt it because I don't like what your meeting is about?
The LIBs attempt to deny Trump his First Amendment rights.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

It is hard to see an upper limit.

The protesters believe that people they are trying to intimidate are effectively Pure Evil, who want to kill them and theirs, and oppress the survivors.

The Trump supporters are very tired of that shit.

THe organizers, I think just want to use intimidation at this point, and probably realize that actually mob violence would actually hurt their cause.

BUT when using angry mobs, precision control is not an option.

Random Chance will play a role here.

Also, consider this.

What makes you think this won't happen next election too?
Well, my guess is that something pretty violent is most likely to happen at a Trump rally than at the rally of a more traditional politician, so unless people like him become the norm in elections, we may be dealing with a fairly unique thing here.

I'll bet there are people who would protest who are wondering the same thing I'm wondering, and it's possible that they'll keep their eyes open.
There well might be violence outside a Trump rally and there will probably be some cases of fighting among some inside the official PRIVATE rally site. But Trump is hiring a few hundred cage fighters to be at every indoor, PRIVATE rally from now on.
I know a former cage fighter. He couldn't care less if he gets punched first. But after that the adrenaline and training kick in and he feels no pain. Same goes with the Trump 'enhanced' security cage fighters.
Pro -tip: Each T-shirt is turned in after the rally and entirely new T-shirts are issued a few minutes before the doors open at the next rally. No one then gets the opportunity to video the T shirt and send the image to someone who could duplicate the T-shirt. Plus the T-shirts are handed out backstage.
Trump's security experts are ex MOSSAD.
Watch for the 'enhanced' security team. They will all be wearing T-shirts which will identify them to the SS and Trump's on stage private security team.

You took a lot of blows to the head from that cage fighter friend of yours didn't you?
That's it?
All you have?

I bet that's not the first time someone has told you that right pal?
There will be riots. There will be arrests. There will be people going to the hospitals and the morgues before this is done.

If the DNC keeps sending in Obstruction forces grabbing signs and ripping them in half......threatening people..........the people being threatened are going to eventually hit back.

It's gonna get ugly.
That's my guess. Hopefully we're wrong.
Hope so..........but these are establishment tactics and the tactics of orgs like Move On.......who have played this obstructionism before......................They WANT CHAOS...............Never let a good crisis go to waste is what they would say..........openly calling for peace but no intention of peace..........These people are evil...............they want their power............they don't care who gets long as they get their way and fill their pockets the blood and guts doesn't bother them.

It is why they must be challenged and stopped. And it will get bloody before this one is done.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

It is hard to see an upper limit.

The protesters believe that people they are trying to intimidate are effectively Pure Evil, who want to kill them and theirs, and oppress the survivors.

The Trump supporters are very tired of that shit.

THe organizers, I think just want to use intimidation at this point, and probably realize that actually mob violence would actually hurt their cause.

BUT when using angry mobs, precision control is not an option.

Random Chance will play a role here.

Also, consider this.

What makes you think this won't happen next election too?
Well, my guess is that something pretty violent is most likely to happen at a Trump rally than at the rally of a more traditional politician, so unless people like him become the norm in elections, we may be dealing with a fairly unique thing here.

I'll bet there are people who would protest who are wondering the same thing I'm wondering, and it's possible that they'll keep their eyes open.

The large and growing group that is feeling less and less represented by the Political Class is not going away after Trump.
It's not like this doesn't have historical precedence, Mac...

Donald Trump and the Violence to Come

“You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher.”
In January, when protesters tried to disrupt a Trump rally in Vermont, Trump instructed security guards to “Get him out of here … Don't give him his coat, keep his coat. Confiscate his coat. You know, it’s about 10 degrees below zero outside.” As security dragged a protester from a Nevada rally in February, Trump declared: “You know what I hate? There’s a guy, totally disruptive, throwing punches, we’re not allowed to punch back anymore. I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher.” Reporters found no evidence that the protester had, in fact, punched anyone.

In mentioning the “old days,” Trump was likely referring to the 1960s. Back then, another generation of young leftists disillusioned with the failure of liberal presidents to undo systemic justice tried to physically disrupt political events, most famously at the Democratic Convention in 1968. And back then, another presidential candidate, Alabama Governor George Wallace, also turned protesters into props for an audience hungry to see order restored—if necessary by force. In 1967, anti-Vietnam protesters laid down in front of President Lyndon Johnson’s car. In 1968, in speech after speech, Wallace roused crowds by saying, falsely, that the “protesters had threatened his [Johnson’s] personal safety,” but if “some of them lie down in front of my automobile, it will be the last one they’ll ever want to lie down in front of.”

“The confrontation with the hecklers became a highly stylized feature of every Wallace rally,” writes Lloyd Rohler in his book George Wallace: Conservative Populist. “Violence seemed always to be lurking in the background and it frequently burst forth.” At a Wallace rally on October 29 in Detroit, reported the Chicago Tribune, “wild, chair-swinging violence erupted” as “Wallace supporters and some of several thousand hecklers clashed, first with fists and then with folding chairs … Wallace supporters struck handcuffed hecklers as they were being led away by police, who did not interfere.”
Sure, that's a big part of it. I think there is a fairly large element in his crowds that were either (a) perfectly fine with that guy sucker-punching that kid and/or (b) ready to do it themselves. I saw posts here in support of that punch.

I have to admit I try to give Trump the benefit of the doubt - maybe he doesn't realize that his cartoonishly macho statements like that can and will incite violence, I don't know. Who knows what he's thinking.

I could definitely be wrong, but I'd almost be surprised at this point if someone from his crowd didn't go over the top at some point.

No, you don't have to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. There is NO doubt that he's fomenting this violence. "Little Marco" himself pointed out that you don't see this shit at ANY other GOP candidate's rallies.
I'd have to say that there can be NO doubt that he NOW knows. Period.

But here's the catch - there are many posts here condemning people like Cruz (Cruz!) for criticizing Trump's words at his rallies. I think it's possible that Trump will refuse to say anything to calm people down, he doesn't want to annoy his, uh, base.

So then shit hits the fan worse than it has already.
Think 'chess' not 'checkers'.
Trump is a proven genius at marketing himself. Hell, he's let the LIB MSM basically pay for his successful campaign.
It is not in his best interest for the "shit to hit the fan".
He has a genius for knowing how close he can get before he crosses the line.
Watch what the LIB MSM do when Trump runs over 'Little Marco' in Florida.
I've been worried for months that this is going to go the way of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan. Did I miss anyone?
It's been 50 years since the country was in such an uproar. To think that I mourned my students' total apathy in the 90's. Be careful what I wish for, I guess.
And I continue to hope my prediction is wrong.
This is all contrived BS. The only real comment I heard that Trump said was about the violence of throwing tomatoes. That's it. How to respond to violence, not cause violence. But like chickens sensing weakness the left wing pounces. They create a whole scenario to cover for the violence their groups bring to the rally(s). I believe that scenario was not created after Trump's comment but way before the paid protesters were sent out on their mission.

How much worse will it get? Much worse is very possible. Trump can't stop outside agitators and the more he might try the more folks like you will be asking "how much worse will it get?" The more folks like yourself who only blame Trump continue the more embolden it makes the paid outside agitators.

Yes, those who support Trump, now more then ever, may have guns and hopefully they realize that even if they are being threatened with death from the outside agitators, they do more harm defending themselves then just taking the beating from the paid outside agitators. Not that I expect them to take a beating or even if they will. But it will certainly be painted as if Trump called for the shooting by folks much like yourself and the MSM in general.

After years of posting about PC and your advertisement in your signature line I would think you would be in love with un-PC Trump. Maybe now you see why people are PC in the first place. Especially when considering that folks like you, who lament PC, turn on those who are not PC. Interesting stuff.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

It is hard to see an upper limit.

The protesters believe that people they are trying to intimidate are effectively Pure Evil, who want to kill them and theirs, and oppress the survivors.

The Trump supporters are very tired of that shit.

THe organizers, I think just want to use intimidation at this point, and probably realize that actually mob violence would actually hurt their cause.

BUT when using angry mobs, precision control is not an option.

Random Chance will play a role here.

Also, consider this.

What makes you think this won't happen next election too?
The word has gone out to every Trump supporter: DO NOT! go to any Hillary or Bernie rally and cause any problems! You see that this is what is happening.
Trump is a genius at marketing.
He is currently 'rope-a-doping' Sander's and BLM supporters. Letting the world watch as they attempt to deny Trump's right to free speech. It's working perfectly.
The LIB MSM/DEMS/BLM might as well hand Trump the keys to the White house on a solid GOLD platter.
Well, there is Trump, and then there are his supporters.

A lot of people think professional wrestling is real.
Not really. Trump and his supporters are one.
He believes 100% in them and they believe 100% in him.
Ever been to a 'cage fight' Mac?
I promise you it's not professional wrestling.
And the 'enhanced' security cage fighters are not going to be putting on an act after some LIB pussy with a 'man-bun' takes a swing at any of them.
No, I'm afraid I've never been to a "cage fight".

So it sounds to me like you're only expecting increased violence if it's in response to violence?
So what would you suggest as a "response to violence"?
Maybe run away? Turn the other cheek? Maybe ask those who are "increasing the violence" to please stop it?
You must have some solution right?
Humans evolved a "response to violence" for one reason: Survival.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

If you were an honest broker, you'd know that Trump could diffuse the situation very easily by not stoking the flames at his events.

He tried like hell last night to get his supporters whipped up......asking over and over if he had any protesters. It didn't work. He caved to the forces of political correctness and didn't urge them explicitly to assault the "disrupters". So....they didn't. It's entirely up to him.

Why do I get the feeling that you are hoping it gets worse so you can get some live entertainment on your television? You are not curious about what anyone here thinks will happen. You just want to get some jerk off material. Earmuffs.

The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

If you were an honest broker, you'd know that Trump could diffuse the situation very easily by not stoking the flames at his events.

He tried like hell last night to get his supporters whipped up......asking over and over if he had any protesters. It didn't work. He caved to the forces of political correctness and didn't urge them explicitly to assault the "disrupters". So....they didn't. It's entirely up to him.

Why do I get the feeling that you are hoping it gets worse so you can get some live entertainment on your television? You are not curious about what anyone here thinks will happen. You just want to get some jerk off material. Earmuffs.

The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

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