How not to raise a narcissist — in 9 steps


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The Obama's needed this information years ago


A study confirms that narcissists are largely bred, not born. The study, conducted by the University of Amsterdam and Ohio State University, found that “narcissism in children is cultivated by parental overvaluation: parents believing their child to be more special and more entitled than others.” (That’s scientific-speak for Special Snowflake Syndrome, and the researchers are talking about the other parents at your youth league soccer practice.)

This is great news, because it means there are steps we can take to prevent unleashing more little egotists on the world.

And this is bad news, because these steps are actually pretty common-sense; the study cited parental warmth, not praise, as a counterbalance to the trend. It’s also kind of depressing that we’ve even come to a point where narcissism — the increase of which contributes to societal problems such as aggression and violence, according to the research — has become so widespread that an entire study was conducted in the first place. (Then again, selfie sticks are now sold in drugstores for $24.95, so the mystery ends there.)

How not to raise a narcissist — in 9 steps
The unfortunate truth is, if it were not for some degree of narcissism nothing would be accomplished. If a person does not believe in themselves or believe they can accomplish something they they are more then likely a candidate for a job at Walmart.
The unfortunate truth is, if it were not for some degree of narcissism nothing would be accomplished. If a person does not believe in themselves or believe they can accomplish something they they are more then likely a candidate for a job at Walmart.

so true-------all great leaders and all great ACCOMPLISHERS-----have been narcissists
A study confirms that narcissists are largely bred, not born. The study, conducted by the University of Amsterdam and Ohio State University, found that “narcissism in children is cultivated by parental overvaluation: parents believing their child to be more special and more entitled than others.” (That’s scientific-speak for Special Snowflake Syndrome, and the researchers are talking about the other parents at your youth league soccer practice.)

How not to raise a narcissist — in 9 steps

Ha. Knew it. But also it can be from well-meaning parental overcompensation from guilt. Like when my own grandparents raised their daughter to be a narcissist because of a birth injury she had and all the attention she got in her formative years following that and the daily physical therapy. It was the perfect unintentional storm. Also, a narcissist can be made by horrific home conditions where the child's mind retreats within itself. This individual more likely will turn out to be the sociopath proper, that all can easily see. But some learn to hide their insular mind and spirit so they can move about the world more freely...doing always as they like without regard to "other".
Keep them away from partisan politics and teach them how to think for themselves.

That would go a long way right there.
Hilarious...I know 6 people who been arrested and incarcerated in the last 2 years for embezzlement.
All hard core Conservatives.

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