How Obama, Hillary and Brennan Carried Out The Crime of the Century

2 years and $40 million for nothing.

Dimms wanted him out of office.

For being a Russian spy.

For colluding with the Russians.

"No one in my campaign had any contacts with the Russians"

"I have no investments in Russia I have no business in Russia and I have no plans for business in Russia"

Now, tell me why he told those lies?
There is nothing there, stop being cvnts, Libs.

Just admit you wanted Trump out no matter what because your team lost.

That’s all this is.

McCabe is fucked.

Fox News is told the IG's office is in the advanced stages of a probe not only into the FISA matters, but also into FBI media leaks and improper gifts received by FBI officials from reporters -- all of which were flagged as subjects for further review in the IG's initial report on DOJ and FBI misconduct last year.

Just nine days before the FBI applied for a FISA warrant to surveil a top Trump campaign aide, bureau officials were battling with a senior Justice Department official who had "continued concerns" about the "possible bias" of a source pivotal to the application, according to internal text messages obtained by Fox News and published on Friday.
Major difference.
We KNOW the Russians screwed around with the 2016 election

Major difference: We knew Saddam Hussein screwed around with WMD's in past.

That lie actually led to a catastrophic war. You can thank CNN, FOX, MSNBC, The Times and the Post for that shit.

In other words, what's your point? First world nations fuck and screw with each other's elections all the time. I mean, seriously, how the Shaw of Iran get where he was?

Btw Russia did that while Obama was still President. Do we blame Obama for Russia's acts of espionage? Of course not, so why even attempt to blame Trump.

There was never any collusion.

All they had was the Steel Dossier which is a lie.

That Dossier was used for the FISA warrant.

It’s going to be fascinating to watch this thing crumble.
There was never any evidence, it’s all a fraud.

No collusion,

No obstruction if there is no crime.

Suck a D, libs.
They didn’t use just Natalia.

They sent another bitch at the NRA, Obama sent a Russian ambassador to Sessions, and arranged a phone call with a Russian ambassador with General Flynn.

Nothing Illegal was done, but since Obama had set up a smear campaign long before the election was over, they were already trying to entrap people.

They tried to get Papadoupolis to
Wear a wire. He was set up too by a close Clinton associate who offered him dirt on Clinton. Dirt he never got, and that wasn’t a crime to have.

Rosenstein offered himself to wear a wire and if they got desperate, they wanted to use the 25th amendment in a way it was never intended to be used and wanted to
weaponize it against Trump. Makes one wonder who the two traitors were in the Trump Administration, since they actually counted up votes of who they thought would help them abuse the 25th amendment, and they thought just two
Judas could be bad.

They illegally wiretapped Trump Tower. They even went so far as to plant a fake beacon ping in a Trump Tower Server that talked to another fake beacon ping in a Russian Bank. Russian Alpha Bank. Who has that kind of capabilities? Ask Clapper and Brennan.

Russia was so spooked by hacking that for the first time in their history, they let The FBI examine their servers at Alpha Bank, unlike the criminal DNC and Clinton who stonewalled weak overtures to look at their servers. In fact, The FBI DOJ and CIA, and NSA were completely uninterested in looking at Clinton’s server until after she was given time to bleach bit it and they had No Interest at all in looking at The DNC server.

The Bible even tells you that you need two independent witnesses to convict a man of a serious crime. What you got instead was a singular paid for consultant paid for by the DNC to tell our so called intelligence agencies that they thought “maybe” Russia hacked The DNC server. They never even mentioned the possibility of Pakistani Criminal Hackers on the premises with Adminsitrative Credentials.

They knowingly filed false Affidavits in FISA Court, planted news stories, and leaked classified intel, and illegally unmasked people.

They also set up Carter Page. Carter Page followed the exact same pattern of being framed as Papadoupoulis.

They were trying to create the appearance of impropriety at first, but when they lost their only option was try to get Trump impeached so that no one would uncover the treason and election tampering they engaged in.

They really should have just walked away, but they couldn’t. They were in too deep. They were Globalists and Socialists who thought they were saving the planet at the expense of Democracy.

And Democracy and fair elections are disposable inconveniences for such people.

Even looking at Manafort, that whole deal was suspicious. Manafort was working for Clinton and Obama In The Ukraine and Joe Biden and his son were taking bribes there and they were trying to rig Ukrainian elections like they tried in Israel.

The whole thing stinks. These were people that paid Terrorists to assassinate people and overthrown Gkvernments and we are supposed to believe they would draw some moral red line in the sand and not tamper in elections here in the US where they had far more to gain?

Crossfire Hurricane? More Like Crossfire Treason. They came at Trump
And his Family from multiple angles and plotted a political slaughter upon them.

Last two questions: Why does the media ignore Steele’s Partner, Ex Russian Agent Skirpal who had an attempt on his life and his daughter’s life right when it was revealed Steele was involved in the Dossier and Clinton and Obama Paid for it?

Skirpal is treated as if he is dead. He’s not.

Assange is treated as if dead too. Why wasn’t Assange part of the Investigation?

They will write Novels about this. Novels about how the myth of The Deep State became a Dark Reality and how we Almost lost America and our Democracy but for The Electoral College and a few people that refused to be bullied in to submission.
The most relevant body paragraphs:

So, how did the conspirators do it? They used a set-up agent named Natalia Veselnitskaya, the fabled “Russian lawyer.”

NATALIA: The Conspirators Got Her In, Then Locked Her Out, of The Country

The U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, then led by anti-President Trump activist Preet Bharara, played a key role in getting Natalia Veselnitskaya into the country in 2015-2016 on special Obama administration passes.

Now, fired U.S. Attorney Bharara’s former office has charged Veselnitskaya with obstruction of justice in an unrelated case. They did this to force Natalia to remain in Russia and not come back to the United States to testify, according to high-level FBI sources. Why? Because Natalia has made it clear that she knows Glenn Simpson — the Fusion GPS head she had dinner with the night before and and the night after her Trump Tower set-up meeting — and she has said that her Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton.

Robert Mueller, Bharara, and the anti-Trump conspirators want to focus on Michael Cohen as a witness and block out any witnesses that would unravel their entire invented narrative — like Natalia, the spy who was used to set up the phony meeting that led to the fraudulent FISA warrants on the Trump team.

The Department of Homeland Security confirmed that Veseltnitskaya gained parole into the United States during the Obama administration due to a DHS decision made “in concurrence with the U.S. Attorney’s Office of Southern District of New York,” then headed by Preet Bharara.

But the very people who wanted to get Natalia in now very much want to keep her out.

Both John Brennan and James Comey used Peter Strzok to damage President Donald Trump. Strzok is the disgraced FBI agent and fired Robert Mueller team member whose text messages with mistress Lisa Page form the biggest scandal in FBI history. The lovers conspired to illegally bring down Trump, all while the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign.

Strzok interviewed Hillary Clinton without putting her under oath, and granted immunity to Cheryl Mills and Clinton’s other associates right before he flew to London to meet with Christopher Steele to work on the anti-Trump dossier, which was sponsored by the Clinton-funded firm Fusion GPS. That dossier was used to fraudulently obtain FISA warrants to surveil Trump Tower. Barack Obama read bits of the dossier in his daily presidential briefings, courtesy of Brennan. Fusion GPS, meanwhile, sent operatives into Trump Tower to entrap Don Jr. and Jared Kushner in a meeting with planted Russians.

Start the arrests today, arrest them all and give them proper due process and a trial by jury.
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I hope The American People would have risen up in defiance if Clapper tried to do that!

These people many of them still in our government are dangerous. Anyone associated with Clinton and Obama should be drawn and quartered on live TV.

This was a Coup plain and simple....

"Clapper discussed blocking the inauguration on the grounds that Trump was an illegitimate president due to alleged Russian interference in the election, according to the sources. It is not known whether Clapper ever actually convened a meeting with a Supreme Court justice to discuss the Russia case, or whether he simply discussed the idea of doing so. By the time Trump entered office on January 20, the Russia narrative was already underway."

These people need to be in prison!
Did the FBI and DOJ try to rig the election for HIllary, then change gears when she lost?
ROSEMARY CHURCH: (music/sfx) President Trump’s former personal attorney is about to deliver a political bombshell.

ROSANNA SCOTTO: (music) …bombshell allegations…

PHILLIP MENA: …a bombshell!

NANCY CORDES: …drop a bombshell.

DAVE BRIGGS: …bombshell…

JOHN AVLON: … the really bombshell revelation…

YASMIN VOSSOUGHIAN: …bombshell allegations…

AYMAN MOHYELDIN: …bombshell details…

DON LEMON: … what could be the biggest bombshell of them all.

NANCY PELOSI: (whispering) We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign — indeed, the Trump family — eagerly intending to collude.

DICK BLUMENTHAL: (rotunda noise) …colluding with the leader of a hostile power.

ADAM SCHIFF: (rotunda noise) I could certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion.

ERIC SWALWELL: …collusion…

JERRY NADLER: …collusion…

BETO O’ROURKE: …collusion…

MAXINE WATERS: There was collusion! If they just do their work and do their job they will find out it was collusion.

JIM SCIUTTO: …the golden shower allegation.

ERIN BURNETT: …Moscow prostitutes urinating…

DON LEMON: He brought up what he called, “the golden showers thing.”

CHRIS CILLIZZA: …the golden showers….

CHRISTINE ROMANS: These golden shower allegations…

ALEX MARQUARDT: The golden shower allegation…

JEFFREY TOOBIN: This golden showers claim…

NATASHA BERTRAND: …allegations that he had prostitutes pee on a bed.

RANDI KAYE: …Russians had a so-called “pee tape” of prostitutes, the golden showers thing.

JIM SCIUTTO: (music) Are the walls closing in?

BOB MENENDEZ: (rotunda noise) It seems to me that the walls are closing in on the president.

LAURENCE TRIBE: He feels the walls closing in!

DON LEMON: The walls are closing in.

MATT VISER: The walls sort of closing in.

MARA GAY: The walls are closing in.

NICOLLE WALLACE: It feels like the walls are closing in.

STEVE SCHMIDT: He sees the walls closing in.

DAVID AXELROD: Those walls are closing in on him.

DICK BLUMENTHAL: The walls are closing in on Donald Trump and his inner circle.

NEERA TANDEN: This is a scandal of 15 on a 1-to-10 level.

JOHN DEAN: This is a level that Richard Nixon never went to.

JEFFREY TOOBIN: …worse than what Nixon did during Watergate.

CARL BERNSTEIN: Today, I read the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon, and everybody should go read Article 2 of it and how similar it is to what we’ve seen Trump do here.

DICK BLUMENTHAL: It is a break-the-glass moment.

WOLF BLITZER: …a slow-motion Saturday Night Massacre.

SHEPARD SMITH: …a break-the-glass moment.

CARL BERNSTEIN: …a slow-motion Saturday Night (crosstalk) Massacre.

HEIDI PRZYBYLA: …a break-the-glass option.

JAMES CLAPPER: …slow-motion Saturday Night Massacre.

BRIAN WILLIAMS: A break-glass scenario in case there’s a Nixon-era Saturday Night Massacre.

JAKE TAPPER: We are all going through a slow-motion, multi-monthed Saturday Night Massacre.

RACHEL MADDOW: Protests across the country! More than 900 are planned. Question as to whether or not this was the break-glass moment.

ERIN BURNETT: (sfx) …tonight, the push to impeach.

DAVID CICILLINE: …obstruction of justice.

PAUL BEGALA: Boy, this looks like obstruction.

WOLF BLITZER: …the level of obstruction of justice?

APRIL RYAN: There’s a constitutional crisis.

BROOKE BALDWIN: (background noise) … this could potentially be an impeachable offense.

MARK MAZZETTI: …which could lead to impeachment.

TOM STEYER: The Constitution gives us one solution, which is to impeach.

JACK QUINN: This is an impeachable offense.

ARTHEL NEVILLE: Will Democrats look to impeach the president?

CHUCK TODD: Let’s go to this issue of impeachment.

LARRY O’DONNELL: Donald Trump will be, must be impeached.

CARL BERNSTEIN: They are the kind of offenses, uhhh, that would call for impeachment.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: …may be grounds for impeachment.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: …the prospect of impeachment.

TOM LLAMAS: The drumbeats from Democrats for possible impeachment get louder.

KIMBERLY ATKINS: If House members find impeachable offenses, it is not just the right thing to do. It’s their duty.

JOHN DEAN: The House is going to have little choice other than to start impeachment proceedings.

Idiots, every single one of them.
They haven't moved this to the basement yet?

Right. You deal in facts, like Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary.

No speculation, like Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary!
They haven't moved this to the basement yet?

Right. You deal in facts, like Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary.

No speculation, like Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary!

According to Trump's hand-picked lapdog err I mean watchdog...

We'll see what develops going forward.

We will, won’t we?

Let’s hope it’s not 2more years of liberal lies.
They haven't moved this to the basement yet?

Right. You deal in facts, like Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary.

No speculation, like Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary!

According to Trump's hand-picked lapdog err I mean watchdog...

We'll see what develops going forward.

We will, won’t we?

Let’s hope it’s not 2more years of liberal lies.

The multiple investigations into El Blabo are ongoing.

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