How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Arnold Ahlert

A new poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reveals that public perceptions about race relations in America have taken a devastating hit since the election of Barack Obama. At the beginning of the president’s first term, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks had a positive view of American race relations. Those numbers have plummeted to 52 percent and 38 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, 45 percent of whites now consider race relations fairly or very bad, compared with 20 percent in 2009, and the negative views held by black Americans has jumped from 30 percent to 58 percent. Thus, the idea that the election of Barack Obama would usher in a golden age of so-called post-racial relations has exploded. And the president and his administration bear the lion’s share of the responsibility for lighting the fuse.


Read more:
How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America | FrontPage Magazine

Of course even the revelations coming from NBC, somehow will be denied by the Progressive Left.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault
What a load of crap. Racism has existed in the United States since we were colonies of England. We had to pass a Civil Rights Act to try and put an end to institutional racism, but that bill had no effect on generational racists. It is they who have created this new wave of hate and fear.
What a load of crap. Racism has existed in the United States since we were colonies of England. We had to pass a Civil Rights Act to try and put an end to institutional racism, but that bill had no effect on generational racists. It is they who have created this new wave of hate and fear.

Obama brought it over on a boat from England and spread it all over himself. Don't be so ignorant of history
By Arnold Ahlert

A new poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reveals that public perceptions about race relations in America have taken a devastating hit since the election of Barack Obama. At the beginning of the president’s first term, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks had a positive view of American race relations. Those numbers have plummeted to 52 percent and 38 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, 45 percent of whites now consider race relations fairly or very bad, compared with 20 percent in 2009, and the negative views held by black Americans has jumped from 30 percent to 58 percent. Thus, the idea that the election of Barack Obama would usher in a golden age of so-called post-racial relations has exploded. And the president and his administration bear the lion’s share of the responsibility for lighting the fuse.


Read more:
How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America | FrontPage Magazine

Of course even the revelations coming from NBC, somehow will be denied by the Progressive Left.

Yes, the racists have really come to the fore with Obama in office. Just look at how nakedly they spew their shit right here on this forum nowadays. You can't go a day without this board being spammed with at least two or three confirmation bias topics about gays, blacks, the poor, immigrants, or Muslims behaving badly.

And let's not forget the whole birther thing, and Obama being a Muslim, which plainly implies that being Muslim is a bad thing.

Yeah. The racists/bigots have really torn their masks off. It drives them crazy there's a darkie in the White House. It would be nice if we could argue about what is actually wrong with his policies, and offer better solutions, but noooooooooo...! Let's make fun of his negress's big ass instead!

So more black people don't feel as positive as they did when he was elected. Gee, there's a shocker. His election probably made them feel race relations had turned a corner, but then the asshole bigots came running out with their hair on fire, and they get prominently featured on right wing talk shows and convention panels.

I'd be a little worried about that, too, if I were black.
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The democrooks are deeply invested in racial hatred and division. In order to keep their poor blacks in line, they have to convince them that whites hate them, and only democrooks will protect them. They have to keep them impoverished and ignorant, so they continue to maintain the chaos and violence in the ghettoes. That's how they justify "gun control".

If there ever comes a day when poor black people collectively realize the democrook party has been buying their votes with pawltry sums of money, thus robbing them of their motivation, and any potential for success and the pride and independence of that success, we'll see a new renisance in black american culture. Until that day they're slaves, it's just that their only labor is in the voting booth.
IMHO, I would say that if you asked people if skin color made a difference in how you view them, more blacks would say yes, proportionally, than whites.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

Yeah, I wonder how they'll feel about Hillary? Oops, wasn't she white?

Hypocrites. Since Liberals didn't get their Hope and Change, it's Bush's fault.


I wonder how they would feel about Dr. Who? Oops, wasn't he a time lord?

What that has to do with anything is anyones guess
It's funny though.

Liberals champion racial equality, but shame white people for being white. When they have the black man surely under their heel, they go after the white man. It's funny to watch this colossal double standard unfold.
Blaming Obama for poisoning race relations is like a Klansman standing on a negro's front lawn with a burning cross blaming the negro for all the hate in the air.

The faux right is so disconnected from reality it is not even funny any more.
It's funny though.

Liberals champion racial equality, but shame white people for being white. When they have the black man surely under their heel, they go after the white man. It's funny to watch this colossal double standard unfold.

You are seriously deluded. But we all already knew that.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

Yeah, I wonder how they'll feel about Hillary? Oops, wasn't she white?

Hypocrites. Since Liberals didn't get their Hope and Change, it's Bush's fault.


LOL? You're not very bright and seem to believe otherwise - now that's funny!
It's funny though.

Liberals champion racial equality, but shame white people for being white. When they have the black man surely under their heel, they go after the white man. It's funny to watch this colossal double standard unfold.

You are seriously deluded. But we all already knew that.

You are seriously without a rebuttal. But we already knew that.
Obama is black and he spoke about and to blacks. White people hate when they are left out. And since white people don't like it, it's Obamas fault

Yeah, I wonder how they'll feel about Hillary? Oops, wasn't she white?

Hypocrites. Since Liberals didn't get their Hope and Change, it's Bush's fault.


LOL? You're not very bright and seem to believe otherwise - now that's funny!

Yes, yes, we all know you're with stupid. Move along now.
Yes, the racists have really come to the fore with Obama in office.

Yeah that tends to happen when everybody that even considers disagreeing with a Presidents viewpoints gets labelled as a racist, apparently self fulfilling notions are still self fulfilling. :rolleyes:

Call in the cavalry! we're surrounded by racists and they're multiplying like rabbits on Viagra!

Silly me all this time I thought the GOP seeing terrorists hiding under every rock and behind every tree was about as ridiculous as things could possibly get.

It was clear that race relations in America were rapidly deteriorating, and that recent NBC poll just reinforced the obvious.

Hopefully someday soon a person or group will come along and successfully challenge both "ends" of the issue to face their own faults and to fix them -- but it will require someone who is brave, not worried about how "it will look", not worried about annoying a key constituency, and willing to do what it takes, strong enough to hold a mirror to the face of both ends.

Obviously Obama is not that guy. Oh well. All we can do now is keep hoping.

It's funny though.

Liberals champion racial equality, but shame white people for being white. When they have the black man surely under their heel, they go after the white man. It's funny to watch this colossal double standard unfold.

No one can make you feel shame except yourself. It's called "SELF esteem".
Yes, the racists have really come to the fore with Obama in office.

Yeah that tends to happen when everybody that even considers disagreeing with a Presidents viewpoints gets labelled as a racist, apparently self fulfilling notions are still self fulfilling. :rolleyes:

Call in the cavalry! we're surrounded by racists and they're multiplying like rabbits on Viagra!

Silly me all this time I thought the GOP seeing terrorists hiding under every rock and behind every tree was about as ridiculous as things could possibly get.

What viewpoint were they disagreeing with when before Obama became president cons said he was being sworn in on the Koran? Was that economical or foreign policy?

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