How occupy DC dealt with a table filled with job applications

There were no jobs. I'd like to see the unedited tape. Pretty sure there are probably people saying that exact thing.
There were no jobs. I'd like to see the unedited tape. Pretty sure there are probably people saying that exact thing.



You gotta fill one out to QUALIFY to get the job: How the fuck do you know "There were no jobs?"
Oh cool..a gotcha video.

They even offered Solyndra..

And what is wrong with a gotcha video?
You saw what happened...they talked to 36 people who had no job..and only two actually took an application.

We saw edited versions of conversations cherry picked to represent the initial viewpoint of the video maker.

They were trying to make people look bad. Only rubes fall for this horse hockey.
Oh cool..a gotcha video.

They even offered Solyndra..

And what is wrong with a gotcha video?
You saw what happened...they talked to 36 people who had no job..and only two actually took an application.

We saw edited versions of conversations cherry picked to represent the initial viewpoint of the video maker.

They were trying to make people look bad. Only rubes fall for this horse hockey.

You mean they edited out the crowd that surrounded the table, grabbed up all the applications, and began filling them out?

stupid...getting a job a subway and going on with business as usual solves nothing
this video pretends the issue is as simple as low level jobs
Sure it is.
For the unskilled.
In one of the videos, someone said "there are a lot of educated people here"..
IMO, those people should be shamed. They have the intelligence and resources to find jobs or become entrepreneurs. However, these so called educated people find it is easier to gather around hold signs and proceed to bitch and moan about nothing.
stupid...getting a job a subway and going on with business as usual solves nothing
this video pretends the issue is as simple as low level jobs

Thats where you start. If you are smart and a hard worker you get promoted up into the mid-level and even high level jobs.

Look to Herman Cain's life for an example of someone from a poor family where one parent worked 3 jobs while the other worked 1 part time just to get by who jumped in at a low level and rose to the top.
stupid...getting a job a subway and going on with business as usual solves nothing
this video pretends the issue is as simple as low level jobs

........and the alternative is........?

Why is it that a family of 8 Mexicans will crawl across a desert to live in East LA to open a taco stand, and these people cannot work at subway?
I'd like to see those guys go down to Atlanta with their table full of job applications.

New America Media, News Report, Kalin Thomas, Posted: Apr 22, 2011
DECATUR GA. - – Thousands of area residents converged on McDonald's restaurants across metro Atlanta on Tuesday, hoping to land something some of them hadn't seen in more than three years: A job.

The fast-food chain announced last week that it would hire 50,000 people around the U.S. – at least 1,000 in metro Atlanta – and job-seekers lined up at McDonald's Atlanta-area restaurants to vie for an opportunity
Maybe they will.
DAYUM there are a ton of jobs on there!

Pick one and work your way up at it people!


Yeah...but I bet many require you shave, shower, and even wear shoes.:evil:

Oh and prove yourself for a year or three at the same job before you can make over 50k/year at it ;)

Shit, I wish they had OWS back in 1985 when I graduated with a BS Chem E and had to take a job teaching High School.:evil:

I would have much preferred camping out, peeing in bushes, and making smores with disgruntled commie chicks.:(
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stupid...getting a job a subway and going on with business as usual solves nothing
this video pretends the issue is as simple as low level jobs

........and the alternative is........?

Why is it that a family of 8 Mexicans will crawl across a desert to live in East LA to open a taco stand, and these people cannot work at subway?

the availability of jobs at subway is not the issue...

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