How often have we heard especially the liberals, progressives, Democrats say "follow the science"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Biden pledged to ‘follow the science.’ But experts say he’s sometimes fallen short

As the leader of the Democrats and other leaders have said follow the science.

So let's follow the science of statistics...especially in the USA.
What age group has the lowest Covid deaths?
From the CDC...
Total deaths under age 18: 897 deaths or 0.00121% of the 74 million kids under 18.
Total deaths over age 85: 181,705 deaths or 2.8% of the 8.5 million...
So if you follow the science schools didn't have to be closed but Covid treated as any other flu i.e. no issue... follow the science!
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Yeah, schools have kids as teachers and janitors along with the cafeteria staff don't they?

There is almost a perfect inverse relationship between a person's propensity to repeat the mantra "follow the science" and their actual background therein.

It has become little more than a catch phrase sheeple use to identify themselves. It was taught to them by their masters and they repeat it to show their obedience
science is an never ending attempt to explain the world we live in and sometimes it is wrong which means it has to be updated..
Biden pledged to ‘follow the science.’ But experts say he’s sometimes fallen short

As the leader of the Democrats and other leaders have said follow the science.

So let's follow the science of statistics...especially in the USA.
What age group has the lowest Covid deaths?
From the CDC...
Total deaths under age 18: 897 deaths or 0.00121% of the 74 million kids under 18.
Total deaths over age 85: 181,705 deaths or 2.8% of the 8.5 million...
So if you follow the science schools didn't have to be closed but Covid treated as any other flu i.e. no issue... follow the science!
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How many of those kids under 18 live alone?
Yeah, schools have kids as teachers and janitors along with the cafeteria staff don't they?

And if they are the average classroom teacher's age of 44 and according to the CDC "follow the science"
23,645 deaths of 40-49 out of 20.3 million or 0.12%
Now if the teachers want to wear be it! After all the science says if you are vaccinated your chances
of dying from Covid are even lower! So they can be vaccinated and wear masks if they WISH but not mandated!
By the way where are YOUR facts? YOUR science ?

How often have we heard especially the liberals, progressives, Democrats say "follow the science"...​

That is just a take from their "settled science" of climate change. It is a co-opted way of saying the matter is settled and not even up for debate like all they believe.

The past year and the Left's "science" with Covid-19 has been about the LEAST scientific thing I've seen in my life, no doubt why millions refuse to take the vaccine.
The left is all talk. They have the brains of parrots, only with fetal alcohol syndrome & the like
Science is already there. A lot of people do worship it but its just part of the creation ie planets, stars, solar systems etc.
Yeah, schools have kids as teachers and janitors along with the cafeteria staff don't they?

And they should be wearing masks but don't close schools, force kids to wear masks! You and the government and the MSM aren't following the SCIENCE!
The most risky Americans are those regardless of age that are:
1) Obese...2) Diabetic...3) have pulmonary problems...4) heart problems.
CALLED for you ignorant people "COMORBIDITY"! And you don't seem to comprehend the SCIENCE of
COMORBIDITY! Science says these are the most at risk. And those problems become severe as you age... but the majority of children DON"T have any of those problems! Follow the science!

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