How Old Do You The Earth Is?

Oh, please. You should know very well I meant no links were given in my post.

But here's the interesting thing....such groupings MUST occur if evolution is true, but are entirely unnecessary if all "kinds" were created separately.

That does not compute.

Man has an urge to classify things, even buildings, which clearly are not the result of evolution.
What nonsense.

There is a predictable range of genetic variation in a species, as well as an expected rate of random mutations.

Fundies admit that a "kind" (an ambiguous, non-scientific term) can change into different species but stop there.

I feel genuinely sad for you. You have bought into fundamentalist Christian apologetics, a not-so intricately woven pattern of lies and deception-- a false collection of easily refuted non-science. It's apparent you have not been exposed to a robust science program, having been denied the chance to learn about evolution in school, and have never formed a proper understanding of it.

I find it sad that your sort are so eager to vigorously attack what you do not understand, nor could possibly explain. It seems to me like cavemen throwing rocks at the moon.

I would suggest that you, or any creationist, should become fully versed in evolutionary theory before you attack it. I have yet to encounter this in a creationist. You should be able to explain how the process works.

Common sense says that you cannot criticize what you cannot explain.
You were wrong. Not only in your original post but you kept repeating the error through multiple posts even after it had been pointed out where you went wrong. You "mocked" him for not accounting for extrateristrial sources of water which he had very plainly done. Did you not go back and read the OP after the original post informed you of this? Sheesh, somebody that's wrong as often as you should take a lot more care in reading posts and become a lot more inured to apologizing when neccessary.

In the 1970's Hawking was apparently wrong in his description of some Black Hole properties. By your logic "I was right because he is wrong"
I guess my Black Hole theory is correct and I should notify the Nobel Committee?
I mocked him because he was wrong. When some other idiot tried to defend him by pointing out that he mentioned asteroids, which, by definition, never come into contact with the Earth, or its atmosphere, I proceeded to explain to that poster why he was wrong to defend the idiot.

He was wrong, and your claim that the mere mention of asteroids, which in no way contribute to the water supply of this planet, somehow proves he was right, and even bringing up Hawking, is ridiculous.

Quantum Windbag.....

What a great handle, you just never stop blowing. "asteroids, which, by definition, never come into contact with the Earth".
Better share your infinite wisdom with Wikipedia which claims;

"An impact event is a collision between celestial objects causing measurable effects. Impact events have physical consequences and have been found to regularly occur in planetary systems, though the most frequent involve asteroids, comets or meteoroids and have minimal impact.
Asteroids with a 1 km (0.62 mi) diameter strike Earth every 500,000 years on average.[4] Large collisions – with 5 km (3 mi) objects – happen approximately once every twenty million years.[5] The last known impact of an object of 10 km (6 mi) or more in diameter was at the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago."[6]

Or with the editors at the Independent who were warning of a possible life-ending collision event with asteroid 1950DA. LINK

You should just tip-toe out of this one or man-up and apologize.

So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
This is the type of drivel one expects from those who vilify what they don't understand.
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
This is the type of drivel one expects from those who vilify what they don't understand.
you've never actually thought this through, have believe your great great great, etc. grandaddy was a virus....
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
This is the type of drivel one expects from those who vilify what they don't understand.
you've never actually thought this through, have believe your great great great, etc. grandaddy was a virus....
I'm afraid this type of comment is yet again another demonstration of your total lack of exposure to any science curriculum.
sorry....if you haven't thought through the obvious ramifications of your beliefs, its not my fault......
That was typically pointless.

You are being too generous when you pretend religious belief is to be accepted without question. The rational world concerns itself with knowledge. Almost nothing in religion qualifies as anything beyond mere belief. This is what additionally makes your fundie beliefs so ironic.
sorry....if you haven't thought through the obvious ramifications of your beliefs, its not my fault......
That was typically pointless.

You are being too generous when you pretend religious belief is to be accepted without question. The rational world concerns itself with knowledge. Almost nothing in religion qualifies as anything beyond mere belief. This is what additionally makes your fundie beliefs so ironic.
????....I don't expect you to believe what I believe, with or without are free to believe whatever you want to believe.....just stop pretending science has proven what you believe to be true.....
sorry....if you haven't thought through the obvious ramifications of your beliefs, its not my fault......
That was typically pointless.

You are being too generous when you pretend religious belief is to be accepted without question. The rational world concerns itself with knowledge. Almost nothing in religion qualifies as anything beyond mere belief. This is what additionally makes your fundie beliefs so ironic.
????....I don't expect you to believe what I believe, with or without are free to believe whatever you want to believe.....just stop pretending science has proven what you believe to be true.....
Pointless ^2.

It’s remarkable that you stutter and mumble about “beliefs" when you can't differentiate between the methods of science and the dogma of religion.

Science formally recognizes the tentative nature of all human knowledge, and provides a method for incrementally approaching “absolute” truth without the arrogance of assuming it is ever actually achieved.

Unfortunately, like you fundies who are loathe to accepting science in deference to religious dogma, you don’t understand that we define terms for the purpose of eliminating ambiguity in communication, and it requires no demonstrating of the validity of science vs. the hopelessness of religious dogma to do so, merely agreement on the meaning of the terms.

Within science, the distinction between "fact" and "theory" is completely unambiguous. There is no debate on the meaning of these words, and there is no debate on the relationship between the phenomena they represent. Therefore, pointless slogans such as “just stop pretending science has proven what you believe to be true...” must perforce be either demonstrations of scientific ignorance or deliberate equivocation. Either way, they do not reflect well on the fundie zealot using the slogan.
lol....this from someone who thinks man made green house gases caused global warming 150k years ago....
My goodness, but your delusions have gotten progressively more bizarre.

Honestly, you really should retreat from making such absurd claims. You are wholly ignorant regarding the biological sciences. I would ask that you limit you comments to supernatural inventions.
There are no links at all
Oh, please. You should know very well I meant no links were given in my post.

But here's the interesting thing....such groupings MUST occur if evolution is true, but are entirely unnecessary if all "kinds" were created separately. a response to a post speaking of missing links?.....bullshit....
The post I responded to was not about missing links. It questioned whether man evolved from apes. There was no mention of missing links. I pointed out that humans are apes.

There's an irony when you say something untrue when trying to call me a liar.
There are no links at all
Oh, please. You should know very well I meant no links were given in my post.

But here's the interesting thing....such groupings MUST occur if evolution is true, but are entirely unnecessary if all "kinds" were created separately. a response to a post speaking of missing links?.....bullshit....
The post I responded to was not about missing links. It questioned whether man evolved from apes. There was no mention of missing links. I pointed out that humans are apes.

There's an irony when you say something untrue when trying to call me a liar.

????.....this is the post you were responding to.....
You left out all the Missing Links.
I love armchair scientists who think they have it figured out.

True scientists know there are very
lol....this from someone who thinks man made green house gases caused global warming 150k years ago....
My goodness, but your delusions have gotten progressively more bizarre.

Honestly, you really should retreat from making such absurd claims. You are wholly ignorant regarding the biological sciences. I would ask that you limit you comments to supernatural inventions.
Is this your way of denying that you think manmade green house gases caused global warming?

I note that you didn't actually deny saying just launch into a rant about how stupid he is. Care to address the accusation directly?
I love armchair scientists who think they have it figured out.

True scientists know there are very
lol....this from someone who thinks man made green house gases caused global warming 150k years ago....
My goodness, but your delusions have gotten progressively more bizarre.

Honestly, you really should retreat from making such absurd claims. You are wholly ignorant regarding the biological sciences. I would ask that you limit you comments to supernatural inventions.
Is this your way of denying that you think manmade green house gases caused global warming?

I note that you didn't actually deny saying just launch into a rant about how stupid he is. Care to address the accusation directly?
Why don't you discuss that with the other extremist and get back to us.
The only extremists I see here are the hysterical anti-Christian zealots. Are you going to answer the question? Didn't you spam this thread with repetetive, trolling comments..of the sort that you are accusing someone else of making?

Why do you hysterics do that? Accuse other people of the things that you're doing AT THE TIME YOU ACCUSE OTHERS of doing it? Do you think nobody will notice?

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