How Old Do You The Earth Is?

So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Seriously though, nobody would ever claim that we have a common ancestor with a tree... except you. It's called a strawman argument and makes you look like you have no clue what evolution proposes. So PLEASE, get a clue. :D
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Seriously though, nobody would ever claim that we have a common ancestor with a tree... except you. It's called a strawman argument and makes you look like you have no clue what evolution proposes. So PLEASE, get a clue. :D
so you believe that all life stems from a variety of different 'original sources' occurring at different times?......doesn't that contradict one of the strongest claims for macro-evolution?.....that all life shares DNA?.....
Seriously though, nobody would ever claim that we have a common ancestor with a tree... except you. It's called a strawman argument and makes you look like you have no clue what evolution proposes. So PLEASE, get a clue. :D
so you believe that all life stems from a variety of different 'original sources' occurring at different times?......doesn't that contradict one of the strongest claims for macro-evolution?.....that all life shares DNA?.....
Sorry, read up on it, your ignorance is no longer a concern of mine. I tried. Good luck.
You don't make sense, dear. I don't speak ebonics.
I can interpret for you, she said "My grandad's a sequoia!".......
And you're still confused as to why people criticize you YEC'ists.
and you're still confused as to why people criticize you AGW'ers?
Not confused at all.

You're just uncomfortable with being unable to defend your YEC'ist views with any reasonable, supportable argument. I find it laughable that those who mindlessly accepted the religious dogma that was pressed upon them as children should dismiss Hinduism and its idol-worshipping as false and unsupported while at the same time being wholly unable to provide the slightest evidence that their religion and its various customs are in any way garnered greater authority.

It's like watching little clones roll off an assembly line.
Oh, please. You should know very well I meant no links were given in my post.

But here's the interesting thing....such groupings MUST occur if evolution is true, but are entirely unnecessary if all "kinds" were created separately.

That does not compute.

Man has an urge to classify things, even buildings, which clearly are not the result of evolution.
What nonsense.

There is a predictable range of genetic variation in a species, as well as an expected rate of random mutations.

Fundies admit that a "kind" (an ambiguous, non-scientific term) can change into different species but stop there.

I feel genuinely sad for you. You have bought into fundamentalist Christian apologetics, a not-so intricately woven pattern of lies and deception-- a false collection of easily refuted non-science. It's apparent you have not been exposed to a robust science program, having been denied the chance to learn about evolution in school, and have never formed a proper understanding of it.

I find it sad that your sort are so eager to vigorously attack what you do not understand, nor could possibly explain. It seems to me like cavemen throwing rocks at the moon.

I would suggest that you, or any creationist, should become fully versed in evolutionary theory before you attack it. I have yet to encounter this in a creationist. You should be able to explain how the process works.

Common sense says that you cannot criticize what you cannot explain

This is exactly why I continue to read the Bible and other religious texts. Because I find intellectually irresponsible to enter into a debate with someone about their religion and its holy book without being highly familiar with it.
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....

Um as a matter of fact, yes we do share at least some common ancestry with pine trees. As well as every other living thing on this planet. Personally I don't see why people like you find that notion ridiculous. I find it wondrous but it doesn't matter how I feel about it because there is evidence for it.
Why are people trying to change the subject?

How old do you think the Earth is? That is the question.

To be honest, I am not exactly sure, but the best sources suggest between 4 and 5 billion years old.
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?
Answers religious people give reminds me of an episode of Family Guy when Stewies on some Bill Cosby show and he asks Stewie "How old's your Daddy?" Stewie answers in a patronizingly cute, "He's really old. He's 40." or something like that :)
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....

Um as a matter of fact, yes we do share at least some common ancestry with pine trees. As well as every other living thing on this planet. Personally I don't see why people like you find that notion ridiculous. I find it wondrous but it doesn't matter how I feel about it because there is evidence for it.
the claim there is evidence for it is why I find it ridiculous......
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

why WOULDN'T an intelligent designer continue to use DNA in all his creation....DNA works.......a better question would be, how would something as efficient as DNA simply evolve randomly.....
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

why WOULDN'T an intelligent designer continue to use DNA in all his creation....DNA works.......a better question would be, how would something as efficient as DNA simply evolve randomly.....
Prove that it can't or :anj_stfu:
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

why WOULDN'T an intelligent designer continue to use DNA in all his creation....DNA works.......a better question would be, how would something as efficient as DNA simply evolve randomly.....
Prove that it can't or :anj_stfu: single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism.....thus, the first creature to randomly develop DNA (if it even existed) never passed it on to anyone......
lol....this from someone who thinks man made green house gases caused global warming 150k years ago....

Haha, what are you even talking about. It's fun watching Hollie back you into a corner to the point where you just blurt out whatever random defense you can come up with.
????....when have I ever been in a corner?......
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

why WOULDN'T an intelligent designer continue to use DNA in all his creation....DNA works.......a better question would be, how would something as efficient as DNA simply evolve randomly.....
Prove that it can't or :anj_stfu: single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism.....thus, the first creature to randomly develop DNA (if it even existed) never passed it on to anyone......
You really have a lot of problems with this don't you? It shows that you have enormous doubt in your position. Ok, so so what if the bible is wrong? When the earth was proven not to be flat, the church changed its mind. Oh, and btw, I said :anj_stfu:
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....

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