How Old Do You The Earth Is?

third......some claim that the first single celled organism with DNA evolved randomly from organic chemicals........however organic chemicals exist everywhere and for the last million years, no new single celled organisms have come to life anywhere, either based on DNA or some new is that for observable scientific data?.......
lol....this from someone who thinks man made green house gases caused global warming 150k years ago....

Haha, what are you even talking about. It's fun watching Hollie back you into a corner to the point where you just blurt out whatever random defense you can come up with.
????....when have I ever been in a corner?......
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

why WOULDN'T an intelligent designer continue to use DNA in all his creation....DNA works.......a better question would be, how would something as efficient as DNA simply evolve randomly.....
Prove that it can't or :anj_stfu: single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism.....thus, the first creature to randomly develop DNA (if it even existed) never passed it on to anyone......
You really have a lot of problems with this don't you? It shows that you have enormous doubt in your position.
actually, doesn't it show I have doubts about YOUR position?.......

Oh, and btw, I said :anj_stfu:
actually, you gave me said prove it OR :anj_stfu:
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
I'm sorry Billy.....I realize that discussion has been challenging to you but the human reproductive system is not an example of'll just have to deal with that fact.....the zygote is not a different species.....
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
I'm sorry Billy.....I realize that discussion has been challenging to you but the human reproductive system is not an example of'll just have to deal with that fact.....the zygote is not a different species.....
I said "start" there, now keep going.... :D
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....

Um as a matter of fact, yes we do share at least some common ancestry with pine trees. As well as every other living thing on this planet. Personally I don't see why people like you find that notion ridiculous. I find it wondrous but it doesn't matter how I feel about it because there is evidence for it.
the claim there is evidence for it is why I find it ridiculous......
Of course you find it ridiculous, it's a direct challenge to your fundamentalist beliefs.
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....

Um as a matter of fact, yes we do share at least some common ancestry with pine trees. As well as every other living thing on this planet. Personally I don't see why people like you find that notion ridiculous. I find it wondrous but it doesn't matter how I feel about it because there is evidence for it.
the claim there is evidence for it is why I find it ridiculous......
As usual, you announce your appalling lack of a science vocabulary.

Genetic variation might be random, but the natural selection that acts on that variation is not. Adaptation is non-random, as it is the result of objective criteria for fitness.

Everything comes from something... a tree comes from a nut, a chicken comes from an egg, the universe came from the matter that was formed before the big bang, where did that matter come from? Obviously, this is a question that science endeavors to answer.

It's a question that terrifies fundamentalists because it's a direct challenge their creation myths. Even assuming that the evolutionary mechanism itself was designed by a formidable union of gawds, how do the fundies explain the sloppy, inefficient "designs" of their gawds. Why is it not perfect, i.e it must inevitably be as flawed and amateurish as the Gawds wanted it to be without the need for further intervention, and any 'chance' factors that might be involved. The gawds would have had perfect knowledge of their incompetent "design "

If the mechanism itself is perfect, no subsequent tinkering in the form of 'intelligent design' would be necessary. Any occurance of that must demonstrate that the original design was not perfect, i.e that the gawds did not create it.
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

why WOULDN'T an intelligent designer continue to use DNA in all his creation....DNA works.......a better question would be, how would something as efficient as DNA simply evolve randomly.....
Prove that it can't or :anj_stfu: single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism.....thus, the first creature to randomly develop DNA (if it even existed) never passed it on to anyone......
It's a false claim that "no single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism".

Lies and falsehoods intended to protect your extremist beliefs are not going to protect your bankrupt arguments.
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
Of course, the issue you cannot reconcile is that evolutionary processes act on biological organisms over periods of billions of years, not less than 6,000 years.
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
I'm sorry Billy.....I realize that discussion has been challenging to you but the human reproductive system is not an example of'll just have to deal with that fact.....the zygote is not a different species.....
I said "start" there, now keep going.... :D
no where to go....
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
I'm sorry Billy.....I realize that discussion has been challenging to you but the human reproductive system is not an example of'll just have to deal with that fact.....the zygote is not a different species.....
I said "start" there, now keep going.... :D
no where to go....
So how does it go in your world again? A magical invisible being poofed everything into existence fully formed? Brah, you need to get a grip on things. :D
. Ok, so so what if the bible is wrong?

/shrugs......prove that it is or :anj_stfu:
So the theory of evolution does not claim that man evolved from an ape like creature?

Given the similarity of humans to apes, the idea of a common ancestor is pretty logical. Hard to deny.
Except that man also shares about90 percent of his dna with pigs and mice did we evolve from a mouse like creature too?
if one truly believes in macro-evolution we have a common ancestor with pine trees.....
Ok, now I'm BEGGING YOU, read up on evolution, PUUULLLLEEEAAASSSEEEEE!
????....are you another who has never considered the ramifications of what you claim to believe?....
Actually, it's you, who should consider the ramifications of the religion you were indoctrinated with.

Our sentience has allowed us to explore. As you move further away from humans, you find corollaries of human behavior that reside in us still, that have proven successful evolutionarily throughout time, and are maintained, and you also see hints of where our sentience comes from.

That's why we see a degree of self-awareness in chimpanzees but not at all in ants -- yet hierarchal structuring of both societies have similarities. Are there offshoots? Yes, nature is not perfect, and never has it been claimed it is, and what do we see? An imperfect nature, with a lot of starts and stops, successes and failures.

We have evolved a sense of survival, it is evident in almost every animal, and the methods to which we go to survive get more complex as -- surprise! -- the higher towards sentience you go. At the same time, we also see vestiges of self-sacrifice for the greater good, just like a lowly bee will sting an invader and die, for the greater good of the hive.

Also, why would gawds create mankind out of dust, give him sentience, a special place in the universe, and then give animals such similar abilities-just at a lower "wattage"?

Yet more confusion, making it seem as though we evolved our characteristics from animals similar to us, who share 99.9% of our DNA, instead of humans being qualitatively different. Why would a gawd do this, particularly when the bible says man will have dominion over all beasts?

What is more likely, that the gawds purposely made these similarities so to confuse and confound us, or the tales and fables were set down within the limited parameters of knowledge of the natural world that existed at the time?

why WOULDN'T an intelligent designer continue to use DNA in all his creation....DNA works.......a better question would be, how would something as efficient as DNA simply evolve randomly.....
Prove that it can't or :anj_stfu: single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism.....thus, the first creature to randomly develop DNA (if it even existed) never passed it on to anyone......
It's a false claim that "no single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism".

Lies and falsehoods intended to protect your extremist beliefs are not going to protect your bankrupt arguments.
/shrugs......prove that it is or :anj_stfu:
Every so often science discovers a previously unknown organism. What they don't answer is whether the organism was always there and just discovered, or whether it evolved. A thousand years isn't nearly enough time for the evolution of anything. However it's not a thousand years, but the millions of years before that too.
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
Of course, the issue you cannot reconcile is that evolutionary processes act on biological organisms over periods of billions of years, not less than 6,000 years.
150,000 year old AGW you say?....
Every so often science discovers a previously unknown organism. What they don't answer is whether the organism was always there and just discovered, or whether it evolved. A thousand years isn't nearly enough time for the evolution of anything. However it's not a thousand years, but the millions of years before that too.
does it have DNA or something new?.....
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
I'm sorry Billy.....I realize that discussion has been challenging to you but the human reproductive system is not an example of'll just have to deal with that fact.....the zygote is not a different species.....
I said "start" there, now keep going.... :D
no where to go....
So how does it go in your world again? A magical invisible being poofed everything into existence fully formed? Brah, you need to get a grip on things. :D
get a grip on life spontaneously crawling out of a mud puddle?.......
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
I'm sorry Billy.....I realize that discussion has been challenging to you but the human reproductive system is not an example of'll just have to deal with that fact.....the zygote is not a different species.....
I said "start" there, now keep going.... :D
no where to go....
Religious extremism is a dead end.

ISIS is looking for those like you on a career path.
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
And if you actually read up on all that shit, you could know as much about it as scientists currently do, then you could stop worrying so much that your bible is nonsense and you could then move on. Hint: start by looking up the word zygote.
I'm sorry Billy.....I realize that discussion has been challenging to you but the human reproductive system is not an example of'll just have to deal with that fact.....the zygote is not a different species.....
I said "start" there, now keep going.... :D
no where to go....
So how does it go in your world again? A magical invisible being poofed everything into existence fully formed? Brah, you need to get a grip on things. :D
get a grip on life spontaneously crawling out of a mud puddle?.......
And once again, you embarrass yourself with a complete lack of understanding regarding biological evolution.

You have made this ignorant comment before. It surfaces when you're angry, frustrated and unable to defend your position.
second.....trillions and trillions of single celled organisms reproduce every day.......yet in the last thousand years, not a single new multicelled creature has evolved.....
Of course, the issue you cannot reconcile is that evolutionary processes act on biological organisms over periods of billions of years, not less than 6,000 years.
150,000 year old AGW you say?....

How sad for you.

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