How Old Do You The Earth Is?

No one ever said Man evolved from Apes?

"If Man evolved from Apes then why do we still have Apes?"

- George Carlin
Humans are apes.
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini (tarsiers, monkeys, apes)
Infraorder: Simiiformes (simians)
Parvorder: Catarrhinni (old world monkeys and apes)
Superfamily: Hominoidea (apes)
Family: Hominidae (great apes)
Subfamily:Homininae (gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans
Genus: Homo
Species: sapiens
Humans are apes.
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini (tarsiers, monkeys, apes)
Infraorder: Simiiformes (simians)
Parvorder: Catarrhinni (old world monkeys and apes)
Superfamily: Hominoidea (apes)
Family: Hominidae (great apes)
Subfamily:Homininae (gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans
Genus: Homo
Species: sapiens
You left out all the Missing Links.
Humans are apes.
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini (tarsiers, monkeys, apes)
Infraorder: Simiiformes (simians)
Parvorder: Catarrhinni (old world monkeys and apes)
Superfamily: Hominoidea (apes)
Family: Hominidae (great apes)
Subfamily:Homininae (gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans
Genus: Homo
Species: sapiens
You left out all the Missing Links.
I'm citing the phylogenetic tree, not lineage. There are no links at all, so there can't be any missing. It's just a grouping.
QW's reading comprehension/grossly inflated ego problems quite often result in him/her nailing him/herself to the wall.


I said that he was wrong, I was right because he is wrong.

You were wrong. Not only in your original post but you kept repeating the error through multiple posts even after it had been pointed out where you went wrong. You "mocked" him for not accounting for extrateristrial sources of water which he had very plainly done. Did you not go back and read the OP after the original post informed you of this? Sheesh, somebody that's wrong as often as you should take a lot more care in reading posts and become a lot more inured to apologizing when neccessary.

In the 1970's Hawking was apparently wrong in his description of some Black Hole properties. By your logic "I was right because he is wrong"
I guess my Black Hole theory is correct and I should notify the Nobel Committee?
Out here in the west we have geographic features like Dry Falls and the Columbia River Gorge that are obviously much older than the age attributed by the Hebrew Creation Myth. It is probably why there are fewer believers in Hebrew Mythology here than in the rest of the country.

I dunno about that. Last time I checked, Texas was considered out west and that place is fully of ignorant Christian right wingers.

I guess that depends on perspective. I think of Texas as "down south"
Out here in the west we have geographic features like Dry Falls and the Columbia River Gorge that are obviously much older than the age attributed by the Hebrew Creation Myth. It is probably why there are fewer believers in Hebrew Mythology here than in the rest of the country.

I dunno about that. Last time I checked, Texas was considered out west and that place is fully of ignorant Christian right wingers.

However, they are rather adept at geography and grammar.

Yes, I think you did. Can you show me a clip of a confirmed atheist saying anything remotely close to "I believe that the Earth is only about 6,000 years old" I doubt that you can.

How would I confirm that someone is an atheist? Why does it have to be a clip?

Well any quote of that person saying they were atheist or saying that they don't think there is a God would be a good start.

And it doesn't have to be a clip in all honesty a written quote would do so long as you could provide a trusted source, like a written interview in a news article or something.

In other words, you won't believe anything I can provide because you get to define what makes it true, just like those religious fundamentalists you hate.
Well in the case of the Christian God of the Bible it is simply that the evidence in the Bible in regards to the age of the Earth as well as many other things proven by science, starkly contradicts billions and billions of years. Obviously both can't be true so you then have to exclude one to accept the other you can't have them both. This isn't to say that billions and billions of years means that there is no God at all it just wouldn't be the one described in Abrahamic religion.

That is an interesting, and misinformed, argument. There is nothing in the Bible that precludes the universe, or the Earth, being billions of years old.

Unless, that is, I missed something. Care to show me what verse, or verses, you base your idiotic conclusion on?
Alright I take issue with both of these statements.

To the first statement: She clearly was referring to the institution of modern science as we know it and not every single discovery made by man.

Except that is not what she said, is it? She said that science is among the youngest of human endeavors. Just because humans did not use the word science does not mean they were not actually using it long before whatever you think modern science is.

When Aristotle postulated atoms he was using science. When the Chinese invented rockets they used science. When the first farmer planted a seed he was using science.

So, whatever you think she meant, she was wrong. Come to think of it, so are you.

To the second: She was again, obviously referring to the religious texts that have been written by man over the centuries claiming to speak for these Gods. So she was saying that there is no written account of any God saying any such thing.

Except she actually said that no god has ever said such a thing, not that no religious text has ever said it. I don't pretend I can read minds, so my only option is to listen, or read, what is actually said.

You clearly have nothing to come back at her with here so you are just picking apart her sentences in any way you can to try and make her argument seem stupid therefore making yours seem superior by default. It's a time honored example of what people like you do when they can't refute an argument on its actual merits and it's rather sad to be honest.

Since she didn't actually make an argument, mocking is all the comeback her words deserve, which is why I mocked.
Out here in the west we have geographic features like Dry Falls and the Columbia River Gorge that are obviously much older than the age attributed by the Hebrew Creation Myth. It is probably why there are fewer believers in Hebrew Mythology here than in the rest of the country.

When did they move Utah?
Out here in the west we have geographic features like Dry Falls and the Columbia River Gorge that are obviously much older than the age attributed by the Hebrew Creation Myth. It is probably why there are fewer believers in Hebrew Mythology here than in the rest of the country.

I dunno about that. Last time I checked, Texas was considered out west and that place is fully of ignorant Christian right wingers.

I guess that depends on perspective. I think of Texas as "down south"

Nah man down south is east of the Mississippi River. Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, the Carolinas and such.
Man must exclude the existence of an all powerful God in order to accept billions and billions of years


Well in the case of the Christian God of the Bible it is simply that the evidence in the Bible in regards to the age of the Earth as well as many other things proven by science, starkly contradicts billions and billions of years. Obviously both can't be true so you then have to exclude one to accept the other you can't have them both. This isn't to say that billions and billions of years means that there is no God at all it just wouldn't be the one described in Abrahamic religion.
Not true, God specifically stated that we can not know his time. And so much for that claim.
Oh, please. You should know very well I meant no links were given in my post.

But here's the interesting thing....such groupings MUST occur if evolution is true, but are entirely unnecessary if all "kinds" were created separately.

That does not compute.

Man has an urge to classify things, even buildings, which clearly are not the result of evolution.
You were wrong. Not only in your original post but you kept repeating the error through multiple posts even after it had been pointed out where you went wrong. You "mocked" him for not accounting for extrateristrial sources of water which he had very plainly done. Did you not go back and read the OP after the original post informed you of this? Sheesh, somebody that's wrong as often as you should take a lot more care in reading posts and become a lot more inured to apologizing when neccessary.

In the 1970's Hawking was apparently wrong in his description of some Black Hole properties. By your logic "I was right because he is wrong"
I guess my Black Hole theory is correct and I should notify the Nobel Committee?
I mocked him because he was wrong. When some other idiot tried to defend him by pointing out that he mentioned asteroids, which, by definition, never come into contact with the Earth, or its atmosphere, I proceeded to explain to that poster why he was wrong to defend the idiot.

He was wrong, and your claim that the mere mention of asteroids, which in no way contribute to the water supply of this planet, somehow proves he was right, and even bringing up Hawking, is ridiculous.
Out here in the west we have geographic features like Dry Falls and the Columbia River Gorge that are obviously much older than the age attributed by the Hebrew Creation Myth. It is probably why there are fewer believers in Hebrew Mythology here than in the rest of the country.

I dunno about that. Last time I checked, Texas was considered out west and that place is fully of ignorant Christian right wingers.

However, they are rather adept at geography and grammar.


In Texas? Have you seen their education system?
Out here in the west we have geographic features like Dry Falls and the Columbia River Gorge that are obviously much older than the age attributed by the Hebrew Creation Myth. It is probably why there are fewer believers in Hebrew Mythology here than in the rest of the country.

I dunno about that. Last time I checked, Texas was considered out west and that place is fully of ignorant Christian right wingers.

However, they are rather adept at geography and grammar.


In Texas? Have you seen their education system?

I am not Texas fully a suburb of San Diego?

None of the gods have said any such thing.

None of them? Have you met every single god in the entire multiverse? If not, how can you make that claim?
Alright I take issue with both of these statements.

To the first statement: She clearly was referring to the institution of modern science as we know it and not every single discovery made by man.

Except that is not what she said, is it? She said that science is among the youngest of human endeavors. Just because humans did not use the word science does not mean they were not actually using it long before whatever you think modern science is.

When Aristotle postulated atoms he was using science. When the Chinese invented rockets they used science. When the first farmer planted a seed he was using science.

So, whatever you think she meant, she was wrong. Come to think of it, so are you.

To the second: She was again, obviously referring to the religious texts that have been written by man over the centuries claiming to speak for these Gods. So she was saying that there is no written account of any God saying any such thing.

Except she actually said that no god has ever said such a thing, not that no religious text has ever said it. I don't pretend I can read minds, so my only option is to listen, or read, what is actually said.

You clearly have nothing to come back at her with here so you are just picking apart her sentences in any way you can to try and make her argument seem stupid therefore making yours seem superior by default. It's a time honored example of what people like you do when they can't refute an argument on its actual merits and it's rather sad to be honest.

Since she didn't actually make an argument, mocking is all the comeback her words deserve, which is why I mocked.
I actually did make an argument. You slithered away from any attempt at refuting the points I made.

Pretty typical behavior.

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