How on earth is this justice? Teen rapes toddler, puts video on line and doesn't do jail time.

What should we do with all of the Libs, throw them under the bus or kick them to the curb?
Now if he had gone into a girl's locker room and done it in front of slightly older girls he would be an lbgtqi hero.

If we allow Hillary Clinton to be elected President—if we allow LIbErals to continue their destructive influence on our society—then we will all live to see the day when pedophiles will be granted the same ersatz “legitimacy” that we now accord to homosexuals, “transgenders”, and similar degenerates. The day is coming, unless we change the direction now in which our culture is headed, where decent people will be condemned as “hateful pedophobic bigots” for expressing any disapproval over who this mute donkey chooses to “love”.
Standard liberal defense of perverts; IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT! SOMEONE MADE THEM DO IT!

And that's only if you can get them to even admit that there's anything wrong with the perversions in question.

Increasingly, those on the left wrong are embracing greater and greater degrees of sexual perversion and depravity, and taking the position that anyone who thinks that there's anything wrong with them are just being “hateful bigots”.

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