How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President

Even Donald Trump should denounce such Russian tactics. However, that is unlikely - since he never said anything about his adviser saying Hillary should be shot by firing squad.

The Ivans can't find their asses with both hands.....they couldn't hack a lemonade stand. :nono:
Still can't read.....huh Dumbfuck New York Jew Boy.

Some pretty tough words there. I bet you've gotten more than one kid on the playground to cry. It's true, isn't it?
Sounds like you're accustomed to being chased around the playground and getting beat up.

I did have a mouth on me. Though I was as good at talking myself out of trouble as I was talking myself into it.

The difference for me was that my playground experiences were decades ago when I was eight. How old are you and you're still making kids cry on the playground?
But "Tonto" is OK.........right Jew Boy?

It makes more sense. Also, half brain, he calls everyone he disagrees with "NaziCon." I'm not even a Con. Bizzare you're taking up his cause. BTW, you forgot that you hate Jews, I don't
What a fucking piece of shit hypocrite you are.
But but Putin called hillary personally to tell her how much he wanted her to win. Trump is too scary for Putin.
So tell me you whiny bitch; How does it justify what was done to bern?

Nothing was done to Sanders, dumbass. God, you people are stupid.

The dnc rigged the system, democracy denied, justice failed.

That's an outright lie on your part, so why should we listen to your further?

But go on. If you're not lying, you can show exactly what was done to Sanders, with the hard data to back it up.

I don't have high-hopes for that, of course. Hillary-haters always run when they get called on their lies.
schultz was forced to resign due to her actions in forcing bernie out.

she's corrupt, the dnc is corrupt, they chose your leader, not the people.

but hey, hillary hired her the moment after

Two corrupt peas in a pod
So tell me you whiny bitch; How does it justify what was done to bern?

Nothing was done to Sanders, dumbass. God, you people are stupid.

The dnc rigged the system, democracy denied, justice failed.

That's an outright lie on your part, so why should we listen to your further?

But go on. If you're not lying, you can show exactly what was done to Sanders, with the hard data to back it up.

I don't have high-hopes for that, of course. Hillary-haters always run when they get called on their lies.
schultz was forced to resign due to her actions in forcing bernie out.

she's corrupt, the dnc is corrupt, they chose your leader, not the people.

but hey, hillary hired her the moment after

Two corrupt peas in a pod

That's funny. Stupid, but funny. How did she "force" Bernie out?
Yes, by all means, vote for Hilary.....the other right wing candidate.

I will tell you what I tell the radical righties.... you are too far out of the mainstream to know what left of center is. that is where most of the country is.... the country is not where you are.

and, frankly, I'm not really interested in that discussion because dumb Donald as president is too bizarre for words. I don't vote for bigoted fascistic misogynists. so I'm not going to throw away my vote because dumb Donald finds it in his interests to try to obstruct party unity like ted cruz did to him.

as of right now, about 80% to 85% of Bernie people are on the Hillary train. that's better than the percentage of Hillary people supporting Obama at this time eight years ago.
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.
I see. In other words your 80-85% figure is based on absolutely nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.

no, concern troll... thank you for your boring nonsense.

again, go vote for dumb Donald.
You delusional Hilarybots need to get a grip on reality.
I will tell you what I tell the radical righties.... you are too far out of the mainstream to know what left of center is. that is where most of the country is.... the country is not where you are.

and, frankly, I'm not really interested in that discussion because dumb Donald as president is too bizarre for words. I don't vote for bigoted fascistic misogynists. so I'm not going to throw away my vote because dumb Donald finds it in his interests to try to obstruct party unity like ted cruz did to him.

as of right now, about 80% to 85% of Bernie people are on the Hillary train. that's better than the percentage of Hillary people supporting Obama at this time eight years ago.
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.
I see. In other words your 80-85% figure is based on absolutely nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.

no, concern troll... thank you for your boring nonsense.

again, go vote for dumb Donald.
You delusional Hilarybots need to get a grip on reality.

thanks concern troll
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.
I see. In other words your 80-85% figure is based on absolutely nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.

no, concern troll... thank you for your boring nonsense.

again, go vote for dumb Donald.
You delusional Hilarybots need to get a grip on reality.

thanks concern troll

If anyone is a troll it's you because you have nothing of any significance to say about anything.
Lesser of two evils....fucking hilarious. The choice between Clinton and Trump is like a choice between Mussolini and Hitler. Mussolini being arguably less evil than Hitler.
Lesser of two evils....fucking hilarious. The choice between Clinton and Trump is like a choice between Mussolini and Hitler. Mussolini being arguably less evil than Hitler.
Amen! Hitlery is Hitler and Trump is Mussolini. Like Hitler, Hitlery will turn on anyone at any time in her quest for power. Scary shit...

Evidence suggests that a Russian intelligence group was the source of the most recent Wikileaks intel dump, which was aimed to influence the U.S. election.
Awwwww.....Crimea river, Laky. :lmao:

Here's the thing sweetie pie...'ole Hitlery and hubby Slick Willy have been receiving hundreds of millions from China for decades now for their campaigns. So even if Russia did do this (and sweetie - rest assured they didn't because they want and need weak and apologetic Hitlery in office) it only offsets all of the criminal activity by Hitlery with China.

Incidentally - if the DNC had a freaking ounce of integrity then they wouldn't have anything to hide in their e-mails.

Clinton Foundation questions hang over Dem convention start, pols seek probe | Fox News
Are Trump and his communist wife both Manchurian Candidates? Is that why they love Putin?
I managed to snag a picture of Lakhota a few moments ago everyone....

You can clearly see the concern in her eyes over Donald Trump and the implosion of the DNC. :lmao:

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