How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President

So if the DNC didn't do anything "wrong" why don't you explain why the 'Ramen Noodle Head' resigned?
Why don't you explain why Donna Brazile personally "apologized" to Sanders.
I'm sure you be able to explain it.
Putin and Trump are to blame right?

so you have a problem with curly hair, too, little boy?

at least it's not dumb Donald's pompadour. now go vote for your Orangeman like a good little bigoted misogynist who is clueless as to why no one but old white men like your candidate
Yes, by all means, vote for Hilary.....the other right wing candidate.

I will tell you what I tell the radical righties.... you are too far out of the mainstream to know what left of center is. that is where most of the country is.... the country is not where you are.

and, frankly, I'm not really interested in that discussion because dumb Donald as president is too bizarre for words. I don't vote for bigoted fascistic misogynists. so I'm not going to throw away my vote because dumb Donald finds it in his interests to try to obstruct party unity like ted cruz did to him.

as of right now, about 80% to 85% of Bernie people are on the Hillary train. that's better than the percentage of Hillary people supporting Obama at this time eight years ago.
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.
I see. In other words your 80-85% figure is based on absolutely nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.
so you have a problem with curly hair, too, little boy?

at least it's not dumb Donald's pompadour. now go vote for your Orangeman like a good little bigoted misogynist who is clueless as to why no one but old white men like your candidate
Yes, by all means, vote for Hilary.....the other right wing candidate.

I will tell you what I tell the radical righties.... you are too far out of the mainstream to know what left of center is. that is where most of the country is.... the country is not where you are.

and, frankly, I'm not really interested in that discussion because dumb Donald as president is too bizarre for words. I don't vote for bigoted fascistic misogynists. so I'm not going to throw away my vote because dumb Donald finds it in his interests to try to obstruct party unity like ted cruz did to him.

as of right now, about 80% to 85% of Bernie people are on the Hillary train. that's better than the percentage of Hillary people supporting Obama at this time eight years ago.
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.

OMG you are stupid. IF 22% of Bernie supporters vote for Trump , that doesn't mean the other 78% are definitely voting for Hillary. I actually bet more Bernie supporters just don't vote at all, then vote for both Hillary and Trump combined.

ok idiota. you're right... they're voting for a republican. :cuckoo:
so you have a problem with curly hair, too, little boy?

at least it's not dumb Donald's pompadour. now go vote for your Orangeman like a good little bigoted misogynist who is clueless as to why no one but old white men like your candidate
Yes, by all means, vote for Hilary.....the other right wing candidate.

I will tell you what I tell the radical righties.... you are too far out of the mainstream to know what left of center is. that is where most of the country is.... the country is not where you are.

and, frankly, I'm not really interested in that discussion because dumb Donald as president is too bizarre for words. I don't vote for bigoted fascistic misogynists. so I'm not going to throw away my vote because dumb Donald finds it in his interests to try to obstruct party unity like ted cruz did to him.

as of right now, about 80% to 85% of Bernie people are on the Hillary train. that's better than the percentage of Hillary people supporting Obama at this time eight years ago.
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.
I see. In other words your 80-85% figure is based on absolutely nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.

no, concern troll... thank you for your boring nonsense.

again, go vote for dumb Donald.
Yes, by all means, vote for Hilary.....the other right wing candidate.

I will tell you what I tell the radical righties.... you are too far out of the mainstream to know what left of center is. that is where most of the country is.... the country is not where you are.

and, frankly, I'm not really interested in that discussion because dumb Donald as president is too bizarre for words. I don't vote for bigoted fascistic misogynists. so I'm not going to throw away my vote because dumb Donald finds it in his interests to try to obstruct party unity like ted cruz did to him.

as of right now, about 80% to 85% of Bernie people are on the Hillary train. that's better than the percentage of Hillary people supporting Obama at this time eight years ago.
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.

OMG you are stupid. IF 22% of Bernie supporters vote for Trump , that doesn't mean the other 78% are definitely voting for Hillary. I actually bet more Bernie supporters just don't vote at all, then vote for both Hillary and Trump combined.

ok idiota. you're right... they're voting for a republican. :cuckoo:

That isn't what I said you fucking moron

Seriously, tell us again how you went to college but you can't even figure out what I wrote LOL
Yes, by all means, vote for Hilary.....the other right wing candidate.

I will tell you what I tell the radical righties.... you are too far out of the mainstream to know what left of center is. that is where most of the country is.... the country is not where you are.

and, frankly, I'm not really interested in that discussion because dumb Donald as president is too bizarre for words. I don't vote for bigoted fascistic misogynists. so I'm not going to throw away my vote because dumb Donald finds it in his interests to try to obstruct party unity like ted cruz did to him.

as of right now, about 80% to 85% of Bernie people are on the Hillary train. that's better than the percentage of Hillary people supporting Obama at this time eight years ago.
I'd love to see the source for your phoney unsubstantiated numbers.

I love concern trolls like you.

go vote for dumb Donald.

pssst;...... this rightwing rag said 22% of Bernie voters were voting trump. that means everyone else is going to vote the party nominee no matter what. that's about 80%. and I'm pretty sure a good number of those "Bernie people" were rightwingers trying to skew the primaries by giving dumb Donald a candidate he could beat more easily. (which is why Bernie never won in closed primary states and mostly won in caucus states where college kids had a lot more time to hang out than adults did).

22% of Bernie Sanders Supporters to Vote Trump

you have to be a moron to be Bernie or bust at this point.
I see. In other words your 80-85% figure is based on absolutely nothing. Thanks for clearing that up.

no, concern troll... thank you for your boring nonsense.

again, go vote for dumb Donald.
You already know I'm a Sanders supporter. You are a very stupid and dishonest little person.
So you don't know either?
Stay tuned for the upcoming revelations about Trump's close business ties with Putin and Co.

I see, so I'm "fucking stupid" because I didn't know about your conspiracy theory. Wow, you're fucking stupid
Read something once in while....try reading. Then you might not sound so stupid.

What conspiracy sites do you prefer?
Again, nothing from any of you dummies to actually refute anything. Exactly how fucking stupid are you people?

Right, I haven't acquainted myself with your paranoid, delusional conspiracy theories and am not providing an adequate refutation of them for your liking. That does make me fucking stupid. I see your point. Keep the tin foil tight, my friend. They really are reading your thoughts and the tin foil actually does stop them.

So on another subject, how many times have you been abducted by aliens is it now? Also, you do know the moon landing was fake, right? We've never been there. And W and the Mossad conspired to bring down the planes on 9/11. Who doesn't know that?
From the interview-
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Julian, your reaction to the announced resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz shortly after the release of these emails?

JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, I mean, that’s interesting. We have seen that with a lot of other publications. I guess there’s a question: What does that mean for the U.S. Democratic Party? It is important for there to be examples of accountability. The resignation was an example of that. Now, of course, Hillary Clinton has tried to immediately produce a counter-example by putting out a statement, within hours, saying that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a great friend, and she’s incorporating her into her campaign, she’s going to be pushing for her re-election to the Congress.

So that’s a very interesting signaling by Hillary Clinton that if you act in a corrupt way that benefits Hillary Clinton, you will be taken care of. Why does she need to put that out? Certainly, it’s not a signal that helps with the public at all. It’s not a signal that helps with unity at the DNC, at the convention. It’s a signal to Hillary Clinton partisans to keep on going on, you’ll be taken care of. But it’s a very destructive signal for a future presidency, because it’s—effectively, it’s expanding the Overton window of corruption. It doesn’t really matter what you do, how you behave; as long as that is going to benefit Hillary Clinton, you’ll be protected
Stay tuned for the upcoming revelations about Trump's close business ties with Putin and Co.

I see, so I'm "fucking stupid" because I didn't know about your conspiracy theory. Wow, you're fucking stupid
Read something once in while....try reading. Then you might not sound so stupid.

What conspiracy sites do you prefer?
Again, nothing from any of you dummies to actually refute anything. Exactly how fucking stupid are you people?

Right, I haven't acquainted myself with your paranoid, delusional conspiracy theories and am not providing an adequate refutation of them for your liking. That does make me fucking stupid. I see your point. Keep the tin foil tight, my friend. They really are reading your thoughts and the tin foil actually does stop them.

So on another subject, how many times have you been abducted by aliens is it now? Also, you do know the moon landing was fake, right? We've never been there. And W and the Mossad conspired to bring down the planes on 9/11. Who doesn't know that?
In other words: You're just too fucking dim witted to actually refute anything.
JULIAN ASSANGE: That’s right. And it’s not just that the president holds fundraisers. That’s nothing new. But rather, what you get for each donation of a particular sort. There’s even a phrase used in one of the emails of, quote, "pay to play." So, yeah, I think it’s extremely interesting. There’s emails back and forth also between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. So, you see quite elaborate structures of money being funneled to state Democratic Party officers and then teleported back, seemingly to get up certain stats, maybe to evade certain campaign funding restrictions.

And more-

JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, actually, I think the most significant ones haven’t been reported on, although The Washington Post late last night and McClatchy did a first initial stab at it. And this is the spreadsheets that we released covering the financial affairs of the DNC. Those are very rich documents. There’s one spreadsheet called "Spreadsheet of All Things," and it includes all the major U.S.—all the major DNC donors, where the donations were brought in, who they are, identifiers, the total amounts they’ve donated, how much at a noted or particular event, whether that event was being pushed by the president or by someone else. That effectively maps out the influence structure in the United States for the Democratic Party, but more broadly, because the—with few exceptions, billionaires in the United States make sure they donate to both parties. That’s going to provide a scaffold for future investigative journalism about influence within the United States, in general...
On the accusation the Russians are behind the hacking-

JULIAN ASSANGE: Well, what’s not in that clip there by Robby is that, just afterwards, he was asked by Jake Tapper, "Who are these experts? Can you name them?" The answer was no, a refusal to name the experts. But we have seen one of the experts, so-called experts, that the Democratic Party is trying to base its incredible conspiracy theory on about WikiLeaks. And that is this—what we jokingly refer to as the NSA dick pic guy. He’s a former National Security Agency agent who started to produce conspiracy theories about us in 2013, when we were involved in the Edward Snowden rescue, as a means to try and undermine the Snowden publications, subsequently embroiled in some amateur pornography scandal. That’s why they don’t want to name their experts, because they are people like this.

In relation to sourcing, I can say some things. A, we never reveal our sources, obviously. That’s what we pride ourselves on. And we won’t in this case, either. But no one knows who our source is. It’s simply speculation. It’s, I think, interesting and acceptable to speculate who our sources are. But if we’re talking about the DNC, there’s lots of consultants that have access, lots of programmers. And the DNC has been hacked dozens and dozens of times. Even according to its own reports, it had been hacked extensively over the last few years. And the dates of the emails that we published are significantly after all, or all but one—it’s not clear—of the hacking allegations that the DNC says have occurred.
Trump and Clinton followers are just flip sides of the same coin of completely fucking stupid.
I see, so I'm "fucking stupid" because I didn't know about your conspiracy theory. Wow, you're fucking stupid
Read something once in while....try reading. Then you might not sound so stupid.

What conspiracy sites do you prefer?
Again, nothing from any of you dummies to actually refute anything. Exactly how fucking stupid are you people?

Right, I haven't acquainted myself with your paranoid, delusional conspiracy theories and am not providing an adequate refutation of them for your liking. That does make me fucking stupid. I see your point. Keep the tin foil tight, my friend. They really are reading your thoughts and the tin foil actually does stop them.

So on another subject, how many times have you been abducted by aliens is it now? Also, you do know the moon landing was fake, right? We've never been there. And W and the Mossad conspired to bring down the planes on 9/11. Who doesn't know that?
In other words: You're just too fucking dim witted to actually refute anything.

You didn't present any argument to me to refute. You just called me fucking stupid. I asked why, and you said over information that hasn't been revealed yet. That's how fucking stupid you are
Trump and Clinton followers are just flip sides of the same coin of completely fucking stupid.

Trump and Hillary aren't fucking stupid, it's the people who vote for them who are. Also, you're fucking stupid even though you're not voting for them. It's not required to vote for them to be fucking stupid
Trump and Clinton followers are just flip sides of the same coin of completely fucking stupid.

Trump and Hillary aren't fucking stupid, it's the people who vote for them who are. Also, you're fucking stupid even though you're not voting for them. It's not required to vote for them to be fucking stupid
Trump and Clinton followers are both the least educated, low information voters.
Read something once in while....try reading. Then you might not sound so stupid.

What conspiracy sites do you prefer?
Again, nothing from any of you dummies to actually refute anything. Exactly how fucking stupid are you people?

Right, I haven't acquainted myself with your paranoid, delusional conspiracy theories and am not providing an adequate refutation of them for your liking. That does make me fucking stupid. I see your point. Keep the tin foil tight, my friend. They really are reading your thoughts and the tin foil actually does stop them.

So on another subject, how many times have you been abducted by aliens is it now? Also, you do know the moon landing was fake, right? We've never been there. And W and the Mossad conspired to bring down the planes on 9/11. Who doesn't know that?
In other words: You're just too fucking dim witted to actually refute anything.

You didn't present any argument to me to refute. You just called me fucking stupid. I asked why, and you said over information that hasn't been revealed yet. That's how fucking stupid you are

So now you're evidently blind as well as stupid since you can't read links.
Trump and Clinton followers are just flip sides of the same coin of completely fucking stupid.

Trump and Hillary aren't fucking stupid, it's the people who vote for them who are. Also, you're fucking stupid even though you're not voting for them. It's not required to vote for them to be fucking stupid
Trump and Clinton followers are both the least educated, low information voters.

Agreed. So how do you pull it off then? You believe your paranoid delusions?

Did you know that W was replaced by an alien clone of an evil, big spending warlike creature? They took the real W back and they couldn't tell him apart from the rest of his clones. It turned out to be a big scandal on the home planet for wasting all that money. They didn't learn though. Their next clone was of a big spending, warlike clone of Hillary. Now they can't tell her apart from the rest of the clones when they took her back.

I think we're pretty safe, apparently alien bureaucracies work like ours. I guess it's just inherent

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