How race baiting by the left has endangered lives

CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.

CHAZ was an actual Insurrection. democrats used armed terrorists to occupy an American city by force of arms.
1/6 was worse.
how?.....that didnt last long was chaz there?...
Root causes matter. Being rebels without a Cause against the Union is always worse than simple protesting or rioting.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737

Because white lives don't matter.

Not one little bit.
Only right-wingers were willing to levy war against the Union.
CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.
Maybe in right-wing fantasy. Those protests should have been handled better but we also have to look at root causes.
In reality and it is fact CHAZ was just as much a violent insurrection against government as the MAGA riot.

The protests were nothing more than ongoing riots against government. The root causes were fallacies much like all of your posts
Root causes matter, except to right-wingers.
since all these problems have been going on for quite a while now,root causes dont seem to matter to lefties either....
You miss the point about root causes. Typical of right-wingers.
CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.

CHAZ was an actual Insurrection. democrats used armed terrorists to occupy an American city by force of arms.
1/6 was worse.
Are you an idiot or a drama queen? Inquiring minds would like to know.
(sprinkles of personal attacks)
Ad hominems are nothing but gossip, hearsay, and soothsay. Why do right-wingers want to be taken seriously?
Your arguments are nothing but fallacies and platitudes and personal attacks. You are the right winger by your own admission
You have to resort to fallacy to claim that.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737

Because white lives don't matter.

Not one little bit.
Only right-wingers were willing to levy war against the Union.
CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.
Maybe in right-wing fantasy. Those protests should have been handled better but we also have to look at root causes.
In reality and it is fact CHAZ was just as much a violent insurrection against government as the MAGA riot.

The protests were nothing more than ongoing riots against government. The root causes were fallacies much like all of your posts
Root causes matter, except to right-wingers.
since all these problems have been going on for quite a while now,root causes dont seem to matter to lefties either....
You miss the point about root causes. Typical of right-wingers.
You're not very bright if you think Harry is a rightwinger lol
Right-wingers on this very board are worse. Race baiting or gaslighting is all y'all seem to know how to do.
geezus danny even for you that is pretty stupid....your party does the same shit.....
False witness bearing and practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) is all right-wingers know how to. And y'all want to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth" instead of just plain original sinners who are incorrigible.
danny take your head out of the democrats might then understand why so many here dont take you seriously......
If it doesn't exist, why are you commenting on an OP that has as its premise that the police needs to mention race in order to prevent violence from erupting? An OP started by someone on the right?

Allah doesn't exist, but Muslims have murdered in excess of 20 million people because of him.

democrats exist, and democrats intend to use race as a justification for genocide in their mad lust for power.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737

Because white lives don't matter.

Not one little bit.
Only right-wingers were willing to levy war against the Union.
CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.
Maybe in right-wing fantasy. Those protests should have been handled better but we also have to look at root causes.
In reality and it is fact CHAZ was just as much a violent insurrection against government as the MAGA riot.

The protests were nothing more than ongoing riots against government. The root causes were fallacies much like all of your posts
Root causes matter, except to right-wingers.
since all these problems have been going on for quite a while now,root causes dont seem to matter to lefties either....
You miss the point about root causes. Typical of right-wingers.
once again you call me a right winger.....and yet i never see a good little lefty like you in any threads about Unions,health care,medical pot,the list goes come danny?....
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737

Because white lives don't matter.

Not one little bit.
Only right-wingers were willing to levy war against the Union.
CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.
Maybe in right-wing fantasy. Those protests should have been handled better but we also have to look at root causes.
In reality and it is fact CHAZ was just as much a violent insurrection against government as the MAGA riot.

The protests were nothing more than ongoing riots against government. The root causes were fallacies much like all of your posts
Root causes matter, except to right-wingers.
since all these problems have been going on for quite a while now,root causes dont seem to matter to lefties either....
You miss the point about root causes. Typical of right-wingers.
You're not very bright if you think Harry is a rightwinger lol
if you dont agree with danny you are right wing.....i mean what else can you be?...
Just quoting your fellow blubber. You COULD disagree with the bigoted statement. But...of agree with the thread I cited.

You didn't quote anyone, you posted a straw man fallacy, as usual for you.

This thread can be summed up with;

Just quoting your fellow blubber. You COULD disagree with the bigoted statement. But...of agree with the thread I cited.

You didn't quote anyone, you posted a straw man fallacy, as usual for you.

This thread can be summed up with;

View attachment 505790
While you're correct on the fact that mudwhistle is a nobody, the fact remains that right wing bigotry and the white supremacy movement are hand in glove with the Republican Party.
Just quoting your fellow blubber. You COULD disagree with the bigoted statement. But...of agree with the thread I cited.

You didn't quote anyone, you posted a straw man fallacy, as usual for you.

This thread can be summed up with;

View attachment 505790
While you're correct on the fact that mudwhistle is a nobody, the fact remains that right wing bigotry and the white supremacy movement are hand in glove with the Republican Party.
You have some nerve calling me a bigot.

The only reason I'm not a Raiders fan is because of their fans. Most of them are bigots. I remember the great Raider teams of the 70s. But since they moved to L.A. they've been pretty much run into the ground by management and co-opted by Black Supremacists. The former Oakland Raiders can't seem to figure out where their fans are anymore. I blame that on management. But many of their fans are racists. They think that being a Raiders fan is like telling white people to shove it.
Right-wingers on this very board are worse. Race baiting or gaslighting is all y'all seem to know how to do.
geezus danny even for you that is pretty stupid....your party does the same shit.....
False witness bearing and practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) is all right-wingers know how to. And y'all want to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth" instead of just plain original sinners who are incorrigible.
danny take your head out of the democrats might then understand why so many here dont take you seriously......
Only the full of fallacy right-wingers don't believe in rational arguments.
If it doesn't exist, why are you commenting on an OP that has as its premise that the police needs to mention race in order to prevent violence from erupting? An OP started by someone on the right?

Allah doesn't exist, but Muslims have murdered in excess of 20 million people because of him.

democrats exist, and democrats intend to use race as a justification for genocide in their mad lust for power.
Only the immoral false witness bearing right-wing claims that.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737

Because white lives don't matter.

Not one little bit.
Only right-wingers were willing to levy war against the Union.
CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.
Maybe in right-wing fantasy. Those protests should have been handled better but we also have to look at root causes.
In reality and it is fact CHAZ was just as much a violent insurrection against government as the MAGA riot.

The protests were nothing more than ongoing riots against government. The root causes were fallacies much like all of your posts
Root causes matter, except to right-wingers.
since all these problems have been going on for quite a while now,root causes dont seem to matter to lefties either....
You miss the point about root causes. Typical of right-wingers.
once again you call me a right winger.....and yet i never see a good little lefty like you in any threads about Unions,health care,medical pot,the list goes come danny?....
Because all you have is right-wing propaganda and rhetoric.
Just quoting your fellow blubber. You COULD disagree with the bigoted statement. But...of agree with the thread I cited.

You didn't quote anyone, you posted a straw man fallacy, as usual for you.

This thread can be summed up with;

View attachment 505790
While you're correct on the fact that mudwhistle is a nobody, the fact remains that right wing bigotry and the white supremacy movement are hand in glove with the Republican Party.
You have some nerve calling me a bigot.'s your post that blacks are threats. Not mine.
The only reason I'm not a Raiders fan is because of their fans. Most of them are bigots. I remember the great Raider teams of the 70s. But since they moved to L.A. they've been pretty much run into the ground by management and co-opted by Black Supremacists. The former Oakland Raiders can't seem to figure out where their fans are anymore. I blame that on management. But many of their fans are racists. They think that being a Raiders fan is like telling white people to shove it.
Stabler, Howie Long, Tom Flores, Ted Banaszak, Fred Belitnikoff, Lyle Alzado, Dave Casper, Jim Plunkett, John Madden,

Worst black supremacists ever.
If the left was truly progressive they would be preaching fairness and equality but not trying to talk about skin color. A truly progre4person would say " we need to treat as people, not put them into categories. We should let people use their ambition, intelligence, experience and merit to get ahead in life." And so on.

A truly fair and equal society would use the terms people and person, not use gender, skin color, sexuality and such to dice people up into groups.

But the left prop up people based on skin color, sexuality and so on which is the exact opposite of fair and equal.

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