How race baiting by the left has endangered lives

View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
According to the Portland Police Bureau, there are now 33 gun violence homicides.

In Nashville, a city of similar size its police department reports to date there are 51 gun violence homicides.

Portland was on total lockdown last year so no one was out. Your trend analysis skill is why I wouldn’t hire a right wing analyst for data.
Nashville is Prog communist. Its like an invisible wall to freedom.
I added Dallas. What you got now? Nothing.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
Meanwhile back in reality...nearly every post from you right wing loons is a complaint about race.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
Meanwhile back in reality...nearly every post from you right wing loons is a complaint about race.
Maybe because the left wing makes everything about race despite sometimes acknowledging the fact that race does not exist.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737

Because white lives don't matter.

Not one little bit.
That's the plan it seems, and Biden and company are in full race baiting mode. They can't operate without it, because it's what got them where they are today.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
Meanwhile back in reality...nearly every post from you right wing loons is a complaint about race.
Maybe because the left wing makes everything about race despite sometimes acknowledging the fact that race does not exist.
So someone on the left posting about race forces right wing loons to post something about race?
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
Meanwhile back in reality...nearly every post from you right wing loons is a complaint about race.
Maybe because the left wing makes everything about race despite sometimes acknowledging the fact that race does not exist.
So someone on the left posting about race forces right wing loons to post something about race?
NOt just posting but endlessly rioting over race and accusing otrhers of racism where it does not exist.
I can still resort to the fewest fallacies under influence of cannabis. You can't say the same with alcohol.

Thing is drug addict, people don't get up in the morning (most anyway) and drink a quart of vodka. Each morning as you wake up in your mom's basement, what is the first thing you do? Smoke dope. Having a glass of wine with dinner has no relation to the drug addiction that you represent.

It's better for society that you are a drug addict. You're a fucked in the brain Nazi. You'd love to be out killing cops, burning down courts, and staging armed insurgencies like CHAZ - but you don't have enough ambition. Smoking dope and crawling to your XBox is all you can muster, a lazy fucking blob sponging off others.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
Meanwhile back in reality...nearly every post from you right wing loons is a complaint about race.
Maybe because the left wing makes everything about race despite sometimes acknowledging the fact that race does not exist.
So someone on the left posting about race forces right wing loons to post something about race?
NOt just posting but endlessly rioting over race and accusing otrhers of racism where it does not exist.
Is this a racist statement?

What actions by the left forced this worthless bigot to post such a thing?
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
Meanwhile back in reality...nearly every post from you right wing loons is a complaint about race.
Maybe because the left wing makes everything about race despite sometimes acknowledging the fact that race does not exist.
So someone on the left posting about race forces right wing loons to post something about race?
NOt just posting but endlessly rioting over race and accusing otrhers of racism where it does not exist.
Is this a racist statement?

What actions by the left forced this worthless bigot to post such a thing?
To left wingers yes it is a racist statement to intelligent people it is not. Progressives invented and manufactured the current ongoing struggle over race and racism and have no right to complain
Is this a racist statement?

What actions by the left forced this worthless bigot to post such a thing?

Without fallacy, you Nazis would never be in the same galaxy as logic.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
According to the Portland Police Bureau, there are now 33 gun violence homicides.

In Nashville, a city of similar size its police department reports to date there are 51 gun violence homicides.

Portland was on total lockdown last year so no one was out. Your trend analysis skill is why I wouldn’t hire a right wing analyst for data.

Fail. Same data. What don’t you understand?

Oh look! The media trying to excuse Portlands DEMOCRAT DISASTER by pointing at someone else.


I pointed to the average cities in America and included Dallas as a comparison. Why are you not yelling about Dallas murder rate? Cuz you a bitch that’s why.
Because Dallas police aren't tweeting about shooting whites only to keep their brain dead leftists under control.
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737

Because white lives don't matter.

Not one little bit.
Only right-wingers were willing to levy war against the Union.
CHAZ was a bunch of left wingers proving you wrong again.
Maybe in right-wing fantasy. Those protests should have been handled better but we also have to look at root causes.
In reality and it is fact CHAZ was just as much a violent insurrection against government as the MAGA riot.

The protests were nothing more than ongoing riots against government. The root causes were fallacies much like all of your posts
Root causes matter, except to right-wingers.
since all these problems have been going on for quite a while now,root causes dont seem to matter to lefties either....
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
According to the Portland Police Bureau, there are now 33 gun violence homicides.

In Nashville, a city of similar size its police department reports to date there are 51 gun violence homicides.

Portland was on total lockdown last year so no one was out. Your trend analysis skill is why I wouldn’t hire a right wing analyst for data.
Nashville is Prog communist. Its like an invisible wall to freedom.
I added Dallas. What you got now? Nothing.
This thread isn't about Dallas dumbfuck
View attachment 505733

When the police have to reassure you that they are shooting WHITE PEOPLE to keep you from burning down the city something is drastically wrong.

This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault.
View attachment 505737
According to the Portland Police Bureau, there are now 33 gun violence homicides.

In Nashville, a city of similar size its police department reports to date there are 51 gun violence homicides.

Portland was on total lockdown last year so no one was out. Your trend analysis skill is why I wouldn’t hire a right wing analyst for data.

Fail. Same data. What don’t you understand?

Oh look! The media trying to excuse Portlands DEMOCRAT DISASTER by pointing at someone else.


This was in your OP right?
This is the mess the left has created in their cities. Cities they have controlled for decades mind you, but somehow its everyone else's fault
including an image of someone COMPARING other cities.

So firstly, THEIR cities imply that YOUR cities do better right?

Secondly why in an OP that cites an image that COMPARES cities is it somehow wrong to compare those numbers to other cities?
So someone on the left posting about race forces right wing loons to post something about race?

You don't "post about race."

You and your Reich are on a Pogrom against Der Juden, the Whites. You and your Reich spew the most vile hatred, 24/7 against the people you so bitterly hate. Just like your mentor Hitler, EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING, is driven by your racist hatred and desire for genocide against whites - Der Juden. You never stop, your Reich never stops.

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