How Racist! NYC black Mayor Eric Adams wants to revoke NYC’s ‘sanctuary city’ status amid massive migrant influx

What you guys are allowing to happen at your

Once the globalists saw how easy it was to execute a coup against a sitting President, they were embolden to destroy the dominance of the United States.
Barack Hussein openly advocated for that.
I’ll be honest that I’m unsure how indoctrinated they are. Indoctrination requires absorption of information and they can’t do that.
They like shiny things like Hope and Change and Woke and Mandatory Fairness and Redistribution and Reparations because it’s jingly and catchy with no real practical application and no work nor responsibility on their part

They are indoctrinated into understanding that their cult leaders are always right and always have the best of intentions.
The fact is reality has now set in. These libs wanted a sanctuary city during Trump's administration instead of siding with him to deport them and advocate building the Wall to keep them out. Now they're realizing the problem they've created. My advice to Mayor Adams is to listen to John Lennon's song "Instant Karma". It's going to getcha!!!!!

[Instant karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love?
What on earth you tryna do?
It's up to you, yeah, you]

I read the piece you posted and nowhere does it say that Eric Adams wants to revoke the sanctuary city law. “Revisiting” the law isn’t “repealing” or revoking the law.

It appears the part of the law that they are revisiting is the absolute right of individuals to be given shelter, since they don’t seem to have any left.

Then you have all of these unconfirmed allegations and stories of people having their hotel reservations canceled, but it only affects one hotel apparently. And of course there’s the obligatory mention of homeless veterans being booted, again on no evidence, because that’ll get the outrage going.

I’ve seen Eric Adams on TV saying he’s out of money he’s out of space and he needs help from the federal government. I haven’t seen him saying that he’s not willing to take in more people if he’s got the resources.
The fact is reality has now set in. These libs wanted a sanctuary city during Trump's administration instead of siding with him to deport them and advocate building the Wall to keep them out. Now they're realizing the problem they've created. My advice to Mayor Adams is to listen to John Lennon's song "Instant Karma". It's going to getcha!!!!!

[Instant karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love?
What on earth you tryna do?
It's up to you, yeah, you]

That xenophobic bigot. This white supremacy has GOT to stop. Next thing you know, we're going to find out that Adams is the Grand Dragon of the KKK. Friggin' GOP has gone too far this time.
I read the piece you posted and nowhere in it. Does it say that Eric Adams wants to revoke the sanctuary, city law. “Revisiting” the law isn’t “repealing” the law.

It appears the part of the law that they are revisiting is the absolute right of individuals to be given shelter, since they don’t seem to have any left.

Then you have all of these unconfirmed stories of people having their hotel reservations canceled, but it only affects one hotel apparently.

I’ve seen Eric Adams on TV saying he’s out of money he’s out of space and he needs help from the federal government. I haven’t seen him saying that he’s not willing to take and people if he’s got the resources.
"Revisiting" is political-speak for "we don't want this anymore"
Sure, but that isn't what is happening.

Do you not know what sanctuary cities are?
we know dem cities are moving fast to change their status once reality has set in

so what that tells me they were is political stunts by demafasict to try and gain votes
The fact is reality has now set in. These libs wanted a sanctuary city during Trump's administration instead of siding with him to deport them and advocate building the Wall to keep them out. Now they're realizing the problem they've created. My advice to Mayor Adams is to listen to John Lennon's song "Instant Karma". It's going to getcha!!!!!

[Instant karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love?
What on earth you tryna do?
It's up to you, yeah, you]

Adams has made a bold decision, apparently, to confront reality. I didn’t expect this of him. But I’m pleasantly surprised.
That’s not what the article said. The article was very specific that they were revisiting the housing pledge because they can’t guarantee beds.

Did you actually read the link that was posted or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?
Why are you so hostile?
They are next to the clauses that reference presumption of innocence, the right to travel and the right to marriage.

You don't seem to know how the constitution works but hopefully the above clue will lead to a lightbulb moment for you.
The Progressive Socialist Party is the real cult. People are used and thrown away for their agendas. Millions of immigrants let in as potential votes. And to change areas from red.
Based on one guy?

Politicians trying to gain votes? Wow. Was this new to you?
1) based on the city of NYC
2) not at all…but typically i support people gaining my vote that want to make the country better…dems obviously use racist tactics and dishonesty
The Progressive Socialist Party is the real cult. People are used and thrown away for their agendas. Millions of immigrants let in as potential votes. And to change areas from red.
What does your opinion have to do with my post?
we know dem cities are moving fast to change their status once reality has set in

so what that tells me they were is political stunts by demafasict to try and gain votes

There was nothing in the articles that said that New York was attempting to revoke it sanctuary city status.

And then I pull up a Google search on their claims that New York is seeking to change their sanctuary city status and there is any confirmation of this story in any other media in New York. The largest media centre in the world, and this is the only outlet carrying the story.

So then I pulled a fact check report on the post millennial and . . .


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