How Republicans have Changed in a few years


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

2003: Yaay Patriot Act

2014: Patriot Act needs to GO!

2003: Yaay Patriot Act

2014: Patriot Act needs to GO!

I always found it hilarious; the outrage some have against the NSA keeping records of who calls whom versus the total acceptance by the right of the still-in-tact patriot act that could imprison you without charges much less a trial.
The shame is that the guy on the left has no memory of the guy on the right, you ask them now and you cannot find anyone who supported the damned patriot act, how the hell did it get passed without a single conservative being in favor of it? Perhaps being scared into things excuses them because it was done under duress?
The RNC announced new rules for the campaigning seasons.

The rules embrace the mainstream and moderate GOP, making it harder for the far right candidates to compete.

Very good.
The party has become a party of losertrians from a party that believed in modern civilization.

The old republicans understood the need of spying on your enemies. Not exactly on the AMerican people but the new party pours them up to the same meaning.

The old republicans loved science, infastructructure and the advancement of America. Reagan would be disgusted with the new party. He support the space station freedom, etc.
Yes how many things did the Democrats oppose under Bush that they now support under Obama? The Patriot Act by the way being one of them.
Yes how many things did the Democrats oppose under Bush that they now support under Obama? The Patriot Act by the way being one of them.

Clarify that Democratic voters specifically elected Obama to "change" Bush's policies, including the PATRIOT Act, but Obama turned out to be another corporate war criminal.
Yes how many things did the Democrats oppose under Bush that they now support under Obama? The Patriot Act by the way being one of them.

Clarify that Democratic voters specifically elected Obama to "change" Bush's policies, including the PATRIOT Act, but Obama turned out to be another corporate war criminal.

And yet Democratic voters reelected him interesting.
Because the alternative was a hopeless money-grubbing scumfuck who wears magic underwear to protect him from the invisible goat-man that lives in the center of the Earth, and he thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic ocean to preach to Native Americans.

In Romney's defense, though, at least he wasn't Bachmann, Palin, Frothy Mixture or the Pizza Guy.
Yes how many things did the Democrats oppose under Bush that they now support under Obama? The Patriot Act by the way being one of them.

Yup. It's like Democrats are satisfied that they won and now they don't give a damn. Obama's still infinitely better than bush, but I dislike the man for continuing so many of bush's policies. Wtf dems?
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Because the alternative was a hopeless money-grubbing scumfuck who wears magic underwear to protect him from the invisible goat-man that lives in the center of the Earth, and he thinks that Jesus walked across the Atlantic ocean to preach to Native Americans.

In Romney's defense, though, at least he wasn't Bachmann, Palin, Frothy Mixture or the Pizza Guy.
I would take Romney today.

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