How Republicans see "gay" people



The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".
How left wing idiots see Conservatives:

They find one guy who has a radical nut job opinion, label all conservatives as having that guys opinion, and then gather together in a left wing circle jerk patting themselves on the back for their insight.

Bunch of dumbasses.
How left wing idiots see Conservatives:

They find one guy who has a radical nut job opinion, label all conservatives as having that guys opinion, and then gather together in a left wing circle jerk patting themselves on the back for their insight.

Bunch of dumbasses.

Sorry, it's hard to find one conservative who doesn't have a nut job opinion.
The GOP loves to control women's bodies. Guess they think those feather brained women just can't make decisions on their own without a "man's" help. And every year, fewer women support the GOP. Wonder why.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

Have you ever once asked Mr. H. how he sees "gay" people?

Have you ever once read my posts regarding gays?


Fuck you, you putrid fetid, rancid, hate-filled shell of a human being.
Even though we are talking about stereotypes here - there is no such person as "Republicans" and the opinions of individual Republicans vary all over the landscape, as do the opinions of Democrats - it is not difficult to find a fairly clear exposition of the "Republican" position on gays and on gay sex.

Gay "sex" (i.e., various forms of sodomy and masturbation) is condemned by the Bible in several different places. Republicans tend to be practicing and/or believing Christians, Jews, and Mormons, so it's fair to say that the "Republican" position on gay "sex" is clear as a bell.

As moral humans (who believe in Natural Law), "we" do not hate sinners, but we do hate sin.

Gays who are "out" present a bit of a conundrum for this philosophy because it's one thing to feel compassion and forgiveness for sinners (we are all sinners), but it is difficult to retain that compassion for sinners who insist they are not sinners and publicly proclaim that they intend to continue sinning as long as they are able...

It's like the compassion one might feel for a friend or relative who is dying of lung cancer, but keeps lighting up. This is where Gov. Perry's analogy comes in. It seems to be like an addiction.

I think it's fair to say that most Republicans are "unhappy" about the judicial juggernaut that is continually finding justification in the Federal and State constitutions to permit gays to "marry." but beyond that, I haven't heard any hint of a movement to reinstate sodomy laws. Ultimately, gays have the freedom to bugger each other into perdition and nobody I'm aware of is seeking to use legal means to prevent them from doing just that.

Have you seen any such movement?

The nonsense one hears about "Republicans" trying to prevent people from loving one another is just that: nonsense.
Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

Have you ever once asked Mr. H. how he sees "gay" people?

Have you ever once read my posts regarding gays?


Fuck you, you putrid fetid, rancid, hate-filled shell of a human being.
It doesn't matter what your views are. RDerp doesn't listen to anything other than the voices in his head. No amount of facts or logic will penetrate his willfully small world-view.

He is to be pitied. Nothing more.
Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".
You'll take RDerp's bias when you pry it from his cold, dead fingers.
Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.
Wow, rdean, you are an ignorant bigot. It is amazing how many bigots are Democrats.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
The message Republicans send out about gay people is so mixed and confusing.

First, you have Republicans, Rick Perry as an example, who see gays as an addiction. The message being, that gay people are so enticing that one "sample" and you will swoon. Once you play gay, you are addicted and the rest of your life is a downward spiral. The only way to break the addiction is rehab up to and involving electric shock therapy. They call it "conversion".

The other is "it doesn't fit". That men's plumbing only fits with women so anything else is wrong. They reduce men and women to "fixtures" and nothing else. No discussion on "feelings" or "love". If it doesn't fit, you must acquit. The problem with that line of reasoning is that they are pretty much telling you that they don't love their women. It's all about the plumbing and there is nothing beyond that. If it was something beyond the plumbing, then gays would also have that "something".

where we be without rdean's wide broad brush...He use a crystal ball and it tell's him what every republican feels in this county...He just so up on all things it amazing
you know how WE see you, UGLY and nothing but divider shit stirring hater for you fellow country men and women unless they pass your all mighty judgments
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Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.
According to progressives, you don't exist.
Hi [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION]
the same way "Republicans" cannot make all people fit this paradigm,
neither can "all Republicans" fit your "generalization" or Perry's either.

There are both kinds of relationships, addicted/abusive or spiritually natural.
You are right you cannot judge all people like a huge group under one rule.
And the same is true of stereotyping all Republicans, which isn't fair either!

If you can understand and drop your bias,
maybe you can encourage others to do the same.

If you keep holding on to your view of ALL Republicans,
that is like Perry holding on to his view of all gays.

Your minds are making a similar generalization and attempting
to paint whole groups of people with one broad brush.
Sorry it doesn't work that way, but people will keep trying to do that for
political expedience. You and Perry are both making similar generalizations.

That is true. I tend to be conservative yet I am homosexual.
According to progressives, you don't exist.
They aren't the only ones.
I'm really offended by people like rdean who just ASSUMES any person who is Republican hates, looks down at homosexuals

I think someone like me personally, would just like to be LEFT ALONE as they (gay people) once said, they want to live their lives and to stay out of their bedrooms

but no, it's being shoved in our face daily with threads like this..

it's just hateful
I'm really offended by people like rdean who just ASSUMES any person who is Republican hates, looks down at homosexuals

I think someone like me personally, would just like to be LEFT ALONE as they (gay people) once said, they want to live their lives and to stay out of their bedrooms

but no, it's being shoved in our face daily with threads like this..

it's just hateful
You choose to enter this thread, you choose to read it how is anybody shoving anything in your face?
I'm really offended by people like rdean who just ASSUMES any person who is Republican hates, looks down at homosexuals

I think someone like me personally, would just like to be LEFT ALONE as they (gay people) once said, they want to live their lives and to stay out of their bedrooms

but no, it's being shoved in our face daily with threads like this..

it's just hateful
You choose to enter this thread, you choose to read it how is anybody shoving anything in your face?

holy smokes
read the damn board first after only 13 post...try search and read back on a few years then you'll have a clue
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When somebody starts a thread with the title 'How Republicans see "gay" people", you can count on two things. They are neither Republican nor gay. I'm not sure if they're projecting their own desires, wishing to be one or the other or both, or if they're just regurgitating nonsense that they've believed for a long time, but either way, they're just making it all up as they go along.

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