Zone1 How should non-Jews fix antisemitism?

Syria occupies Lebanon and not one peep out of your demented fingers.
And what about what’s happening in Myanmar? She doesn’t have a word of condemnation for them because….no Jews involved.

Why can’t these antisemites realize how their double standards give them away?
And what about what’s happening in Myanmar? She doesn’t have a word of condemnation for them because….no Jews involved.

Why can’t these antisemites realize how their double standards give them away?
I Googled "Israel Created Hamas" and all the well known Jew hating and LibTard sites have opinion pieces that blame Israel while the factual sites say it's a lie.
I Googled "Israel Created Hamas" and all the well known Jew hating and LibTard sites have opinion pieces that blame Israel while the factual sites say it's a lie.
She’s very misinformed. Her bias blinds her to the truth.
Another terrific answer. Thanks to you as well.

You did hit on something I suspect, as well - that much of the antI-semitism is due to jealousy (and the remainder to ignorance). After all, you basically have a minuscule minority that has been subjected to unspeakable horrors as a result of their religion, and they still manage to not only survive, but succeed above average.

But that explains WHY there is resentment toward Jews, but it doesn’t answer how we fix it? If much of the antisemitism is due to jealousy over the Jews’ success, as a group, then is the solution to become LESS successful? That doesn’t seem like a positive goal.
A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Mock

Other groups should imitate the Jews instead of being jealous of them. They don't treat children who do well in school as weirdo freaks. They encourage reading for its own sake, not just "for school." That makes it easier for them to put up with school. They support anyone who wants to try to get ahead, instead of mocking his ambitions, as in "Who do you think you are?"

Don't believe the Hollywood nonsense in Good Will Hunting, that the other working-class Irish ("Southies") hoped Will could get ahead, the pride in knowing "a local boy who made it to the top," as some do about going to high school with a future famous athlete. But, unlike the Jews, nobody from his neighborhood would have encouraged Will like that.
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A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Mock

Other groups should imitate the Jews instead of being jealous of them. They don't treat children who do well in school as weirdo freaks. They encourage reading for its own sake, not just "for school." That makes it easier for them to put up with school. They support anyone who wants to try to get ahead, instead of mocking his ambitions, as in "Who do you think you are?"

Don't believe the Hollywood nonsense in Good Will Hunting, that the others hoped Will could get ahead, the pride in knowing "a local boy who made it to the top," as some do about going to high school with a future famous athlete. But, unlike the Jews, nobody from his neighborhood would have backed up Will like that.
Other groups should imitate the Jews instead of being jealous of them

The intention of the Noachide Laws.
Maybe. Only twenty percent take the Bible literally.

South Sudan is Christian and animist.. remember John Garang? He was a self proclaimed Christian Marxist and head of the SPLA. Bad dude.. trained in the US. Most cities have gay communities, but in their culture they don't do public displays. Have you ever been to the Middle East, bottom?
Christian Marxists? Like Jim Jones who led his followers to all drink cool aid?

Assuming you are correct, what are you saying here? Are you saying that since they were all "bad" people that the Muslims had a right to murder them all?

Here's a suggestion, stop thinking jews are the most persecuted Fuckers on the planet. Israel treats the Palestinian's like garbage, so let's shit-can this notion about jew-hate. I realize it does exist and it is wrong to hate someone just because of what name they call God.

Jews are no different than Christian's and Muslim's.
Try educating yourself before opening your trap

What other group of people have endured as much persecution?

Not to mention 400 years of slavery in Egypt.
I agree and I told you why.
I just don’t know why educated Americans love Israel to such a degree.
The Holy Land Was Hollow Until the Jews Returned

I doubt if our groomed college grads could be considered "educated" and I doubt if those Diploma Dumbos love Israel.

But anyone truly educated, with a realistic view of history translated from the unrealistic texts and using common sense and real-life experience to filter out the professors' lies and ignorance, would see the Israelis in the same situation as our pioneers, the true Founding Fathers. They built an advanced and widely prosperous civilization out of a previously worthless wilderness occupied by savages.
Tell the Palestinians to stop shooting rockets at Israelis.

Tell the Zionists to get off their land and go back to Europe where they came from.

And what about what’s happening in Myanmar? She doesn’t have a word of condemnation for them because….no Jews involved.

Myanmar doesn't demand hundreds of billions in aid and military spending every year to keep it secure.

Most of the problems the world's 1.3 billion Muslims have with the US is our support of Israel.

Someone should really question why that would be a good policy, given what it costs us.
More civil lies from the schmuck who admits he's never researched these anti-Israel PACs.
Blame President Lyndon B Johnson for stopping Israel from taking over their neighbors in 1967.
The M-I Complex Needed a Strong Enemy to Be Financed Against

The Liberty was a spy ship funneling information to the Arabs in order to prevent Israel from having too great a victory, which limited-war LBJ felt would cause a lot of Cold War problems. But he was only following the policy of Eisenhower, who betrayed Israel, England, and France in the 1956 Suez War because of balance-of-power nonsense.

That appeasement backfired because Nasser of Egypt went with the Soviets anyway, possibly because he believed that since America had betrayed those three allies, it would betray Egypt, too, if he showed gratitude to us for giving him the Canal.
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Christian Marxists? Like Jim Jones who led his followers to all drink cool aid?

Assuming you are correct, what are you saying here? Are you saying that since they were all "bad" people that the Muslims had a right to murder them all?


Muslims are in the north of Sudan. It's orderly, fairly prosperous ... With decent roads
...the south has more water, but they still raid for livestock and wives.. You don't seem to know much about Sudan.

What does Sudan have to do with Jim Jones?
The M-I Complex Needed a Strong Enemy to Be Financed Against

The Liberty was a spy ship funneling information to the Arabs in order to prevent Israel from having too great a victory, which limited-war LBJ felt would cause a lot of Cold War problems. But he was only following the policy of Eisenhower, who betrayed Israel, England, and France in the 1956 Suez War for balance-of-power nonsense. That all backfired because Nasser of Egypt went with the Soviets anyway, possibly because he believed that if America betrayed those three allies, it would betray Egypt, too, if he showed gratitude to us for giving him the Canal.

That's a lie.

Also, we didn't give Egypt the Suez canal.
Haiti deserves nothing.
The Dominican Republic doesn't want anything to do with that useless shit hole.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

In 1937, Dominican strongman Rafael Trujillo ordered his army to kill all 35,000 of the Haitian illegal-immigrant squatters, which they did. But in 1938, he was only Western leader to welcome Jewish refugees from Hitler's killfest. So it is not automatic that White Supremacists are anti-semitic. Only the gutless bootlickers worshiping the Plutocracy, such as Swishy Swasticker Stormfront, connect those two kinds of racial pride.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

In 1937, Dominican strongman Rafael Trujillo ordered his army to kill all 35,000 of the Haitian illegal-immigrant squatters, which they did. But in 1938, he was only Western leader to welcome Jewish refugees from Hitler's killfest. So it is not automatic that White Supremacists are anti-semitic. Only the gutless bootlickers worshiping the Plutocracy, such as Swishy Swasticker Stormfront, connect those two kinds of racial pride.
I worked with a few Dominicans who joked that they were the Jewish Puerto Ricans...educated.
I don’t want to rely on G-d to fix it. i don’t believe he can control people’s attitudes and bigotry. WE have to fix it. But easier said than done.

Perhaps we can increase the punishment for hate crimes - especially assaults. A conviction carries a minimum sentence of two years, as an example.
I think that can backfire. For one, it turns the person into a “martyr“ for the haters. I think exposing publically and repudiating it is the first step. Getting the community involved…in rejecting it. “Hate has no place in our community”.

I always loved how people handled tbe Westboro Baptists Matthew Shepherd’s funeral and at military funerals they picketed, for example….what if did the equivalent anytime hate and bigotry reared it’s head?

Another out of the box idea is engagement. I know that sounds weird, but consider these two examples:

I also think harnessing the power of supportive interfaith groups is helpful.

You can’t change everyone’s hearts and mind’s but if you cane change enough you can reach a tipping point.

I think the danger of increasing penalties or attempting to curb their free speech could have the effect of driving it underground and “legitimize” their claims of being the “real” victims. What the Federal andState governments can do is support these community based efforts.

Just my opinion…the biggest wildcard here though is the role of the internet.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

In 1937, Dominican strongman Rafael Trujillo ordered his army to kill all 35,000 of the Haitian illegal-immigrant squatters, which they did. But in 1938, he was only Western leader to welcome Jewish refugees from Hitler's killfest. So it is not automatic that White Supremacists are anti-semitic. Only the gutless bootlickers worshiping the Plutocracy, such as Swishy Swasticker Stormfront, connect those two kinds of racial pride.
The USA let it about 250k jews from 39' onward. If it wasn't for the USA they all would have died. Oh and yes whites do should have and always will have pride. More jews live in the USA than any country on earth or Israel. It's pretty close. And no that kalergi plan isn't going to work.
To answer your question, why do you think anti-Semitism is on the rise?

Any ideas?

A lot of it is sentimental support for Palestinian causes. I have some sentimental sympathy for those causes as well, but KNOW the history better than the leftists hating on "Zionists" and Jewish "cabals" controlling capitalism.

The increase is coming from the left. The contributions (and threat level) from the RIGHT is decreasing in general. And by doing that -- leftists all over the world are shooting their toes off as leftists are prone to do when they turn revolutionary. They are alienating A LOT of valuable people in their voting bloc and economic support.

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