How Should We Change Our Policing to Avoid Chauvin-Floyd Type Mistakes?

What can we do to improve our police forces as they keep our communities safe? multiple sele3ctions

  • Abolish all police departments as they are inherently too dangerous to control civilians

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have been thinking about this for the last week and reading on different approaches, and I was wondering what people think about it here.

These would be Federali standards in order to receive Federal policing funds.

1) Cops should be banned from using neck restraint holds. This seems like a very dangerous practice, and when I was infantry training for some Cuban detention camps, we wwere told to not use neck restraints as it is easy to actually kill a person in a dozen different ways. so maybe police should be banned from using it?

2) Cops should have body cams on at all times when on duty. If it stops working they have to go back to theirprecinct and get it fixed before going back out.

3) Cops should have additional training on submission holds, the risks and what not to do.

4) Cops could be tracked on a Federal database for disciplinary action. This way a bad cop from Chicago cant conceal his past nad get hired on in Houston.

5) We should focus more on community outreach programs with police to soften their image more and build relations with the local community. More foot cops less patrol cars.

6) Stop voting into the mayors office people that have a history of slamming on cops.

7) Reduce militarization of our PEACE officers. Not every cop should be SWAT.

8) Increase pay for cops to reduce ned for overtime

9) cops should have random drug tests (especially for steroids)

10) Annual psychological review to help police deal with frustrations from the job, and these should be former cops as well as psychologists/
The key is for police officers to be better trained to avoid the problem situations and people that lead to the unfortunate and ugly confrontation between Chauvin and Floyd. If Chauvin been flirting with a Donut Waitress, maybe showing her his gun and bragging about how many bad guys he whacked, he wouldn't have come within Floyd's space at all.
I dont see anything about criminal reform. We just have criminal thugs who hurt people, end up getting released back into society so they can hurt people again.

Here is the answer for repeat offenders. A long drop with a quick stop isnt racist at all, because the rope doesnt see the color of the skin like Demoncraps do, it just provides justice equally. After this there is no more repeat offenders with a rap sheet a mile long...

I have been thinking about this for the last week and reading on different approaches, and I was wondering what people think about it here.

These would be Federali standards in order to receive Federal policing funds.

1) Cops should be banned from using neck restraint holds. This seems like a very dangerous practice, and when I was infantry training for some Cuban detention camps, we wwere told to not use neck restraints as it is easy to actually kill a person in a dozen different ways. so maybe police should be banned from using it?

2) Cops should have body cams on at all times when on duty. If it stops working they have to go back to theirprecinct and get it fixed before going back out.

3) Cops should have additional training on submission holds, the risks and what not to do.

4) Cops could be tracked on a Federal database for disciplinary action. This way a bad cop from Chicago cant conceal his past nad get hired on in Houston.

5) We should focus more on community outreach programs with police to soften their image more and build relations with the local community. More foot cops less patrol cars.

6) Stop voting into the mayors office people that have a history of slamming on cops.

7) Reduce militarization of our PEACE officers. Not every cop should be SWAT.

8) Increase pay for cops to reduce ned for overtime

9) cops should have random drug tests (especially for steroids)

10) Annual psychological review to help police deal with frustrations from the job, and these should be former cops as well as psychologists/
Get rid of body cams and let police do their job.
The key is for police officers to be better trained to avoid the problem situations and people that lead to the unfortunate and ugly confrontation between Chauvin and Floyd. If Chauvin been flirting with a Donut Waitress, maybe showing her his gun and bragging about how many bad guys he whacked, he wouldn't have come within Floyd's space at all.
Floyd was a shit bag. Society better off without him.
Yea I say get rid of the problem, let the hyphenated Americans go back to their "home country".

They don't call themselves American africans. They call themselves African Americans. So go back there.
It's simple. We need the system to quit defending police officers when they do something wrong. We wouldn't be having these problems if the issues being protested would have been handled correctly in the first place.

Issues of civil rights violations should not be settled with the taxpayers paying out millions in settlements. If a police officer does something that is so egregious that it causes that sort of settlement he should no longer be a police officer.
63 million police interactions with the public and 1 george floyd

It will be pretty difficult to improve on that no matter how much money the government spends

Who has been held accountable for the lies that caused the death of Breonna Taylor?
The key is for police officers to be better trained to avoid the problem situations and people that lead to the unfortunate and ugly confrontation between Chauvin and Floyd. If Chauvin been flirting with a Donut Waitress, maybe showing her his gun and bragging about how many bad guys he whacked, he wouldn't have come within Floyd's space at all.
Floyd was a shit bag. Society better off without him.
I agree, I just don't think it should have happened, and I definitely think what's going on around the country has nothing to do with him. It's just criminal scum doing what they always wanted to do, and useless scum democrats doing nothing but blaming Trump for what they are doing. They were supposedly coming here yesterday to the courthouse but it was packed with locals carrying rifles and handguns right along side the police carrying the same thing.
Who has been held accountable for the lies that caused the death of Breonna Taylor?
Her boyfriend?

He fired the first shot and the cops returned fire

Which he was legally allowed to do. That is why there were no charges filed. Courts have been routinely ruling this way. If someone breaks into your house you are allowed to protect yourself.

Now, about the lies that caused the warrant to be issued in the first place?
Yea I'm hearing tons of shit about ol' druggie Georgy porgy but nothing about the Breonna Taylor incident which is a TRUE act of horror on behalf of the cops.

3 cops in plain clothes bust into the front door in a no-knock warrant. One cop got shot and Breonna who didn't fire a shot was shot 8 times and killed. All without punishment. And it was perfectly legal for her bf to open fire on the cops.
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I have been thinking about this for the last week and reading on different approaches, and I was wondering what people think about it here.

These would be Federali standards in order to receive Federal policing funds.

1) Cops should be banned from using neck restraint holds. This seems like a very dangerous practice, and when I was infantry training for some Cuban detention camps, we wwere told to not use neck restraints as it is easy to actually kill a person in a dozen different ways. so maybe police should be banned from using it?

2) Cops should have body cams on at all times when on duty. If it stops working they have to go back to theirprecinct and get it fixed before going back out.

3) Cops should have additional training on submission holds, the risks and what not to do.

4) Cops could be tracked on a Federal database for disciplinary action. This way a bad cop from Chicago cant conceal his past nad get hired on in Houston.

5) We should focus more on community outreach programs with police to soften their image more and build relations with the local community. More foot cops less patrol cars.

6) Stop voting into the mayors office people that have a history of slamming on cops.

7) Reduce militarization of our PEACE officers. Not every cop should be SWAT.

8) Increase pay for cops to reduce ned for overtime

9) cops should have random drug tests (especially for steroids)

10) Annual psychological review to help police deal with frustrations from the job, and these should be former cops as well as psychologists/

some good ideas
Start with taking away QUALIFIED IMMUNITY. Nobody should be IMMUNE, and that goes for the ass wipes in congress as well.
I have been thinking about this for the last week and reading on different approaches, and I was wondering what people think about it here.

These would be Federali standards in order to receive Federal policing funds.

1) Cops should be banned from using neck restraint holds. This seems like a very dangerous practice, and when I was infantry training for some Cuban detention camps, we wwere told to not use neck restraints as it is easy to actually kill a person in a dozen different ways. so maybe police should be banned from using it?

2) Cops should have body cams on at all times when on duty. If it stops working they have to go back to theirprecinct and get it fixed before going back out.

3) Cops should have additional training on submission holds, the risks and what not to do.

4) Cops could be tracked on a Federal database for disciplinary action. This way a bad cop from Chicago cant conceal his past nad get hired on in Houston.

5) We should focus more on community outreach programs with police to soften their image more and build relations with the local community. More foot cops less patrol cars.

6) Stop voting into the mayors office people that have a history of slamming on cops.

7) Reduce militarization of our PEACE officers. Not every cop should be SWAT.

8) Increase pay for cops to reduce ned for overtime

9) cops should have random drug tests (especially for steroids)

10) Annual psychological review to help police deal with frustrations from the job, and these should be former cops as well as psychologists/
Need to add ship all black people to Lyberia.

Now, about the lies that caused the warrant to be issued in the first place?
I wouldnt know

If the cops warn the residents before going in drug dealers either destroy the evidence or use the time to arm themselves for battle

but the cops could use bulletproof shields to protect themselves better and maybe avoid shootouts with innocent residents

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