How sick are you of 'Republicans/Democrats are evil!'???

Just how sick are you of the whole 'GOP/Dems are evil' mantra from both sides?

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The stupidity of this poll is it ignores deeper realities. Except for Willow, I don't see many people posting that a person is evil, based exclusively on whether they have a D or an R in their name. What I see more is ignorant generalizations to postings, making stupid talking point good/evil attacks. "You're a socialist", "liberals are all baby killers", "you just hate the rich", "you're a partisan asswipe."

I don't expect the internet to change much. It hasn't for the 20 years I've been playing on it. I used to think of it as a hangman's hood. People are just going to be more apt to act like assholes, and let their darkside come through when they're not face to face with people, and their real identity is hidden.

Expecting intelligent discussion, as a rule more than an exception, on a political message board, is a fools errand.

democrats are evil, it's just that simple. why else would they come out to play day after day with their outrageous allegations about Republicans? Explain that as civilly as you can.
Policy resulting in action is much more good or evil. Reusing lies and generalizations make me sick. People who are too lazy to read OP articles and make stupid judgements relating to their accuracy makes me sick. People who give a reach around or a flame, with a single emoticon post makes me sick.

What makes me sick is the morons that will use stupid name calling, instead of logic and facts, to support or refute opinions of others. So yes, Conservative, you make me sick.

Considering you are guilty of everything you just mentioned (even the name calling in this very post), you make yourself sick... as you do the rest of us, Dickless.

No, using a term like moron, to describe someone who ONLY uses drive by name calling or single emoticon post is an opinion based on supporting facts. Those types make me sick.

BTW, don't expect civility from me unless you earn it. You haven't even come close. There's many conservatives here who I will discuss issues with, without using lame flames. But I don't plan on bring a knife to a gun fight.

we don't care asswipe.
Policy resulting in action is much more good or evil. Reusing lies and generalizations make me sick. People who are too lazy to read OP articles and make stupid judgements relating to their accuracy makes me sick. People who give a reach around or a flame, with a single emoticon post makes me sick.

What makes me sick is the morons that will use stupid name calling, instead of logic and facts, to support or refute opinions of others. So yes, Conservative, you make me sick.

Considering you are guilty of everything you just mentioned (even the name calling in this very post), you make yourself sick... as you do the rest of us, Dickless.

No, using a term like moron, to describe someone who ONLY uses drive by name calling or single emoticon post is an opinion based on supporting facts. Those types make me sick.

BTW, don't expect civility from me unless you earn it. You haven't even come close. There's many conservatives here who I will discuss issues with, without using lame flames. But I don't plan on bring a knife to a gun fight.

considering that is not the only thing I do, calling me a moron is against your 'code', dumb ass.

As for 'earning civility form you'? Like I give a rats ass :rofl:

Now stop derailing the thread and go home, Dickless Fuck.
i have seen conservatives with 'imagine no liberals' bumperstickers....

have you ever seen one saying 'imagine no conservatives' you havent.....seems there is no room in the conservative sphere for opposing opinions.
Considering you are guilty of everything you just mentioned (even the name calling in this very post), you make yourself sick... as you do the rest of us, Dickless.

No, using a term like moron, to describe someone who ONLY uses drive by name calling or single emoticon post is an opinion based on supporting facts. Those types make me sick.

BTW, don't expect civility from me unless you earn it. You haven't even come close. There's many conservatives here who I will discuss issues with, without using lame flames. But I don't plan on bring a knife to a gun fight.

we don't care asswipe.

The right must be getting pretty hard up for a spokesperson, since you seem to taking on that role. Why don't you say, "I don't care"? This way you'd be speaking for yourself, and not pretending to be a speaker for an entire class.
"You're evil" Doesn't bother me nearly as much as the very real situation of people calling us liberals "more dangerous than terrorists who are destroying America". From the type of people who fantasize about situations where they might have to use their love of guns to take back their country from us godless infidels.

We kill and capture terrorists... what do you do with somebody who you believe is more dangerous than a terrorist?

What is more dangerous?
I say going bankrupt is.
It's libs unfunded entitlements to the tune of 119 trillion dollars.

Unfunded? That goes to management and priorities, does it not? BTW, where did you get the figure of $119 trillion?

Congress wastes money (I won't use a figure, but that Congress is wasteful should be non controversial). Getting 535 self serving individuals to agree on anything is a monumental task, particularly when each is most concerned with their own job.

If you agree with this premise - on the national, state and even local level - it's no wonder we're in an economic mess, a mess created by elected officials whose misfeasance got us where we are today.

Yet most of us support our member of Congress, otherwise so many incumbents would not be elected time after time.

A fix is easy, yet impossible. Easy because elected officials do not have a business plan and an unbiased observer could provide one; impossible because special interests set the agenda by influencing (nice, safe word) members of Congress with what they believe are entitlements (not bribes as I see it).

Franklin was spot on when he said we have a Republic if we can keep it. We haven't, we are a Plutocracy and blaming "libs" won't fix that.

The figure of 119 trillion comes from the debt clock

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Notice where it says U.S. Unfunded assets.
The Libs started all of these programs without regard as to how to fund them.
Repubs are also to blame because they also added to the programs, without regards as how to fund them.
A lot of this comes from money going to congress from lobbying.
We have to get the money out of that corrupt process.
i have seen conservatives with 'imagine no liberals' bumperstickers....

have you ever seen one saying 'imagine no conservatives' you havent.....seems there is no room in the conservative sphere for opposing opinions.

I disagree.

See? An opposing opinion.:tongue:
Considering you are guilty of everything you just mentioned (even the name calling in this very post), you make yourself sick... as you do the rest of us, Dickless.

No, using a term like moron, to describe someone who ONLY uses drive by name calling or single emoticon post is an opinion based on supporting facts. Those types make me sick.

BTW, don't expect civility from me unless you earn it. You haven't even come close. There's many conservatives here who I will discuss issues with, without using lame flames. But I don't plan on bring a knife to a gun fight.

considering that is not the only thing I do, calling me a moron is against your 'code', dumb ass.

As for 'earning civility form you'? Like I give a rats ass :rofl:

Now stop derailing the thread and go home, Dickless Fuck.

Fuck you assmonkey. Who died and made you forum czar? I am home, you idiot. And I'll post what and where I want.
No, using a term like moron, to describe someone who ONLY uses drive by name calling or single emoticon post is an opinion based on supporting facts. Those types make me sick.

BTW, don't expect civility from me unless you earn it. You haven't even come close. There's many conservatives here who I will discuss issues with, without using lame flames. But I don't plan on bring a knife to a gun fight.

considering that is not the only thing I do, calling me a moron is against your 'code', dumb ass.

As for 'earning civility form you'? Like I give a rats ass :rofl:

Now stop derailing the thread and go home, Dickless Fuck.

Fuck you assmonkey. Who died and made you forum czar? I am home, you idiot. And I'll post what and where I want.

So, rules don't apply to you... Seems you take after the President.

Any off-topic posts will be deleted or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or subforum..
Obviously it doesn't bother most of the people that post here. "You suck" is USMBs bread and butter...

Never once said that ones on my opposing side like you or Jill suck... but I will always contend trolls like TDM, rdummy, usarmyretired, etc suck
i have seen conservatives with 'imagine no liberals' bumperstickers....

have you ever seen one saying 'imagine no conservatives' you havent.....seems there is no room in the conservative sphere for opposing opinions.

I disagree.

See? An opposing opinion.:tongue:

did i say no room? no i didnt...that is part of the problem....conservatives dont read they just babble....they dont need to read they know it all and know what liberals are forth and so on

Minds on both ends are closed, no light gets in whatsoever, and that's the way they want it. When a mind is closed like that, it can convince itself of anything -- i.e., that someone with whom they disagree is "evil" -- because it doesn't allow legitimate, rational, mature, contrary arguments into its thought processes.

My guess is that it's often a matter of self esteem. Partisan ideologues (1) get to belong to a "club" that makes them "feel" like they "belong", and (2) learn quickly to spin, distort, divert and outright lie to avoid having their closed and carefully-crafted little world challenged.

No credibility, but a fascinating study.

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That said, I don't believe the fringe right is evil, I simply believe their belief system begins and ends with this concept: "I got mine, I want more and I don't care who suffers in my quest" vis a vis to the left which is more apt to follow the Golden Rule.

I think many on the far right are truly evil for the statement you made which sums up both parties.
The hard right will put people on the streets, destroying their social security and medicare, ship their jobs over seas,..etc They don't about destroying people's lives, all their care about is more and more greed for themselves.

No, using a term like moron, to describe someone who ONLY uses drive by name calling or single emoticon post is an opinion based on supporting facts. Those types make me sick.

BTW, don't expect civility from me unless you earn it. You haven't even come close. There's many conservatives here who I will discuss issues with, without using lame flames. But I don't plan on bring a knife to a gun fight.

we don't care asswipe.

The right must be getting pretty hard up for a spokesperson, since you seem to taking on that role. Why don't you say, "I don't care"? This way you'd be speaking for yourself, and not pretending to be a speaker for an entire class.

It's a free board. Any conservative who gives a rats ass about you, your opinion, or your level of civillity can step forward.
That said, I don't believe the fringe right is evil, I simply believe their belief system begins and ends with this concept: "I got mine, I want more and I don't care who suffers in my quest" vis a vis to the left which is more apt to follow the Golden Rule.

I think many on the far right are truly evil for the statement you made which sums up both parties.
The hard right will put people on the streets, destroying their social security and medicare, ship their jobs over seas,..etc They don't about destroying people's lives, all their care about is more and more greed for themselves.

The golden rule does not include forcing others to provide your want to do or give unto others

Greed also involves the greed of wanting something for nothing and at the expense of others..

One winger fluffing another, par for the course
i have seen conservatives with 'imagine no liberals' bumperstickers....

have you ever seen one saying 'imagine no conservatives' you havent.....seems there is no room in the conservative sphere for opposing opinions.

I disagree.

See? An opposing opinion.:tongue:

did i say no room? no i didnt...that is part of the problem....conservatives dont read they just babble....they dont need to read they know it all and know what liberals are forth and so on

you said.. "seems there's no room" so is there room or isn't there. clarify your meaning.
Does this poll go to eleven?

Or to zero?

I could really give a shit how certain people feel about me. In fact, I'm pretty damned happy that several people here think I'm evil.
No. I don't want poor people to starve. I don't want to end social security or put homosexuals in prison.
I want poor people to get a good education so they can provide for themselves, but I want them to learn marketable skills not PC shit that serves no purpose other than influencing the way they will vote as adults.
I don't hate Hispanics or immigrants for that matter. I'm just really pissed off when I'm told to "press 1 for English", or I see my taxes going to support people who have no right in my country. Come here legally, get a job and learn the language. Both of my father's parents emigrated here from Germany. They raised 4 sons, none of whom ever spoke German.
I don't hate President obama because he is black. I don't trust his white half either.
No. I don't hate liberals, even the off the wall idiots like Franco, Conservaderp, Cammmpbell or rdean. I pity them. I ridicule them and I show my displeasure with USMB's rep system, and I move on to the next thread.

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