Zone1 How Some Black People Sometimes Segregate Themselves

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Black people tend not to want go places that cost money. When I was a kid in the 60's and early 70's, my grandmother would pay a dollar for us to fish off of a pier on the Trinity River when there was free fishing on the banks. Everyone on the pier was white, everyone on the banks was black. That was a well spent dollar for my Alabama Grandma.

Ok, that was fifty years ago.

Just last evening, I was at a fundraiser for the high school in my district. It was a Halloween carnival, two dollars per person admission. The kids could trick or treat at about forty booths for a much more fun and safe experience than roaming around the neighborhood at night. They came away with way more candy. There were also tickets to pay games and win prizes at the booths, and a concession stand.

Student counsel raised thousands of dollars to be used for a Graduation night lock-in to encourage graduates to not go out and get in trouble or get hurt on their first night as official grownups.

The district has always been about half Hispanic and half white, but in recent years, the boundaries were moved to incorporate several all-black apartments. Now the district is maybe five percent black. Three different times a black family - no dad - came in and when asked for the price of admission expressed surprise and left, pulling their disappointed kids with their empty bags out the door. All the flyers and all the announcements specified "Fund Raiser." Maybe they thought the money raised was for them.

I don't fault anyone for being frugal. With so many blacks living off the sweat of my own brow, I suppose I should applaud it. But not paying two dollars for kids to participate safely in the community while planning to spend hundreds of dollars and several hours on a weave makes no sense to me.

They make it easy for whites to exclude them. Just a nominal fee will often get the job done. If there was a way to exclude non-tippers, restaurants could go back to being effectively white-only.
No link and blacks go plenty of places that cost money.
No link and blacks go plenty of places that cost money.
Sure they do. You're missing the point. Some blacks think differently than whites about what they should and should not pay for.

For example, they get that they will need to pay to eat at Red Lobster. I see them all the time at Pappa's Seafood, which is a Texas chain that is a far superior version of Red Lobster.

But when the check comes and it is $147.33 for a family of five, they think they are supposed to pay exactly $147.33. They don't want to pay the server for their work, though they are often the most demanding of patrons.

The next time they go, if the staff is less than enthusiastic in greeting them, of course that is due to racism.
My mostly white butt used free tickets to go to a way black majority comedy fundraiser in which I am guessing several of the blacks paid to get in. Well technically they were free. They were comps from a non-profit I donated to and did work for.
I'm black. So I won't be arguing with you about what black people do.
I'm black. So I won't be arguing with you about what black people do.
I don't blame you.

You'd be at a distinct disadvantage if you did.

I doubt that I would play basketball with you, so I don't blame you for not debating with me.
Whites have lived off the sweat of our brows since July 4, 1776.
Up until the last few decades, you had a point with that.

Now, blacks have been pulled out of sweat jobs by the welfare system, and pushed out by immigrants willing to work for sub-minimum wages.

Now you have affirmative action and welfare, which will have to do for your reparations. Democrats know that white liberals don't really want to pay reparations as you envision them, so they won't happen.
Where is the link?

When whites are in all white situations we don't see shit like this. I am black, so I won't be arguing with some silly ass wb about this. Blacks spend money and blacks don't segregate ourselves any more than whites do. Period.
Where is the link?
Here it is. I found one that you don't have to read:

"Restaurant workers of all races dislike waiting on them, assuming the tips will be less.

When whites are in all white situations we don't see shit like this. I am black, so I won't be arguing with some silly ass wb about this. Blacks spend money and blacks don't segregate ourselves any more than whites do. Period.
As I explained, whites are able to put themselves in all or nearly all white situation by simply charging a nominal fee. That wasn't the goal of the fundraiser last night. I'll let you guess what the goal was.

In a district with a significant black population, the only blacks I saw were spouses of white or Hispanic attendees.

Just tip your damn servers, man! Why should a waitress, especially a black waitress, have to serve you for free, when she could be earning tips from a paying customer?
Why is this thread still open without a link?
Lighter skinned blacks discriminate against darker skinned blacks.
Yes, many black clubs had their members take the paper bag test, i.e. they had to be as light or lighter than a standard grocery bag.

Of course, we all know that IM2 could have passed, even if they used this bag:

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