How soon before Republicans run from Trump?

It wasn’t Clinton and the Democrats who committed “epic crimes” in the last election.


1. Illegally buying and USING in a federal election false / unsubstantiated document filled with Russian Propaganda in a US election from a foreign spy through a firm working for the Russians....

2. After buying the DNC, Hillary illegally used campaign donations meant for other candidates on her own failed campaign - which is a CRIME.

3. Rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during debates (ok, TECHNICALLY, I think, only 1 of those is a CRIME)

4. 20,000k violations of the Federal Records Act and the FOIA (During the campaign timeframe)

5. Felony Mishandling of classified information (During the campaign timeframe)
- Illegal possession of TS/SCI information (she had been read out of the program and could not legally have this info)
- Illegal ownership of a classified TS/SCI server
- Lack or encryption required by law
- Illegal Storage of Classified
- Giving illegal access to persons who have no security clearance
- Illegal sending / receiving classified
- Illegal destruction of classified NOT in accordance with laws

6. 'Gross Negligence' (During the campaign timeframe)

7. Obstruction (During the campaign timeframe)
-- Illegal non-compliance with an FBI / Federal Subpoena

8. Giving False Statements to the FBI (NOT Perjury) (During the campaign timeframe)
-- Both Abedin and Mills also committed this crime

9. Obstruction
- Evidence shows FBI Agent Strzok altered the language in the FBI's final report, protecting Hillary from charges of 'Gross negligence'
-- Evidence shows FBI Agent Strzok obstructed Justice b yprotecting both Abedin and mills from indictment
-- Both FBI Director Comey, FBI Deputy Director McCabe, and US AG Lynch did knowingly conspire and effect the 'exoneration' of Hillary Clinton before the investigation was complete

10. Illegal Spying
The Obama administration (FBI and DOJ) violated the law in order to get authorization for an illegal wiretap on a political party opponent and his team during an election

Trump’s own lawyers don’t want him talking to the FBI because lying to the FBI is a federal crime, and they’re afraid Trump won’t be able to help himself. He’ll just blurt out some self-serving lie, and he’ll be caught.
Trump's lawyers don't want Trump to talk to Mueller because:

1. Mueller has a history of prosecutorial misconduct
--- Don't ask me for proof of that AGAIN, as we have already been down that road.

2. Mueller's Team has been exposed as Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremists who have gone as far as break laws to protect Hillary and her associates while breaking laws to 'get Trump' & his team

3. This Summary of Evidence just about to be released is going to expose Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Mueller, and / or Lynch as officially engaging an abuses of power / breaking laws in their criminal cover-up of Hillary's crimes and / or Witch Hunt against Trump

4. This is a trap. The majority of indictments in a witch unt like this come from the 'gottcha' game rather than crimes being investigated.

5. There is no need to talk to Mueller - going on 2 years now, and Democrats / Mueller still can't prove a crime was ever committed warranting this witch hunt / investigation.

View attachment 174078

Trump has been engaging in a disinformation campaign to give cover to his plan to purge the FBI and Justice of anyone involved in the Investigation. Trump is self destructing and provoking a Constitutional crisis.

Thank you for listing the lies he's using to try it. It's not going to work.
Trump has been engaging in a disinformation campaign to give cover to his plan to purge the FBI and Justice of anyone involved in the Investigation. Trump is self destructing and provoking a Constitutional crisis.

Don't just claim it, DL - PROVE IT.


Sorry, my bad. I forgot you guys are horrible with trying to provide evidence. :p
It wasn’t Clinton and the Democrats who committed “epic crimes” in the last election.


1. Illegally buying and USING in a federal election false / unsubstantiated document filled with Russian Propaganda in a US election from a foreign spy through a firm working for the Russians....

2. After buying the DNC, Hillary illegally used campaign donations meant for other candidates on her own failed campaign - which is a CRIME.

3. Rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud during debates (ok, TECHNICALLY, I think, only 1 of those is a CRIME)

4. 20,000k violations of the Federal Records Act and the FOIA (During the campaign timeframe)

5. Felony Mishandling of classified information (During the campaign timeframe)
- Illegal possession of TS/SCI information (she had been read out of the program and could not legally have this info)
- Illegal ownership of a classified TS/SCI server
- Lack or encryption required by law
- Illegal Storage of Classified
- Giving illegal access to persons who have no security clearance
- Illegal sending / receiving classified
- Illegal destruction of classified NOT in accordance with laws

6. 'Gross Negligence' (During the campaign timeframe)

7. Obstruction (During the campaign timeframe)
-- Illegal non-compliance with an FBI / Federal Subpoena

8. Giving False Statements to the FBI (NOT Perjury) (During the campaign timeframe)
-- Both Abedin and Mills also committed this crime

9. Obstruction
- Evidence shows FBI Agent Strzok altered the language in the FBI's final report, protecting Hillary from charges of 'Gross negligence'
-- Evidence shows FBI Agent Strzok obstructed Justice b yprotecting both Abedin and mills from indictment
-- Both FBI Director Comey, FBI Deputy Director McCabe, and US AG Lynch did knowingly conspire and effect the 'exoneration' of Hillary Clinton before the investigation was complete

10. Illegal Spying
The Obama administration (FBI and DOJ) violated the law in order to get authorization for an illegal wiretap on a political party opponent and his team during an election


This is simply more of your lies and disinformation. You Russians and the Trumpbot are the only people repeating these lies.

Trump has gone too far this time. He is openly obstructing justice and not even pretending he isn't. This cannot continue if the Republic is to survive. It is essential that the President over the law or it's over.
The American people are growing tired of Trump's antics, his lies, and his name calling and lack of leadership.

Imagine you are a US Senator up for election & your record of supporting Trump comes into play in any State with a sizeable number independent voters.

How do you defend the cabinet members you approved like Pruitt, DeVoS, ETAL? Most people are for education, for clean air & water, safe work places, protecting our East & West Coasts from oil. They are for DACA. They liked Obamacare. They believe ion Global Warming.

They want a balanced budget & they just saw a 1.5 trillion dollar charge to the country's credit card. They now know more about Trump's lack of morality.

Many Republicans ran two years ago on supporting Trump. Vote for them & get a vote for the Trump agenda!!!!! This year, not so much.

I hope Trump Republicans get slaughtered in the election. They deserve it. Most of them saw what Trump was doing & did NOTHING to stop him. They supported a man who trashed veterans, Mexicans, Hispanics, Blacks, Leaders of our allies, entire countries. He picked a fight with a crazy fucker with nuclear weapons (making two). He ended the TPP & handed leadership in TP to China. He pulled out of the Paris Accord calling global warming a hoax& now since the Paris Accord ignores him, he wants back in.

Smerticasns have seen behind the curtain.

Republicans running for office have a short time to correct themselves.

if they're smart, they'll start now

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump's job approval rating averaged 38% throughout the U.S. in 2017, but at the state level it ranged from a high of 61% in West Virginia to a low of 26% in Vermont.


Trump averaged 50% or higher approval in 12 states in total, primarily in the states where he received the most votes in the 2016 election. In addition to West Virginia, the states where at least half the respondents approved of Trump included several western states (Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and Alaska), several southern states (Oklahoma, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas) and two Midwestern states (North and South Dakota).

Trump earned between 40% and 49% approval -- above his national average -- in 20 states. These were predominantly in the Midwest and South, and included several of the key rustbelt states that were critical to his 2016 victory: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Fewer than 40% of respondents approved of Trump in the remaining 18 states, 14 of which are located in the East and West -- his worst performing regions in the election. In addition to Vermont, his ratings were particularly low -- below 30% -- in Massachusetts (27%), California (29%) and Hawaii (29%). Maryland, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island round out the states where fewer than one-third of the respondents approved.

Trump's Approval Highest in West Virginia, Lowest in Vermont

he can't even crack 50% in the land of steers and queers lol
Stupid Moon Bat Democrat just don't get it.

Trump is making America great again by undoing much of the damage that the affirmative action Kenyan did to this country to turn the US into a socialist shithole.

Of course these are the same idiots that elected the worthless sonofabitch in the first place and thought Crooked Hillary was honest so it is not likely they will ever understand.
How soon before Republicans run from Trump?

Never. They have a vision of a bigger better Russia. Republicans admire Vladimir Putin. They see him as the kind of a leader this country should have.
...says the guy whose Presidential candidate took $145 million from the Russian KGB Bank, whose husband took $500k a speech from the Russian KGB bank, whose supporters / voters organized and marched for the Russians, whose liberal groups (like Antifa, BLM, and the Black Fist) took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence, whose President and FBI Directors hid Russian crimes in 2009 and from 2014 - 2016...


Says the guy who works for Vladimir Putin, spreading these propaganda lies like the good little troll farmer he is.

Do you have proof of your accusation or are you just out slandering today?
The American people are growing tired of Trump's antics, his lies, and his name calling and lack of leadership.

Imagine you are a US Senator up for election & your record of supporting Trump comes into play in any State with a sizeable number independent voters.

trump has proven a useful idiot for the conservative wing of the he himself has proven......will sign ANYTHING that is placed in front of him by that same right wing.......

If the House flips blue this Nov., the Senate will also abandon the orange clown.
The American people are growing tired of Trump's antics, his lies, and his name calling and lack of leadership.

Imagine you are a US Senator up for election & your record of supporting Trump comes into play in any State with a sizeable number independent voters.

How do you defend the cabinet members you approved like Pruitt, DeVoS, ETAL? Most people are for education, for clean air & water, safe work places, protecting our East & West Coasts from oil. They are for DACA. They liked Obamacare. They believe ion Global Warming.

They want a balanced budget & they just saw a 1.5 trillion dollar charge to the country's credit card. They now know more about Trump's lack of morality.

Many Republicans ran two years ago on supporting Trump. Vote for them & get a vote for the Trump agenda!!!!! This year, not so much.

I hope Trump Republicans get slaughtered in the election. They deserve it. Most of them saw what Trump was doing & did NOTHING to stop him. They supported a man who trashed veterans, Mexicans, Hispanics, Blacks, Leaders of our allies, entire countries. He picked a fight with a crazy fucker with nuclear weapons (making two). He ended the TPP & handed leadership in TP to China. He pulled out of the Paris Accord calling global warming a hoax& now since the Paris Accord ignores him, he wants back in.

Smerticasns have seen behind the curtain.

Republicans running for office have a short time to correct themselves.

if they're smart, they'll start now

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump's job approval rating averaged 38% throughout the U.S. in 2017, but at the state level it ranged from a high of 61% in West Virginia to a low of 26% in Vermont.


Trump averaged 50% or higher approval in 12 states in total, primarily in the states where he received the most votes in the 2016 election. In addition to West Virginia, the states where at least half the respondents approved of Trump included several western states (Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and Alaska), several southern states (Oklahoma, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas) and two Midwestern states (North and South Dakota).

Trump earned between 40% and 49% approval -- above his national average -- in 20 states. These were predominantly in the Midwest and South, and included several of the key rustbelt states that were critical to his 2016 victory: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Fewer than 40% of respondents approved of Trump in the remaining 18 states, 14 of which are located in the East and West -- his worst performing regions in the election. In addition to Vermont, his ratings were particularly low -- below 30% -- in Massachusetts (27%), California (29%) and Hawaii (29%). Maryland, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island round out the states where fewer than one-third of the respondents approved.

Trump's Approval Highest in West Virginia, Lowest in Vermont

he can't even crack 50% in the land of steers and queers lol

His base never will but when Congress is finished getting their legislation through and signed they will throw him out like a garbage bag full of trash.
You Russians and the Trumpbot are the only people repeating these lies.
Poor, DL.....another victim of the mental disease snowflakes who can not accept the results of the 2016 election suffer from:

Unrealistic, traumatic fear of anything Russia


Chronic butt-hurt, delusion, anxiety, irrational behavior, affinity for criminal Democrats, etc...

The American people are growing tired of Trump's antics, his lies, and his name calling and lack of leadership.

Imagine you are a US Senator up for election & your record of supporting Trump comes into play in any State with a sizeable number independent voters.

trump has proven a useful idiot for the conservative wing of the he himself has proven......will sign ANYTHING that is placed in front of him by that same right wing.......

If the House flips blue this Nov., the Senate will also abandon the orange clown.
Trump kicked Hillary's ass
Trump has kicked Obama's and his Legacy's ass
Trump has kicked all the Democrats Ass

...and hate-driven snowflakes can't stand it....

upload_2018-1-30_15-34-13.jpeg [URL='']upload_2018-1-30_15-34-31.jpeg
The American people are growing tired of Trump's antics, his lies, and his name calling and lack of leadership.

Imagine you are a US Senator up for election & your record of supporting Trump comes into play in any State with a sizeable number independent voters.

How do you defend the cabinet members you approved like Pruitt, DeVoS, ETAL? Most people are for education, for clean air & water, safe work places, protecting our East & West Coasts from oil. They are for DACA. They liked Obamacare. They believe ion Global Warming.

They want a balanced budget & they just saw a 1.5 trillion dollar charge to the country's credit card. They now know more about Trump's lack of morality.

Many Republicans ran two years ago on supporting Trump. Vote for them & get a vote for the Trump agenda!!!!! This year, not so much.

I hope Trump Republicans get slaughtered in the election. They deserve it. Most of them saw what Trump was doing & did NOTHING to stop him. They supported a man who trashed veterans, Mexicans, Hispanics, Blacks, Leaders of our allies, entire countries. He picked a fight with a crazy fucker with nuclear weapons (making two). He ended the TPP & handed leadership in TP to China. He pulled out of the Paris Accord calling global warming a hoax& now since the Paris Accord ignores him, he wants back in.

Smerticasns have seen behind the curtain.

Republicans running for office have a short time to correct themselves.

It isn’t going to happen. Everyone but the butthurt snowflakes on the left knows that President Trump is makes no America great again.
Trump has been engaging in a disinformation campaign to give cover to his plan to purge the FBI and Justice of anyone involved in the Investigation. Trump is self destructing and provoking a Constitutional crisis.

Don't just claim it, DL - PROVE IT.


Sorry, my bad. I forgot you guys are horrible with trying to provide evidence. :p

68 posts a day, more than 5 per hour, 7 days a week, for the past 18 months. Doesn’t understand American idioms or concepts.

And he’s always backing whatever conspiracy theory the Russian trollers are pushing.
Trump has been engaging in a disinformation campaign to give cover to his plan to purge the FBI and Justice of anyone involved in the Investigation. Trump is self destructing and provoking a Constitutional crisis.

Don't just claim it, DL - PROVE IT.


Sorry, my bad. I forgot you guys are horrible with trying to provide evidence. :p

68 posts a day, more than 5 per hour, 7 days a week, for the past 18 months. Doesn’t understand American idioms or concepts.

And he’s always backing whatever conspiracy theory the Russian trollers are pushing.
Yes, getting your lies, fake news BS, and liberal propaganda debunked and your ass figuratively kicked all the time is obviously frustrating....

The American people are growing tired of Trump's antics, his lies, and his name calling and lack of leadership.

Imagine you are a US Senator up for election & your record of supporting Trump comes into play in any State with a sizeable number independent voters.

How do you defend the cabinet members you approved like Pruitt, DeVoS, ETAL? Most people are for education, for clean air & water, safe work places, protecting our East & West Coasts from oil. They are for DACA. They liked Obamacare. They believe ion Global Warming.

They want a balanced budget & they just saw a 1.5 trillion dollar charge to the country's credit card. They now know more about Trump's lack of morality.

Many Republicans ran two years ago on supporting Trump. Vote for them & get a vote for the Trump agenda!!!!! This year, not so much.

I hope Trump Republicans get slaughtered in the election. They deserve it. Most of them saw what Trump was doing & did NOTHING to stop him. They supported a man who trashed veterans, Mexicans, Hispanics, Blacks, Leaders of our allies, entire countries. He picked a fight with a crazy fucker with nuclear weapons (making two). He ended the TPP & handed leadership in TP to China. He pulled out of the Paris Accord calling global warming a hoax& now since the Paris Accord ignores him, he wants back in.

Smerticasns have seen behind the curtain.

Republicans running for office have a short time to correct themselves.

Yup, nice to see that stench of Obama hope actually still remains on someone.
The American people are growing tired of Trump's antics, his lies, and his name calling and lack of leadership.

Imagine you are a US Senator up for election & your record of supporting Trump comes into play in any State with a sizeable number independent voters.

How do you defend the cabinet members you approved like Pruitt, DeVoS, ETAL? Most people are for education, for clean air & water, safe work places, protecting our East & West Coasts from oil. They are for DACA. They liked Obamacare. They believe ion Global Warming.

They want a balanced budget & they just saw a 1.5 trillion dollar charge to the country's credit card. They now know more about Trump's lack of morality.

Many Republicans ran two years ago on supporting Trump. Vote for them & get a vote for the Trump agenda!!!!! This year, not so much.

I hope Trump Republicans get slaughtered in the election. They deserve it. Most of them saw what Trump was doing & did NOTHING to stop him. They supported a man who trashed veterans, Mexicans, Hispanics, Blacks, Leaders of our allies, entire countries. He picked a fight with a crazy fucker with nuclear weapons (making two). He ended the TPP & handed leadership in TP to China. He pulled out of the Paris Accord calling global warming a hoax& now since the Paris Accord ignores him, he wants back in.

Smerticasns have seen behind the curtain.

Republicans running for office have a short time to correct themselves.

DAVE! HEY UNREALDAVE! Only the Facile Left is growing tired of it, and soon they will be beating their head against the wall, meantime, the republicans are coming to his rally in support of him in increasing droves, or have you entirely missed the Nunes FISA memo???
How soon before Republicans run from Trump?

Never. They have a vision of a bigger better Russia. Republicans admire Vladimir Putin. They see him as the kind of a leader this country should have.

I all fairness not all of them... It is hard to get an exact number but a large minority of Republicans are looking for a place to stay...

The Democrats have just to get there side in order enough to know when extreme elements of there party complain just ignore them, win the middle...

It is alright to discuss Universal Healthcare and Proper Education but easy off on militant LBGT rights and Berkley protests... Don't go overboard on immigration either.... Background checks work... Play the middle with a young candidate with little voting record and a known name... Enter Mr Joe Kennedy...

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