How soon into his speech will biden blame Trump? Taking bets now...

Got Google? Can you not log onto a reliable news source (not the white-right Qtip media)?

Trump's shitty deal with the Taliban is being widely discussed in the media today. Crawl out from under your rock and log onto something besides whatever incel source you use.
sorry I dont have time for another idiot rookie,,,

now go play with your toys and leave the adults alone,,
sorry I dont have time for another idiot rookie,,,

now go play with your toys and leave the adults alone,,
That is a very childish response for someone claiming to be in the adult group.

Well some people can be 80 years old and still juvenile, you know... I think you qualify as an arrested-adolescent incel dweeb and likely will remain so even after you've been sitting in a prison cell for your treason.

In the meantime, shut your mouth, boy.
That is a very childish response for someone claiming to be in the adult group.

I think you qualify as an arrested-adolescent incel dweeb and likely will remain so even after you've been sitting in a prison cell for your treason.

In the meantime, shut your mouth, boy
Then you're as stupid as most white-right treasonous Trumpoids.

Trump made the deal. Trump screwed it up. Trump didn't do ONE thing right while President.

You're so stupid you may spontaneously combust.
No one is buying the theory that Trump is responsible, not even Democrats. Biden owns this fiasco.
You're not very bright, as your support for the Orange Semi-Literate establishes, but I'll attempt to explain to your tiny confused and treasonous brain.

Trump mishandled COVID grossly. He closed off travel from China while it was entering from Europe! That's almost comical. What a moron! The bastard can't pronounce 3-syllable words. He's a pervert.

What the hell is wrong with you, boy?
A lot of Senators voted for it. Blaming any Democrat is abject stupidity therefore.

He was attempting to remove the civilians, but thanks to Trump having released 5000 Taliban fighters last year, the Taliban was able to take over far more quickly than anticipated. Just another Trumpolini screwup coming back to bite us. There will be many more such instances.

More feelings not facts from another leftist wimp. Try growing up and making decision based on facts and common sense. Feelings are for pussies.
And that speed was precisely due to Trump's release of 5000 Taliban fighters last year.
Is that a fact?.
Then why didn’t Dementia *joe factor that in his decision? Is he to dumb? Did he forget because he’s riddled with dementia?
Maybe it’s simply because he’s incompetent fool and the entire world knows it.
You and your party blamed the Chinese virus on Trump instead of the Chinese just to win an election. You’re the traitor you dolt!
Clown, Trump screwed up the COVID response because he was worried about his poll numbers & because he's an incompetent fucktwit. It was up to him to address it instead of playing the blame game, which is all he's good for.
Clown, Trump screwed up the COVID response because he was worried about his poll numbers & because he's an incompetent fucktwit. It was up to him to address it instead of playing the blame game, which is all he's good for.

I love leftist logic. Trump screwed up the covid response because he wanted better numbers. :eusa_shhh:

The only person Trump blamed for Covid was the chinks because they're the ones who sent it to us.
I love leftist logic. Trump screwed up the covid response because he wanted better numbers. :eusa_shhh:

The only person Trump blamed for Covid was the chinks because they're the ones who sent it to us.
Try reading some of the published accounts on what went on in the W.H. during the throes of the pandemic. If you can read past 3rd grade level.

What proof you got that the virus was sent here on purpose other then some clown posting conspiracy theories on YouTube.
Try reading some of the published accounts on what went on in the W.H. during the throes of the pandemic. If you can read past 3rd grade level.

What proof you got that the virus was sent here on purpose other then some clown posting conspiracy theories on YouTube.

It came from China or are you one of those people that think it came from some animal? They were monkeying around with this thing, it got out of the lab, and spread across the globe. Biological weapon or accident has yet to be known because of course, they're not letting anybody investigate it in China. Plus they are erecting two more Wuhan labs as I write. How do you like those apples.
It came from China or are you one of those people that think it came from some animal? They were monkeying around with this thing, it got out of the lab, and spread across the globe. Biological weapon or accident has yet to be known because of course, they're not letting anybody investigate it in China. Plus they are erecting two more Wuhan labs as I write. How do you like those apples.
Just becsuase they were "monkeying around" with it that doesn't mean it was viciosly released to infect people here.

Whatever happened doesn't excuse your boy's outright lies, incompetence & utter stupidity.
Just becsuase they were "monkeying around" with it that doesn't mean it was viciosly released to infect people here.

Whatever happened doesn't excuse your boy's outright lies, incompetence & utter stupidity.

He didn't do any of those things. Read something other than Communism Today to get your information. The facts are it came from that lab. The facts are they didn't immediately tell us or the world. The facts are they won't let us near that lab to find out if it was an accident or an experimentation for future biological attacks.
He didn't do any of those things. Read something other than Communism Today to get your information. The facts are it came from that lab. The facts are they didn't immediately tell us or the world. The facts are they won't let us near that lab to find out if it was an accident or an experimentation for future biological attacks.
I don't read Communist Today, you fuck. Anyone with half a brain which you lack knows that Trump is a liar who tried to minimize covid because he was worried about his reelection chances. Enough people wised up to his bullshit which is why he lost. That stupid ass didn't even have enough sense to protect himself from being infected, let alone help to protect millions of other people.
I don't read Communist Today, you fuck. Anyone with half a brain which you lack knows that Trump is a liar who tried to minimize covid because he was worried about his reelection chances. Enough people wised up to his bullshit which is why he lost. That stupid ass didn't even have enough sense to protect himself from being infected, let alone help to protect millions of other people.

So would you like me to post the video of Dr. Fauci stating that everything he and President Trump discussed about the virus was relayed to the people in a timely fashion? I have it.
You suffer from a number of serious problems... start with the low IQ. You'll never be functional, loser.

Plus you're insane. Trump fucked up everything he touched, but we're mad to point it out.

You are the vilest sort of traitor. When they begin executing traitors, I would not advocate for an exemption for you based on your mental retardation.

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