How soon into his speech will biden blame Trump? Taking bets now...

Thanks for playing right into the hands of the Taliban. Biden's the bad guy. The Taliban? It's Biden's fault!

Nice job, traitor.
Oh please... You Democrats are pathetic

When the Taliban rant about how evil America is, they use Democrat talking points. It was Democrats running off to join isis and they will likely again when they start back up. Joe will have more Toyotas for them.
Actually, it's on the Taliban. They're the ones overrunning that Country. But thanx for letting us know that you're more interested in attacking Biden rather then calling out a murdering terrorist organisation. You & the rest of your right wing mob. Actually, I've yet to see one of you fucks take the Taliban to task for what they're doing.

Maybe you & your mob can send the Mullah flowers with greeting card enclosed when things calm down.

You're the dumb fuck that voted for a demented hack politician that's been in Washington DC for 45 years and hasn't done a damn thing. Take yourself to task.
Trump is the one who withdrew the troops down to 2,500 and negotiated the total withdrawal of all American troops by May 1st but you asshats can only claim that is was because of Biden...Must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant.
Yet this only happened when biden withdrew them all, claiming himself the Taliban wouldn't take over. Trump had a plan that was working, then pedo Joe took over. Now we have thousands dead, because of him.
The bottom line is Biden told the American people that there was no danger of the Taliban taking over because Biden was convinced that the Afghan military would do their job. They didn't and Biden admits he was wrong. You fucking miserable lying jackals can just shut the fuck up.
The bottom line is Biden told the American people that there was no danger of the Taliban taking over because Biden was convinced that the Afghan military would do their job. They didn't and Biden admits he was wrong. You fucking miserable lying jackals can just shut the fuck up.
Biden took away the Afghan military’s ability to do their job on his way out.
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Trump is the one who withdrew the troops down to 2,500 and negotiated the total withdrawal of all American troops by May 1st but you asshats can only claim that is was because of Biden...Must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant.
Your desperation is duly noted.

Afghanistan is a bipartisan effort since 2001. That's a given.

Where you strike out completely is your childish effort to blame anyone other than President Harris/Biden for this c****** f*** of a pull out. I am not a military strategist, although I do play a respectable game of chess, I would have done a better job. I don't know you but I assume that if you're honest, you know you could have done better too!
I actually agree with you, and I hate BIden. He owned it, and he explained his decision clearly. So if some really bad things happen from here, we will know clearly whom to blame.

Where he really screwed up perhaps was announcing on July 8th that we would be gone by August 31. That allowed the Taliban to get all of their ducks in a row.

The chaos we are observing, like the border crisis, is all going exactly as Joe planned, as he stated in his address today.

He didn't own shit, he blamed politicians, the Afghan military and Trump. I guess his intel didn't tell him that many in the Afghan military and the countries VP went up north to join up with the Northern Alliance to form a resistance.

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Actually, it's on the Taliban. They're the ones overrunning that Country. But thanx for letting us know that you're more interested in attacking Biden rather then calling out a murdering terrorist organisation. You & the rest of your right wing mob. Actually, I've yet to see one of you fucks take the Taliban to task for what they're doing.

Maybe you & your mob can send the Mullah flowers with greeting card enclosed when things calm down.


xiden is the one that said they planned for every contingency, he LIED!

Biden couldn't stop it, but he sure as shit figured out how to fuck it up.
Harris/Biden could have stopped the withdrawal. President Trump had put in place action plan which conditioned our withdrawal on actions by the Taliban.

Harris/Biden vetoed Trump's plan just as Harris/Biden has done with everything else Trump had accomplished. Why would this be any different?
Hey didga hear how Trump demanded that Biden resign for not overturning the withdrawl policy that Trump himself put in place?

Will Trump ever have a fucking clue just once what the hell he's ranting & raving about?
As you know, Harris/Biden did throw out the Trump plan. Just as they did with the economy, our borders, and COVID-19.

Viral Moment: Biden stunned at reporter who asks 'Do you trust the Taliban?'​

Guess Joey's answer didn't age to well when he said, "I trust the capacity of the Afghan military!"
That was in July, He said the exact opposite of what he claimed today.
It simply shows this buffoon just parrots the words he's told.
Please note today he did not answer any questions.....
Gates is correct to have said the Baidung has been on the wrong side of decisions all his life.
All I can say is: I hope the Chardonnay moms who live all around me are pleased as punch with their Biden votes and can stop obsessing about who's vaccinated and start obsessing again about terror alerts.

They can do that and ruminate about their Biden vote. I will slyly remind them.
Within two minutes he will blame Trump.....if he doesn't lose his place, wander from the podium and ask for that nice lady, Jill, to come and take him home.....

I notice he didn't did you?
He can't blame trump for this decision. Trump didn't know where Afghanistan is.
Biden could have done whatever he wanted. he's tossed aside a shit load of Trump policies already, why not this?

it's 100% on biden
It's on all the Presidents who screwed it up, and that includes the prior 3.

If Biden had stayed in Afghanistan, he'd be criticized for that. And the RepubliQans now criticizing him for pulling out can shut their treasonous mouths, as they didn't mind Trump pulling out of Syria and giving territory (and access to the Kurds) to the Russians and Turks.
All I can say is: I hope the Chardonnay moms who live all around me are pleased as punch with their Biden votes and can stop obsessing about who's vaccinated and start obsessing again about terror alerts.

They can do that and ruminate about their Biden vote. I will slyly remind them.
You're not sly enough for that. You'd have to be other than a ranting dullard to be taken seriously, and you don't qualify.

Terrorism? The USA's #1 terrorist threat by far comes from domestic white-right scum like you.

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