How soon into his speech will biden blame Trump? Taking bets now...

You are unaware of it? Google it. He released 5000 Taliban fighters, including leaders. Trumpolini the Orange Oozing Sore even wanted to have Taliban leaders at Camp David! Well... whatever Putin tells him to do, he does it...
I think it was Biden who was unaware after all it was Biden who only weeks ago promised this rapid fall would not and could not happen.
It's on all the Presidents who screwed it up, and that includes the prior 3.

If Biden had stayed in Afghanistan, he'd be criticized for that. And the RepubliQans now criticizing him for pulling out can shut their treasonous mouths, as they didn't mind Trump pulling out of Syria and giving territory (and access to the Kurds) to the Russians and Turks.
Nope. No one disagrees that the Afghan was is bipartisan war. EVERYONE agrees that the exit strategy is a total catastrophe with no one responsible except President Harris/Biden.




So desperate to escape, here are two Afghans falling to their death after clinging to the outside of this US aircraft.

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He didn't own shit, he blamed politicians, the Afghan military and Trump. I guess his intel didn't tell him that many in the Afghan military and the countries VP went up north to join up with the Northern Alliance to form a resistance.

He did blame everyone else for 20 years of failed policies, but I think he clearly did own the decision to withdrawal in a chaotic way, and he doubled-down on his decision to do so.

I was referring to this...
"I will not pass this responsibility on to a fifth president. I will not mislead the American people by claiming that just a little more time in Afghanistan will make all the difference. Nor will I shrink from my share of responsibility for where we are today and how we must move forward from here. I am President of the United States of America, and the buck stops with me. I’m deeply saddened by the facts we now face, but I do not regret my decision to end America’s war fighting in Afghanistan..."

He didn't even get the American citizens out first. Today, Jen Psaki would not even commit to get any Americans out after August.

Nor did he secure or destroy the $billions in US military equipment.

And he admitted that he knew things would go poorly, but was surprised at how quickly they did, admitting another miscalculation.

So if things go into the crapper further. We know exactly whom to blame.

He did blame everyone else for 20 years of failed policies, but I think he clearly did own the decision to withdrawal in a chaotic way, and he doubled-down on his decision to do so.

I was referring to this...
"I will not pass this responsibility on to a fifth president. I will not mislead the American people by claiming that just a little more time in Afghanistan will make all the difference. Nor will I shrink from my share of responsibility for where we are today and how we must move forward from here. I am President of the United States of America, and the buck stops with me. I’m deeply saddened by the facts we now face, but I do not regret my decision to end America’s war fighting in Afghanistan..."

He didn't even get the American citizens out first. Today, Jen Psaki would not even commit to get any Americans out after August.

Nor did he secure or destroy the $billions in US military equipment.

And he admitted that he knew things would go poorly, but was surprised at how quickly they did, admitting another miscalculation.

So if things go into the crapper further. We know exactly whom to blame.


Biden didn't make a "descision to withdraw in chaotic way", he made descision to with draw before Aug 31. Which by the way was the very same descision that Trump was pushing.

Biden did not descide for Aghan government to fold overnight.

And by the way, if it was up to Biden we would be out of Iraq during Obama's term, with more or less same result, minus 8 more years of wasting American lives and money there.
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It's on all the Presidents who screwed it up, and that includes the prior 3.

If Biden had stayed in Afghanistan, he'd be criticized for that. And the RepubliQans now criticizing him for pulling out can shut their treasonous mouths, as they didn't mind Trump pulling out of Syria and giving territory (and access to the Kurds) to the Russians and Turks.
ISIS did not have a Caliphate prior to failed former President Obama. During Obama, ISIS controlled a huge Caliphate. President Trump eliminated that Caliphate in less than a year.

Trump is the one who withdrew the troops down to 2,500 and negotiated the total withdrawal of all American troops by May 1st but you asshats can only claim that is was because of Biden...Must be nice to be so blissfully ignorant.
haha yeah with conditions that were not met, xiden tossed the agreement withdrew them all, ignored intel.

this is all joey xiden and of course folks like yourself that continue to defend your Dear Leader
He did blame everyone else for 20 years of failed policies, but I think he clearly did own the decision to withdrawal in a chaotic way, and he doubled-down on his decision to do so.

I was referring to this...
"I will not pass this responsibility on to a fifth president. I will not mislead the American people by claiming that just a little more time in Afghanistan will make all the difference. Nor will I shrink from my share of responsibility for where we are today and how we must move forward from here. I am President of the United States of America, and the buck stops with me. I’m deeply saddened by the facts we now face, but I do not regret my decision to end America’s war fighting in Afghanistan..."

He didn't even get the American citizens out first. Today, Jen Psaki would not even commit to get any Americans out after August.

Nor did he secure or destroy the $billions in US military equipment.

And he admitted that he knew things would go poorly, but was surprised at how quickly they did, admitting another miscalculation.

So if things go into the crapper further. We know exactly whom to blame.


He claimed they planned for every contingency, they clearly didn't.

haha yeah with conditions that were not met, xiden tossed the agreement withdrew them all, ignored intel.

this is all joey xiden and of course folks like yourself that continue to defend your Dear Leader
Actually Biden delayed the withdrawal by three months from Trump's schedule.
He claimed they planned for every contingency, they clearly didn't.

Oh I had lots of problems with his speech all right, but my main point was that he clearly stated the decision to withdrawal now in the way we did was fully his decision. I appreciated that.

If he would have said that what we were witnessing was all Trump's fault, the MSM probably would have backed him up, and they can't do that now. Everyone knows that what we are witnessing is all because of Biden.

Biden didn't make a "descision to withdraw in chaotic way", he made descision to with draw before Aug 31. Which by the way was the very same descision that Trump was pushing.
Nonsense. Trump left 2500 troops and everything was fine. Biden has ramped us up to 6000, and everything is in the crapper.

He could have done a safe and orderly withdrawal without leaving our allies hanging. He failed miserably.

But at least he owns it.
Biden did not descide for Aghan government to fold overnight.
He knew it might. A complete failure of his military advisors and himself. They knew this would happen.

When Biden announced in early July that we would be gone by end of August, Taliban got everything ready for a swift and complete takeover.

We are a friggin superpower, and the Biden Admin just lost big time to the Afghan equivalent of Antifa/BLM hoodlums.
Oh I had lots of problems with his speech all right, but my main point was that he clearly stated the decision to withdrawal now in the way we did was fully his decision. I appreciated that.

If he would have said that what we were witnessing was all Trump's fault, the MSM probably would have backed him up, and they can't do that now. Everyone knows that what we are witnessing is all because of Biden.

He did blame it on Trump, said he inherited the agreement, which was another lie. He didn't implement Trumps agreement, because Trumps agreement was conditions based. xiden said conditions be damned.

He did blame it on Trump, said he inherited the agreement, which was another lie. He didn't implement Trumps agreement, because Trumps agreement was conditions based. xiden said conditions be damned.

there were only timelines, without conditions

there were only timelines, without conditions

Trump told the Taliban one thing that xiden never would. He told them if they put one American in harms way during the withdrawal that he knew where the leaders lived and he knew where their families lived and he would bring down the full force of the US military on them. All xiden did was ask pretty please let us get out safely. The xiden regime is a freaking joke and a bunch of punks.

He did blame it on Trump, said he inherited the agreement, which was another lie. He didn't implement Trumps agreement, because Trumps agreement was conditions based. xiden said conditions be damned.

And he went against the advice of experts on the subject.

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said President Biden directly ignored the advice of military leaders during briefings on the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

"I was in a number of these briefings over the last couple months, it was pretty obvious to me what was going to happen," McConnell said Monday. "I know for a fact that the president's military leaders argued against this decision. I think the president himself felt strongly about this and overruled his own military leaders to do it, and he owns it."

He did blame it on Trump, said he inherited the agreement, which was another lie. He didn't implement Trumps agreement, because Trumps agreement was conditions based. xiden said conditions be damned.

The Taliban didn't keep it's end of the agreement. That didn't bother Trump as he withdrew all but 25 hundred troops with mere days left in his term.

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