How Stupid is Trump?

1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

All emotion. Lacking logic.

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.

Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?
Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

He's certainly the most ridiculous one but I think Bu$h still holds the title for the dumbest one, he couldn't do anything without Darth Cheney's approval while Trump seems to be able to do (some) things on his own... allthough most of those things are completely insane of course


1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

All emotion. Lacking logic.

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.

Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

Peace with NK? You're dreaming now. That meeting was nothing but a photo op, and an opportunity for Trump to cave.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

All emotion. Lacking logic.

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.

Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

Peace with NK? You're dreaming now. That meeting was nothing but a photo op, and an opportunity for Trump to cave.

Stop being a silly partisan.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

All emotion. Lacking logic.

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.

Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.
How many YEARS has it been since the space shuttle flew McStupid?'s Mr. insecurity/Small Hands who has to make up for what he lacks with ALL BOLD TYPE. LOL.

And as I told you....I have a BS in business, I skipped grade 1 and the government tested me at 125 IQ. I am no genius - far from it. But I am also miles from stupid.
But keep calling me stupid, Small Hands - if that makes you feel better. It just shows you also cannot read properly and/or it's time for your senility medication.

And shit!!! Are you stupid - as well as insecure.

The space program references were in regards to Trump inferring that America had never been to space...DUH. Why the hell else would I also mention Mercury, Gemini and Apollo...low IQ meathead?

And NASA still has LOTS of programs that are ongoing. So they are hardly in need of 're-opening' like President Moron said.

NASA - Wikipedia

And before you make yourself look even more idiotic and say 'but they are using private launch vehicles for those missions'.

Yup...and they were during the programs I mentioned above. Some/ALL of those launch vehicles were designed and built by private firms. Including the mighty Saturn V (from several private contractors).

We are done here. My dealing-with-trolls quota is up for now.

Have a medicated day.
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Trump is so stupid, the entire world is revolving around him just 17 months after the election, and despite the media onslaught that began 17 months prior to his election.

About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.

Speaking of stupid, how many Supreme Courts do we have and what are they possessing?

SCOTUS stands for Supreme Court Of The United States. Last time I checked, we had one. I think you meant Supreme Court Justices. No apostrophe needed.

Why would Trump want to make it into the Harvard Law Review, I didn't make it either, Why? I am not a lawyer, dumbass, and neither is President Trump.

Making incredibly McStupid mistakes while calling other people ignorant is the ultimate hypocrisy, a talent liberals seem to have in common.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

All emotion. Lacking logic.

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.

Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.

The ONLY reason I voted for him was his stance on war during the campaign. I feared the pantsuit would start WWIII and clearly she is a criminal. When Trump told Little Jebby in the debates, that his dumb fuck brother was a warmongering fool (paraphrased), he got my vote.

Had the DNC and MSM not screwed Bernie, I would have voted for him due to his long anti-war positions and votes.
1) Check 1:40. He is going to be 're-opening NASA' and 'going to space'.
Hey - you moron. NASA never 'closed' and have you never heard of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs?
America has been to space, doofus.

2) Check 2:46. He is talking about cutting more regulations then any president...even one who served for 16 years.
One problem...there has NEVER been a POTUS who served even 13 years.

Shit...this has got to be the dumbest/most ignorant POTUS in history.

Hey but he "sticks it" to people.... "real" Americans like that. LOL

I agree with you; he is a man without conviction, a soul less blob who lurches from stance to stance depending on data points that are gleamed from light research if any.
Someday when the book is written about this pervert's administration, it will serve as a cautionary tale that we should never elect someone who sees the Presidency as just a cool gig and doesn't understand and isn't prepared for the responsibilities of the office.

All emotion. Lacking logic.

Correct, that is exactly what Rump is, and so much worse.

Well yes some of that, but did you forget the booming economy, peace with NK, and lowest unemployment?

The whole NK thing I will most certainly give him credit for. The economy and unemployment rate were headed in positive directions years before he took office. He hasn't fucked it up yet, I give him credit for that as well. But give him time.

The funny thing about NK was that the very people applauding the summit meeting were the same ones melting down when Obama suggested meeting with the NK dictator.
About as stupid as Obama, only he got 95% favorable press.

:abgg2q.jpg: just proved you haven't a fucking clue what you are talking about.

Now, I did NOT like the job Obama (or GWB) did as POTUS's. But Obama is VERY smart and EXCEEDINGLY well educated.

He was President of the journal of the Harvard Law Review. No one stupid gets in there.

Barack Obama - Wikipedia

No doubt - you have not a clue what that is (except that it is at Harvard). But it is an EXTREMELY prestigious group. Many of the most intelligent and powerful people in America have been in it (including several SCOTUS's). Even conservatives like Antonin Scalia, Ted Cruz. Mike Pompeo and Rod Rosenstein.

Harvard Law Review - Wikipedia

Trump could not make it into the Harvard Law Review in his dreams. They would laugh him right out of there.

Next time, stick to what you know (like how to play checkers) and you won't look so monumentally ignorant.
/——/ Obozo coasted through on Affirmative Action and Quotas. Consider Justice Thomas’s credentials and how you racist Libtards mock and ridicule him.
Thomas ,,another pervert who at least keeps his mouth shut

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