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How Textbooks Push Children to the Left

We need to make sure that children never know what the U.S. did to the native Americans, else they'll be COMMIES!!!

How do we cover it up?

What about slavery? How do we cover that one up?

We need to figure this out or our nation will be destroyed!!!

link us to the texts that cover up slavery and the Indian wars.

Exactly! The problem is these liberals keep wanting to talk about everything America has done wrong. If they'd just shut up there would be no need for a cover up. Our children would grow up increasingly ignorant to the basic facts of America's past misdeeds, and American would be safe. But since these week kneed pansy liberals insist on writing books about these things, America is in peril!

Any suggestions as to what to do? We cannot allow our children to grow up educated!


show us the cover up or shut up
How Textbooks Push Children to the Left

Aren't new ideas, by definition, considered "leftist?"

“Expect poison from the standing water.”
― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

There are no new ideas from the left. All they have is old, historically-proven failed ideas.
How many employers do you think are interested in recruiting biologists and geologists from colleges where their degree is based on "creationist" curriculum?

- Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda Universitydismay of scientists.

- Liberty University founded by Rev. Jerry Falwell

- Bob Jones University

- Azusa Pacific University

- The Masters College
How many fast-food restaurants do you think are interested in recruiting 17th Century French Poetry and Womyn's Studies majors from liberal arts colleges?

Hint: All of them.

The graduate with a science degree asks: "Why does it work?"
The graduate with an engineering degree asks: "How does it work?"
The graduate with an accounting degree aks: "How much does it cost?"
The graduate with an arts degree asks: "Do you want fries with that?
I feel no obligation to defend a position I haven't taken.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, do you acknowledge progressivism's failure to convince adults and that it must brainwash children to perpetuate itself?

Every major advance in the history of America was accomplished by progressives overcoming resistance to those advances by conservatism.

Teaching the facts of history, and only the facts, does not do conservatism any favors.

conservatives won WW2

No, the draft won WW2, and conservatives consider the draft unconstitutional.
"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative."
- John Stuart Mill (with an estimated IQ of 2000, Stuart Mill is considered the 4th most intelligent individual in the last 500 years)

Conservative Quotes - BrainyQuote
1. The bolded text appears nowhere in the link you provided.

2. There is no such thing as an IQ of 2000.

Nevertheless, the Stuart Mill quote is outdated. He'd never met progressives. Astoundingly stupid people.
We must stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican party that talks like adults. It’s time for us to articulate our plans and visions for America in real terms. We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. We’ve had enough of that.

We must stop insulting the intelligence of voters. We need to trust the smarts of the American people. We have to stop dumbing down our ideas and stop reducing everything to mindless slogans and tag lines for 30-second ads
- Gov. Bobby Jindal’s full speech to the Republican National Committee in Charlotte, N.C.

Full text: Bobby Jindal?s dynamite speech to the Republican National Committee in Charlotte | WashingtonExaminer.com
- most stupid people are conservative

- time to talk like adults

- damaging the brand with offensive and bizarre comments

- stop insulting the intelligence of voters

- stop dumbing down our ideas

- stop reducing everything to mindless slogans and tag lines
Yes, the last 5 points are the exclusive province of progressives. If it won't fit on a protest sign, they can't understand it.
Every major advance in the history of America was accomplished by progressives overcoming resistance to those advances by conservatism.

Teaching the facts of history, and only the facts, does not do conservatism any favors.

conservatives won WW2

No, the draft won WW2, and conservatives consider the draft unconstitutional.

did you get that from a WW2 vet or from a civilian from that era?
The leftist start early

Another consequence of the government monopoly on affordable education.

Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught

And if government didn't control all aspects of affordable education, from which school you can attend, to what's in the text books, to how many frickin' tater tots get served at lunch...parents WOULD be aware of what their children are being taught because they'd have CHOICE in education.

The central planners do NOT know what's best for your family.
The leftist start early

Another consequence of the government monopoly on affordable education.

Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught

And if government didn't control all aspects of affordable education, from which school you can attend, to what's in the text books, to how many frickin' tater tots get served at lunch...parents WOULD be aware of what their children are being taught because they'd have CHOICE in education.

The central planners do NOT know what's best for your family.

Then write a letter to your town, city, or state since they control schooling.
Conservatism is the basis of rational thought. No, child, you cannot make up your own logic.

What was rational about wanting to preserve the institution of slavery?

What was rational about wanting to deny women the right to vote?

Are you a dolt? No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

What's rational about assigning 19th Century attitudes to 21st Century conservatives?

Perhaps you should re-assess what you consider rational.

I said what WAS rational about those things. That was conservatism in those times. You claimed conservatism is the basis for rational thought.

lol, a hundred years from now the future you will be complaining to the future me that I'm out of line for trying to pin crazy 21st century conservative beliefs on 22nd century conservatives.
This author surveyed the index of “The Americans,” and found that in the 1,045 pages of text, there were only two references to Christianity,...

The guy didn't even read the text of the book he is reviewing?

He surveyed (that means skimmed, ya know?) the index?!

And for the the right wing dupes on this board skimming an index is good enough for a critique?

You people need to educate yourselves.

No seriously...you folks need to arm yourselves intellectually
You don't get education from Howard Zinn's bullshit history. He's a liar, and admitted it:

Exposing Liberal Lies: Meet Howard Zinn
Zinn utters perhaps the most honest words of A People’s History of the United States in the conclusion of the book’s 1995 edition, conceding that his work is “a biased account.” “I am not troubled by that,” he adds, “because the mountain of history books under which we all stand leans so heavily in the other direction—so tremblingly respectful of states and statesmen and so disrespectful, by inattention, to people’s movements—that we need some counterforce to avoid being crushed into submission.” Two wrongs, he seems to be saying, make a right.

More recently, Zinn made clear that it is not just the idea of objectivity that he finds fault with, but facts themselves. In the current updated version of A People’s History, the author declares: “there is no such thing as pure fact.” Whether Zinn really believes this, or if it serves to rationalize intellectual dishonesty, one can only guess.'


'In “A People’s History,” Prof. Zinn declares:

Objectivity is impossible, and it is also undesirable… because if you have any kind of a social aim… then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.


Professor Zinn announces the overtly political agenda of A People’s History in an explanatory coda to the 1995 edition. Zinn explains to the reader that he has no interest in striving for objectivity, and that his history is ‘a biased account.’ Professor Zinn explains: ‘I am not troubled by that. I wanted my writing of history and my teaching of history to be a part of the social struggle. I wanted to be a part of history and not just a recorder and teacher of history. So that kind of attitude towards history, history itself is a political act, has always informed my writing and my teaching.’​

He's a liar. Educators have no business filling children's heads with this crap.

Oh, you can read it all you want. I'm sure all the hate-America bullshit will send tingles up your leg.

But don't shovel it into kids' heads and tell them it's the truth.
The leftist start early

Another consequence of the government monopoly on affordable education.

Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught

And if government didn't control all aspects of affordable education, from which school you can attend, to what's in the text books, to how many frickin' tater tots get served at lunch...parents WOULD be aware of what their children are being taught because they'd have CHOICE in education.

The central planners do NOT know what's best for your family.

Then write a letter to your town, city, or state since they control schooling.

And increasingly, in an unholy and destructive alliance with the federal government.

But that's not the point, government (any government) should not control all affordable education in a given area. You can make a case for the redistribution of tax dollars to poor families for the purpose of purchasing an education, but government should not RUN the schools.

If the free market were allowed to compete for education dollars, we'd see improved results and cost savings. Instead, as when we turn any market over to central planners, we see costs skyrocket well ahead of overall inflation and increasingly shitty results.

Remember when it was class size that the teacher's unions and government overlords claimed was the problem? Well, we've cut class size dramatically...and results continue to decline. You willing to continue to believe them that more money will fix our schools? I do not. Let the free market bring innovation, cost savings, and VOLUNTARY CHOICE to the market for education...and watch our children thrive. Or not.
The leftist start early... Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught


Are you surprised that leftist ideas have penetrated the minds of the people? Chalk up this reality to the leftist teachers and, especially, to the left-oriented textbooks now in use in our secondary schools. One book in particular that has been gaining traction in New York City in recent years is “The Americans.”

Although even the leftist teachers claim not to like this textbook used in U.S. history (a one-year course required in NYC for all juniors) because it is so skimpy on facts and is written in an opaque style, any informed reader would have to agree that it is one of the most politically correct textbooks one could imagine. Reading this book, one gets the message that the history of America is a theme of victimization. The list of victims is well known: Native Americans, women, labor, immigrants, blacks, farmers, urban dwellers, the mentally ill, migrant workers, unions, etc. “The Americans” is a somewhat diluted version of Howard Zinn’s openly communist college textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.”

How Textbooks Push Children to the Left | FrontPage Magazine

Have you read the People's History?

Communist - LOL.
Zinn himself was a Communist.

Howard Zinn: Communist liar

Through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, we learn that multiple witnesses identified Zinn as a member of the Communist Party, USA.

Herewith are some little nuggets of information on this predator of innocent young minds:

Hate America Howie (HAH) taught a class on "Basic Marxism" at party headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y., advising his "students" that the basic teachings of Marx and Lenin "were sound and should be adhered to by those present"; HAH was a pro-Castro activist and backed radical groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Socialist Workers Party (SWP), Progressive Labor Party, and Black Panther Party; supported a Communist victory in Vietnam, visiting the Communist regime in Hanoi (ala "Hanoi Jane" Fonda — who — BTW — paid tribute to Howie upon his departure); in 1962, while President John F. Kennedy warned the Soviets to back off or suffer the consequences, HAH — at his quisling best — publicly protested the U.S. demand for withdrawal of missiles from Cuba ("hence," according to Kincaid, "Zinn wanted the United States and its citizens to be vulnerable to a Soviet nuclear attack" — Attention, parlor pinks: Note this great nice guy humanitarian's wish for you and me was nearly 10 years after Stalin died); a video tribute to Zinn was posted by the pro-Marxist Institute for Policy Studies (IPW) (for info on that outfit, see this writer).

More of the record

The summary above hits some of the highlights of Howard Zinn's involvement with Communist and pro-Communist organizations and causes. Kincaid has done a stellar job of extracting information from the voluminous FBI file. This is by no means the full extent of his work (which we will keep on file for a re-visit)

Unlike Cliff, we have not yet plowed through all 423 pages, but we'll get there. Herewith some of what we've noted thus far: Howard Zinn was heavily involved over the years with the American Veterans Committee — noted in numerous reports as heavily Communist infiltrated, if not Communist-dominated; HAH wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Times urging that one Communist who had vacated a seat on the city council be replaced with another Communist; he was a delegate to the New York State Communist Party Convention and a member of the International Workers Order; Zinn told a man seated next to him on a train trip from Washington to New York that he attended Communist Party meetings 5 nights a week; he was involved with the Committee of One Thousand, created to raise money for the defense of 19 "unfriendly witnesses" before the House Committee on Un-American Activities' probe of Communist influence in Hollywood; and he was involved with a division of the Civil Rights Congress, which was on the Attorney General's list of subversive organizations.

Oh! — almost forgot. Howard Zinn supported Barack Obama for President. No surprise there.

Of course, progressive retards don't see anything wrong with being a Communist. Progressivism IS Communism.
Most textbooks are produced in Texasss. That would be the same Texasss that wants to remove Thomas Jefferson from history textbooks because 'he didn't do much'.
The leftist start early... Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught


Are you surprised that leftist ideas have penetrated the minds of the people? Chalk up this reality to the leftist teachers and, especially, to the left-oriented textbooks now in use in our secondary schools. One book in particular that has been gaining traction in New York City in recent years is “The Americans.”

Although even the leftist teachers claim not to like this textbook used in U.S. history (a one-year course required in NYC for all juniors) because it is so skimpy on facts and is written in an opaque style, any informed reader would have to agree that it is one of the most politically correct textbooks one could imagine. Reading this book, one gets the message that the history of America is a theme of victimization. The list of victims is well known: Native Americans, women, labor, immigrants, blacks, farmers, urban dwellers, the mentally ill, migrant workers, unions, etc. “The Americans” is a somewhat diluted version of Howard Zinn’s openly communist college textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.”

How Textbooks Push Children to the Left | FrontPage Magazine

It's called education. Everyone who becomes educated would, of course, be liberal, because conservatism is synonymous with ignorance.
It's called indoctrination. If you could convince adults that your ideas were correct, you wouldn't have to force-feed them to children too unsophisticated to question you.

And not a single damn progressive in this thread has refuted that basic fact.
Loving science, technology, innovation, or infrastructure = being pushed to the left. lol

The day the republican party want from limiting welfare and waste to down right idiocy = the day I can't vote for them anymore.

I'll admit that a lot of text books do push students to far to the left into idiocy land....
A few cases I've seen over the years.
1. How you shouldn't judge thugs, gansta's, etc.
2. How you shouldn't have a opinion on anything that might offend anyone. What good is a college education if you can't think?
3. Making woman and minorities a equal part of history. What? White males did the vast majority but somehow those groups get equal showing?

Some of these text books should be banned.

You know who banned books?

Adolf Hitler.
Chicago Liberals Want Conservative Books Banned - Fox Nation
In June we attended the Printer's Row Literature Festival in Chicago. City blocks were closed off for tents and booths full of all types of literature. We presented a board with a selection of well known book covers and asked visitors of the event if they could choose to ban any of the books on the board, which if any, they would in fact ban. They were allowed to choose any three of the eleven choices.The authors of the books we offered to ban were Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Andrew Breitbart, Ayn Rand, Michael Savage, Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama. While there were in fact less than two handfuls of individuals who did tell us they don't think any books should be banned, unfortunately there were a shocking amount of guests at this book fair who were quite open to the idea, and in fact lined up quite excited for the opportunity to voice their opinion.Participants overwhelming chose Sarah Palin who received 53 votes putting her at 36% overall, Glenn Beck at 23% and Ann Coulter at 22%. All of the other choices received a very minimal amount of votes, with the next most popular to ban being Adolf Hitler at 0.5%. Ironically, Michael Savage, who has been banned from entering Britain over things he often says, did not receive one vote to have his words banned in Chicago.

Read more: Chicago Liberals Want Conservative Books Banned - Fox Nation
Looky there. Liberals would ban conservative authors' books, but most would leave Hitler's.

It Takes a Liberal to Ban a Book | RedState
Fast forward to today. Catcher in the Rye, a book considered one of the top 100 novels written in the 20th century, is to be banned. Now, here’s the twist: the ban this time is from left-wing groups.

Books such as JD Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye and Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird will be replaced by “informational texts” approved by the Common Core State Standards.

Suggested non-fiction texts include Recommended Levels of Insulation by the the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the Invasive Plant Inventory, by California’s Invasive Plant Council.

The new educational standards have the backing of the influential National Governors’ Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers, and are being part-funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Now, there are all kinds of things wrong with this.

First Warren Buffett, and now Bill Gates. Why can’t these super-rich liberals stay out of our business?

“Catcher in the Rye” and “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Sure, “Rye’s” Holden Caulfield was a rebel, and who needs rebellious teenagers? They’re always spoiling society, leading protests, freeing jailed rock stars. Just ask Dr Righteous! (oops, spoiler alert).

But “To Kill a Mockingbird?” Atticus Finch is a cultural hero, and he is to be removed from classrooms? This is disturbing. He was no Holden Caulfield; he was virtuous. What is going on here?


Finally, look who is leading this: the left. Only Nixon could go to China, and only liberals could ban To Kill a Mockingbird. Because it’s done by the left, the media, also on the left, will go quietly along with it. This disrupts the entire balance of the book-banning ballet. When the left bans something, the MSM has no problem with it. If the media doesn’t foment outrage, there will be no underground railroad of forbidden Finch. And without a movement to free the captured Caulfield, there can be no capitulation.

Which means that this time, To Kill a Mockingbird, Catcher in the Rye, and others… may be disappearing forever.​

Here’s what is going on here in Fairfax according to Michael Alison Chandler of the Post:

During a week that librarians nationwide are highlighting banned books, conservative Christian students and parents showcased their own collection outside a Fairfax County high school yesterday — a collection they say was banned by the librarians themselves. More than 40 students, many wearing black T-shirts stamped with the words “Closing Books Shuts Out Ideas,” said they tried to donate more than 100 books about homosexuality to more than a dozen high school libraries in the past year. The initiative, organized by Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, was intended to add a conservative Christian perspective to shelves that the students said are stocked with “pro-gay” books. Most of the books were turned down after school librarians said they did not meet school system standards. Titles include “Marriage on Trial: The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting” and “Someone I Love Is Gay,” which argues that homosexuality is not “a hopeless condition.” “We put ourselves out there . . . and got rejected,” said Elizabeth Bognanno, 17, a senior at West Springfield High School, standing before a semicircle of television cameras outside her school. “Censoring books is not a good thing. . . . We believe our personal rights have been violated.”​

Liberals sure do loves them some thought control, don't they?
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What was rational about wanting to preserve the institution of slavery?

What was rational about wanting to deny women the right to vote?

Are you a dolt? No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

What's rational about assigning 19th Century attitudes to 21st Century conservatives?

Perhaps you should re-assess what you consider rational.

Actually, conservatives consistently demonstrate that they are still in favor of slavery and denying women's rights.
I guess you missed my post proving Democrats supported slavery and opposed women's suffrage.

Intentionally, of course. Progressivism can't tolerate exposure to facts.
The leftist start early... Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught


Are you surprised that leftist ideas have penetrated the minds of the people? Chalk up this reality to the leftist teachers and, especially, to the left-oriented textbooks now in use in our secondary schools. One book in particular that has been gaining traction in New York City in recent years is “The Americans.”

Although even the leftist teachers claim not to like this textbook used in U.S. history (a one-year course required in NYC for all juniors) because it is so skimpy on facts and is written in an opaque style, any informed reader would have to agree that it is one of the most politically correct textbooks one could imagine. Reading this book, one gets the message that the history of America is a theme of victimization. The list of victims is well known: Native Americans, women, labor, immigrants, blacks, farmers, urban dwellers, the mentally ill, migrant workers, unions, etc. “The Americans” is a somewhat diluted version of Howard Zinn’s openly communist college textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.”

How Textbooks Push Children to the Left | FrontPage Magazine

We need to make sure that children never know what the U.S. did to the native Americans, else they'll be COMMIES!!!

How do we cover it up?

What about slavery? How do we cover that one up?

We need to figure this out or our nation will be destroyed!!!
Exposing Liberal Lies: Meet Howard Zinn
Dan Flynn wrote a trenchant review of the book several years ago, concluding:

'More striking than Zinn’s inaccuracies—intentional and otherwise—is what he leaves out.

Washington’s Farewell Address, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and Reagan’s speech at the Brandenburg Gate all fail to merit a mention. Nowhere do we learn that Americans were first in flight, first to fly across the Atlantic, and first to walk on the moon. Alexander Graham Bell, Jonas Salk, and the Wright Brothers are entirely absent. Instead, the reader is treated to the exploits of Speckled Snake, Joan Baez, and the Berrigan brothers. While Zinn sees fit to mention that immigrants often went into professions like ditch-digging and prostitution, American success stories like those of Alexander Hamilton, John Jacob Astor, and Louis B. Mayer—to name but a few—are excluded. Valley Forge rates a single fleeting reference, while D-Day’s Normandy invasion, Gettysburg, and other important military battles are left out. In their place, we get several pages on the My Lai massacre and colorful descriptions of U.S. bombs falling on hotels, air-raid shelters, and markets during the Gulf War of the early 1990s.

How do students learn about U.S. history with all these omissions? They don’t.
Are you a dolt? No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

What's rational about assigning 19th Century attitudes to 21st Century conservatives?

Perhaps you should re-assess what you consider rational.

Actually, conservatives consistently demonstrate that they are still in favor of slavery and denying women's rights.

Well, most of them know better than to advocate such things outright,

but it is absolutely true that conservatives overwhelmingly support such things as the right to discriminate, based on race and gender, in such things as business and employment.
Utter nonsense.

But it is absolutely true that liberals overwhelmingly support such things as the right to discriminate, based on ideology, in such things as education and employment and entertainment.
"It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government. "
-- Thomas Paine

If the Federal government is indoctrinating our kids and we allow it, we have failed to protect them and have failed as Patriots.

lol, your post got a thank you from daveman, the career government employee.
And the really funny part is you thought you made a clever point, instead of just mindlessly lashing out. :lmao:

You might have had a point if I were involved in education. I'm not. So you don't.

But, hey, keep flailing. Your ineptness is amusing. :lol:

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