How Textbooks Push Children to the Left

The only way to evaluate what the OP writer is trying to convey is to actually read the text book, I don't go on someone elses philosophical observation on interpretation.
Conservatism is the basis of rational thought. No, child, you cannot make up your own logic.

What was rational about wanting to preserve the institution of slavery?

What was rational about wanting to deny women the right to vote?

Are you a dolt? No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

What's rational about assigning 19th Century attitudes to 21st Century conservatives?

Perhaps you should re-assess what you consider rational.

Actually, conservatives consistently demonstrate that they are still in favor of slavery and denying women's rights.
Loving science, technology, innovation, or infrastructure = being pushed to the left. lol

The day the republican party want from limiting welfare and waste to down right idiocy = the day I can't vote for them anymore.

I'll admit that a lot of text books do push students to far to the left into idiocy land....
A few cases I've seen over the years.
1. How you shouldn't judge thugs, gansta's, etc.
2. How you shouldn't have a opinion on anything that might offend anyone. What good is a college education if you can't think?
3. Making woman and minorities a equal part of history. What? White males did the vast majority but somehow those groups get equal showing?

Some of these text books should be banned.

Neither science nor innovation are known to libtards and they are the threat to them - our schools won't cut science subjects hours and requirements so much (or math) and extend the bogus libetard subjects instead.

It is dumbing down the populace and brainwashing it with libtard agenda - that is what is the goal.

85% of scientists consider themselves liberals.

85 % of violent criminals consider themselves liberals
The leftist start early... Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught


Are you surprised that leftist ideas have penetrated the minds of the people? Chalk up this reality to the leftist teachers and, especially, to the left-oriented textbooks now in use in our secondary schools. One book in particular that has been gaining traction in New York City in recent years is “The Americans.”

Although even the leftist teachers claim not to like this textbook used in U.S. history (a one-year course required in NYC for all juniors) because it is so skimpy on facts and is written in an opaque style, any informed reader would have to agree that it is one of the most politically correct textbooks one could imagine. Reading this book, one gets the message that the history of America is a theme of victimization. The list of victims is well known: Native Americans, women, labor, immigrants, blacks, farmers, urban dwellers, the mentally ill, migrant workers, unions, etc. “The Americans” is a somewhat diluted version of Howard Zinn’s openly communist college textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.”

How Textbooks Push Children to the Left | FrontPage Magazine

We need to make sure that children never know what the U.S. did to the native Americans, else they'll be COMMIES!!!

How do we cover it up?

What about slavery? How do we cover that one up?

We need to figure this out or our nation will be destroyed!!!
What was rational about wanting to preserve the institution of slavery?

What was rational about wanting to deny women the right to vote?

Are you a dolt? No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

What's rational about assigning 19th Century attitudes to 21st Century conservatives?

Perhaps you should re-assess what you consider rational.

Actually, conservatives consistently demonstrate that they are still in favor of slavery and denying women's rights.

because there are no conservative women and all own slaves

jeezus you are stupid
It is the moral responsibility of the educational system of any civilized society to protect that society's most vulnerable,

its children,

from the threat of the bigotry, inhumanity, and general ignorance of conservatism.

That's why they call it 'education'.

In other words, BRAINWASH them. :rolleyes:

Its important the children are taught women and blacks have always had the vote and that the Native Americans invited us here and were very glad to have us. Unless we teach them this, all hope is lost and the U.S. will fail.
According to RWer's we were doing the inhabitants and the Earth, not to mention God, a favor by settling this country.
We did do the world a great service by settling this country. That's why they called it Manifest Destiny.

According to the left, the United States should always have been a third world shithole and they will correct that as soon as they can.
Loving science, technology, innovation, or infrastructure = being pushed to the left. lol

The day the republican party want from limiting welfare and waste to down right idiocy = the day I can't vote for them anymore.

I'll admit that a lot of text books do push students to far to the left into idiocy land....
A few cases I've seen over the years.
1. How you shouldn't judge thugs, gansta's, etc.
2. How you shouldn't have a opinion on anything that might offend anyone. What good is a college education if you can't think?
3. Making woman and minorities a equal part of history. What? White males did the vast majority but somehow those groups get equal showing?

Some of these text books should be banned.

Neither science nor innovation are known to libtards and they are the threat to them - our schools won't cut science subjects hours and requirements so much (or math) and extend the bogus libetard subjects instead.

It is dumbing down the populace and brainwashing it with libtard agenda - that is what is the goal.

85% of scientists consider themselves liberals.


mother jones told you so?
The leftist start early... Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught


Are you surprised that leftist ideas have penetrated the minds of the people? Chalk up this reality to the leftist teachers and, especially, to the left-oriented textbooks now in use in our secondary schools. One book in particular that has been gaining traction in New York City in recent years is “The Americans.”

Although even the leftist teachers claim not to like this textbook used in U.S. history (a one-year course required in NYC for all juniors) because it is so skimpy on facts and is written in an opaque style, any informed reader would have to agree that it is one of the most politically correct textbooks one could imagine. Reading this book, one gets the message that the history of America is a theme of victimization. The list of victims is well known: Native Americans, women, labor, immigrants, blacks, farmers, urban dwellers, the mentally ill, migrant workers, unions, etc. “The Americans” is a somewhat diluted version of Howard Zinn’s openly communist college textbook, “A People’s History of the United States.”

How Textbooks Push Children to the Left | FrontPage Magazine

We need to make sure that children never know what the U.S. did to the native Americans, else they'll be COMMIES!!!

How do we cover it up?

What about slavery? How do we cover that one up?

We need to figure this out or our nation will be destroyed!!!

link us to the texts that cover up slavery and the Indian wars.
What was rational about wanting to preserve the institution of slavery?

What was rational about wanting to deny women the right to vote?

Are you a dolt? No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

What's rational about assigning 19th Century attitudes to 21st Century conservatives?

Perhaps you should re-assess what you consider rational.

Actually, conservatives consistently demonstrate that they are still in favor of slavery and denying women's rights.

Well, most of them know better than to advocate such things outright,

but it is absolutely true that conservatives overwhelmingly support such things as the right to discriminate, based on race and gender, in such things as business and employment.
It wouldn't happen, the standard of leadership I provided ensured that never happened.
However, we had responses in place for such, in accordance with AGAI regulations.
It comes down to leadership, if that kind of breakdown happened in your classroom, it is due to your failings.

Boo hoo!!
You have an easy job and its too much for you!!!

Mc Donald's is still hiring!!

it would never have happened in your classroom for 2 reasons

1. your students were afraid of military discipline, not because of your leadership. You give yourself too much credit.

2. none of your students were autistic or mentally retarded or have identified disabilities that makes the kind of discipline you enjoyed in the military impossible.

it was actually your job that was cake with gravy on top

and quit whining :eusa_boohoo:
It was cake and gravy, for 3 times more hours a week than your easy job.
Military discipline is not frightening, any old squaddie will tell you.
A bad NCO or officer will get fucked over by his men.
A good NCO or officer inspires his men to do better.
It's called leadership.
An NCO or officer who fails will use the disciplinary system in place, however his failure will be noted and will reflect on his future pay or promotion boards.
That's all!!

aren't you embarrassed that an army of farmers and school teachers whipped your professional army?

ps quit whining
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Are you a dolt? No need to answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

What's rational about assigning 19th Century attitudes to 21st Century conservatives?

Perhaps you should re-assess what you consider rational.

Actually, conservatives consistently demonstrate that they are still in favor of slavery and denying women's rights.

Well, most of them know better than to advocate such things outright,

but it is absolutely true that conservatives overwhelmingly support such things as the right to discriminate, based on race and gender, in such things as business and employment.

I see you have finally discovered affirmative action
Doesn't it make you proud to know that since you can't get people to agree with you using facts and logic, you have to resort to government indoctrination of children too unsophisticated to question you?

Pathetically enough, yes, I do believe you ARE proud of that.

What are the facts and logic behind insisting that children be taught creationism as competing 'theory' to evolution?

What are the facts and logic behind insisting that MOST gays are genetically disposed?

Does science show evolution as the reason a few humans are gay?

Seems contradictory when you consider that "survival of the fittest" means genes are passed on..almost always by sexual intercourse.
Same sex intercourse doesn't result in genetic code being passed on.
So how are gays more prolific today then any time in human history?

Yet our schools are teaching behavior modification with respect to acceptance of gay choice.

What's the evolutionary problem of a small percentage of a species being non-reproductive?
The leftist start early... Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught

How Textbooks Push Children to the Left | FrontPage Magazine

I see. They have words of more than one syllable and so, are incomprehensible to most 'Conservatives'.

"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, (A)nd if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power."

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson understood the danger of an all intrusive centralized federal government.

Jefferson also said that people were foolish to cling religiously to the opinions of men long dead.

btw, school curricula are controlled at the state and local level.
What are the facts and logic behind insisting that children be taught creationism as competing 'theory' to evolution?

What are the facts and logic behind insisting that MOST gays are genetically disposed?

Does science show evolution as the reason a few humans are gay?

Seems contradictory when you consider that "survival of the fittest" means genes are passed on..almost always by sexual intercourse.
Same sex intercourse doesn't result in genetic code being passed on.
So how are gays more prolific today then any time in human history?

Yet our schools are teaching behavior modification with respect to acceptance of gay choice.

What's the evolutionary problem of a small percentage of a species being non-reproductive?

Hell with some species (ants, bees, etc.) almost ALL of the members of the species do not participate in reproduction!
"It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government. "
-- Thomas Paine

If the Federal government is indoctrinating our kids and we allow it, we have failed to protect them and have failed as Patriots.

lol, your post got a thank you from daveman, the career government employee.
I see. They have words of more than one syllable and so, are incomprehensible to most 'Conservatives'.

"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, (A)nd if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power."

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson understood the danger of an all intrusive centralized federal government.

Jefferson also said that people were foolish to cling religiously to the opinions of men long dead.

btw, school curricula are controlled at the state and local level.

and not by the unions
The leftist start early... Parents need to be aware of what their children are being taught

How Textbooks Push Children to the Left | FrontPage Magazine

We need to make sure that children never know what the U.S. did to the native Americans, else they'll be COMMIES!!!

How do we cover it up?

What about slavery? How do we cover that one up?

We need to figure this out or our nation will be destroyed!!!

link us to the texts that cover up slavery and the Indian wars.

Exactly! The problem is these liberals keep wanting to talk about everything America has done wrong. If they'd just shut up there would be no need for a cover up. Our children would grow up increasingly ignorant to the basic facts of America's past misdeeds, and American would be safe. But since these week kneed pansy liberals insist on writing books about these things, America is in peril!

Any suggestions as to what to do? We cannot allow our children to grow up educated!
What are the facts and logic behind insisting that MOST gays are genetically disposed?

Does science show evolution as the reason a few humans are gay?

Seems contradictory when you consider that "survival of the fittest" means genes are passed on..almost always by sexual intercourse.
Same sex intercourse doesn't result in genetic code being passed on.
So how are gays more prolific today then any time in human history?

Yet our schools are teaching behavior modification with respect to acceptance of gay choice.

What's the evolutionary problem of a small percentage of a species being non-reproductive?

Hell with some species (ants, bees, etc.) almost ALL of the members of the species do not participate in reproduction!

I think healthmyths is worried that humans won't be able to sustain our current rate of population growth if we don't persecute the gays.

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