How the Bernie Sanders campaign became a force to be reckoned with


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Dan Roberts in Manchester, New Hampshire

Wednesday 10 February 2016 01.50 AEDTLast modified on Wednesday 10 February 201601.57 AEDT


If the revolution rolls on much longer,Bernie Sanders will no longer need to finish his speeches at all. He may simply be able to rely on the audience to supply the punchlines.

“Who is the biggest welfare recipient in America?” he asked a rally in Rindge on Saturday. “Walmart,” they booed in unison, eagerly anticipating his now familiar critique of the retailer’s low pay.

“What happened to the banks?” he mused in Manchester two days later. “They stole the country, the assholes,” shouted a voice from the crowd, with only minor embellishment of the intended homily on Wall Street greed

How the Bernie Sanders campaign became a force to be reckoned with
because he focuses on the American people. He might be senile, but his heart is in the right place.
There is one reason for Crackpot Sanders rise, and only one reason.....

There is one reason for Crackpot Sanders rise, and only one reason.....

How about...
Korporate Amerika screws Americans for 40 years and now it's Payback Time.
Keep dreaming kid......Sanders is a crackpot who would lose the general in a landslide. The only reason he isn't an afterthought is because the cankled cuckquean is such a horrid joke of a candidate. As bad as she is, she will still beat the crackpot.
Gawker writer Ashley Feinberg wrote: “Are they just “feeling the Bern” so intensely to the point that they literally can’t take it? Or is someone else trying to take them out one-by-one (not that another candidate would do that of course that’s not what we’re suggesting)?”

People keep fainting at Bernie Sanders rallies
There is one reason for Crackpot Sanders rise, and only one reason.....

How about...
Korporate Amerika screws Americans for 40 years and now it's Payback Time.
Keep dreaming kid......Sanders is a crackpot who would lose the general in a landslide. The only reason he isn't an afterthought is because the cankled cuckquean is such a horrid joke of a candidate. As bad as she is, she will still beat the crackpot.
What you don't get is there are more under and unemployed, replaced Americans than old farts who are living off their low wage Portfolios.
because he focuses on the American people. He might be senile, but his heart is in the right place.

NAH. He's attracting the younger voters with his talk of free college and free everything.

Most of these young voters have no idea that nothing is free nor do they care. If they can get it and not have to pay for it then it works for them.

Unfortunately the taxpayers of America get stuck with the bill for all that "free" stuff.

Mans a socialist moron.

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