How The Center Can Change Politics

Yet the reactionaries are willing to endorse less than 10% of the House on the far right tying up the People's Business.
you ever see more people whine over tax cuts?

YOUR money that was given back to YOU.... what can you do with it, pay bill, buy what you need, etc etc and put it BACK in a sluggish economy...

that is more responsible than giving almost a trillion of taxpayer dollars (remember that stimulus that was going to bring down unemployment) to OBAMA and his comrades of thieves and we have NO IDEA where that money was spent

you people floor me with this stuff you just regurgitate

Somebody should knock you on the floor with some of this shit you come up with.

Bush practically put this country into another Depression with his economic policies. He had to fire his entire economic team his first term. The man was completely incompetent and there was nobody who could stop him from his madness.

We are LUCKY to have somebody sane at the helm. Obama saved us.
Remember the tea party started with notions that the govt spends too much, and society should reward those who take personal responsibility and work hard, rather than those taking a hand out and not using it for a hand up.

I think the voters themselves were distracted too much by obamacare, though if I own a couple of Subway franchises with a 2% profit margin, I see the danger. And they've sort of been beset by a car full of clowns trying to ride the coat tails, but notably Rand Paul and Paul Ryan, as well as Cantor, took a bit of the high road.

But I think if you look at that Esquire poll that was posted yesterday, you see the center is actually pretty conservative. The gop hasn't done itself any favor with wedge issues like abortion or secularism in govt.

As for defining the center, I think the Esquire piece did it pretty well. Not earthshaking, and a Pew Poll a few years ago had much the same info and conclusions.
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There are a group of 13 Congresspeople willing to work in a bipartisan way to get our country moving forward again. The Congressional Future Caucus.

How the center can change politics

Chuck Todd takes a deeper look at the political center, as identified by the NBC/Esquire poll. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Il.) then join to discuss


Gives me hope ...

2.9% of the House?

And I have a feeling your definition of "center" is so skewed to the left it needs to be driving in England.

Aaron Schock is a deficit hawk. He also got an amendment to TARP passed that allows people to see exactly where the bailout money was spent.

He voted against the stimulus bill. He voted against ObamaCare.

He introduced legislation to create the Federal Program Sunset Commission.

He has signed Americans For Taxpayers pledge not to raise taxes.

He is considered to be more conservative than the two previous Congressmen who occupied his seat. were saying?
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you ever see more people whine over tax cuts?

YOUR money that was given back to YOU.... what can you do with it, pay bill, buy what you need, etc etc and put it BACK in a sluggish economy...

that is more responsible than giving almost a trillion of taxpayer dollars (remember that stimulus that was going to bring down unemployment) to OBAMA and his comrades of thieves and we have NO IDEA where that money was spent

you people floor me with this stuff you just regurgitate

Somebody should knock you on the floor with some of this shit you come up with.

Bush practically put this country into another Depression with his economic policies. He had to fire his entire economic team his first term. The man was completely incompetent and there was nobody who could stop him from his madness.

We are LUCKY to have somebody sane at the helm. Obama saved us.

you drink too much Kool-Aid...but you do have all the talking points down pat about Boooooooooooooooosh and sound just like a parrot

Obama SAVED us from a DEPRSSION, we were headed into bread lines by golly... I wonder if those in that 7.5% unemployment for FIVE YEARS feel that way about him and those in the majority who now DISAPPROVE of him...

and we ALREADY have immigration laws, why can't you and your dear leader just follow what ever don't drink the Obama Kool-Aid, remember Jim Jones
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There are a group of 13 Congresspeople willing to work in a bipartisan way to get our country moving forward again. The Congressional Future Caucus.

How the center can change politics

Chuck Todd takes a deeper look at the political center, as identified by the NBC/Esquire poll. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Il.) then join to discuss


Gives me hope ...

2.9% of the House?

And I have a feeling your definition of "center" is so skewed to the left it needs to be driving in England.

You have gone so far off the right fringe cliff, the you can't see center for your asshole.
Well, that's just the thing. I've met over a dozen illegal aliens in my life, and I've yet to encounter one who doesn't work damn hard. That's the one issue that I simply have no connection intellectually with. I mean i can understand opposing giving anyone free healthcare, but if they're working .... I just don't see it.

Now I drive through "welfare city" every morning and afternoon, and I've never understood why welfare can't be conditioned upon birth control
you ever see more people whine over tax cuts?

YOUR money that was given back to YOU.... what can you do with it, pay bill, buy what you need, etc etc and put it BACK in a sluggish economy...

that is more responsible than giving almost a trillion of taxpayer dollars (remember that stimulus that was going to bring down unemployment) to OBAMA and his comrades of thieves and we have NO IDEA where that money was spent

you people floor me with this stuff you just regurgitate

Somebody should knock you on the floor with some of this shit you come up with.

Bush practically put this country into another Depression with his economic policies. He had to fire his entire economic team his first term. The man was completely incompetent and there was nobody who could stop him from his madness.

We are LUCKY to have somebody sane at the helm. Obama saved us.

you drink too much Kool-Aid...but you do have all the talking points down pat about Boooooooooooooooosh and sound just like a parrot

Obama SAVED us from a DEPRSSION, we were headed into bread lines by golly... I wonder if those in that 7.5% unemployment for FIVE YEARS feel that way about him and those in the majority who now DISAPPROVE of him...

and we ALREADY have immigration laws, why can't you and your dear leader just follow what ever don't drink the Obama Kool-Aid, remember Jim Jones

That you don't realize what was actually happening at the end of Bush's second term is a little scary.
There are a group of 13 Congresspeople willing to work in a bipartisan way to get our country moving forward again. The Congressional Future Caucus.

Gives me hope ...

Moving forward on what? Spending another trillion $$ we don't have?

What passes for progress in leftyworld is mind boggling.

:beer: Well said.

Nope. Spoken more like a complete idiot who just trashed a Republican conservative out of sheer ignorance.
Somebody should knock you on the floor with some of this shit you come up with.

Bush practically put this country into another Depression with his economic policies. He had to fire his entire economic team his first term. The man was completely incompetent and there was nobody who could stop him from his madness.

We are LUCKY to have somebody sane at the helm. Obama saved us.

you drink too much Kool-Aid...but you do have all the talking points down pat about Boooooooooooooooosh and sound just like a parrot

Obama SAVED us from a DEPRSSION, we were headed into bread lines by golly... I wonder if those in that 7.5% unemployment for FIVE YEARS feel that way about him and those in the majority who now DISAPPROVE of him...

and we ALREADY have immigration laws, why can't you and your dear leader just follow what ever don't drink the Obama Kool-Aid, remember Jim Jones

That you don't realize what was actually happening at the end of Bush's second term is a little scary.

what's even more scary is you won't realize what is happening NOW under just go with his flow...anything he say's and wants to do is just the RIGHT thing with you...the hell with it if it's the best for our country or not
There are a group of 13 Congresspeople willing to work in a bipartisan way to get our country moving forward again. The Congressional Future Caucus.

Gives me hope ...

2.9% of the House?

And I have a feeling your definition of "center" is so skewed to the left it needs to be driving in England.

Aaron Schock is a deficit hawk. He also got an amendment to TARP passed that allows people to see exactly where the bailout money was spent.

He voted against the stimulus bill. He voted against ObamaCare.

He introduced legislation to create the Federal Program Sunset Commission.

He has signed Americans For Taxpayers pledge not to raise taxes.

He is considered to be more conservative than the two previous Congressmen who occupied his seat. were saying?

This response of his was a minute after I posted the thread. It was completely knee jerk.

I have had a change of heart regarding working with Conservatives and people from all factions in the parties unless they prove themselves to be inflexible. Thus the creation of this thread.

I'm interested in seeing other points of view.
The center can change politics. The center is just really really small right now and getting smaller all the time.

Of course the center is really small right now!!

With the left and Right constantly beating the center up, and no political structure of its own, how can the center grow?
2.9% of the House?

And I have a feeling your definition of "center" is so skewed to the left it needs to be driving in England.

Aaron Schock is a deficit hawk. He also got an amendment to TARP passed that allows people to see exactly where the bailout money was spent.

He voted against the stimulus bill. He voted against ObamaCare.

He introduced legislation to create the Federal Program Sunset Commission.

He has signed Americans For Taxpayers pledge not to raise taxes.

He is considered to be more conservative than the two previous Congressmen who occupied his seat. were saying?

This response of his was a minute after I posted the thread. It was completely knee jerk.

This is how faux conservatives are identified.
The center can change politics. The center is just really really small right now and getting smaller all the time.

can you prove that?....more and more people are getting sick of these two parties and are leaving them......and the ones leaving are not the Far Right and Left....
you ever see more people whine over tax cuts?

YOUR money that was given back to YOU.... what can you do with it, pay bill, buy what you need, etc etc and put it BACK in a sluggish economy...

that is more responsible than giving almost a trillion of taxpayer dollars (remember that stimulus that was going to bring down unemployment) to OBAMA and his comrades of thieves and we have NO IDEA where that money was spent

you people floor me with this stuff you just regurgitate

Somebody should knock you on the floor with some of this shit you come up with.

Bush practically put this country into another Depression with his economic policies. He had to fire his entire economic team his first term. The man was completely incompetent and there was nobody who could stop him from his madness.

We are LUCKY to have somebody sane at the helm. Obama saved us.

you drink too much Kool-Aid...but you do have all the talking points down pat about Boooooooooooooooosh and sound just like a parrot

Obama SAVED us from a DEPRSSION, we were headed into bread lines by golly... I wonder if those in that 7.5% unemployment for FIVE YEARS feel that way about him and those in the majority who now DISAPPROVE of him...

and we ALREADY have immigration laws, why can't you and your dear leader just follow what ever don't drink the Obama Kool-Aid, remember Jim Jones

yep, the messianic rhetoric is quite scary.

that is how dictatorships start.

not to even mention that obamanomics made the situation in the country abysmal and it is dragging us to depression more and more, but that is not even the point - one might take a different view, but still be reasonable, not a fanatic on the knees stoned in awe :rolleyes:
The center can change politics. The center is just really really small right now and getting smaller all the time.

can you prove that?....more and more people are getting sick of these two parties and are leaving them......and the ones leaving are not the Far Right and Left....

which does not matter at all as in the voting booth they will have to choose between just those two parties.
as we all will.
2.9% of the House?

And I have a feeling your definition of "center" is so skewed to the left it needs to be driving in England.

Aaron Schock is a deficit hawk. He also got an amendment to TARP passed that allows people to see exactly where the bailout money was spent.

He voted against the stimulus bill. He voted against ObamaCare.

He introduced legislation to create the Federal Program Sunset Commission.

He has signed Americans For Taxpayers pledge not to raise taxes.

He is considered to be more conservative than the two previous Congressmen who occupied his seat. were saying?

This response of his was a minute after I posted the thread. It was completely knee jerk.

I have had a change of heart regarding working with Conservatives and people from all factions in the parties unless they prove themselves to be inflexible. Thus the creation of this thread.

I'm interested in seeing other points of view.

ok, I'll give you the benefit of doubt with this I guess

but this was just a few days ago

they are asking the individual mandate be postponed ONE YEAR

that is something FOR EVERY one of us in this country

We want the government open and the debt ceiling raised, no conditions. There is nothing beyond that that needs to be discussed. If you think Democrats are being bullies, so be it.

but good for you if you mean what you are now saying
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The center can change politics. The center is just really really small right now and getting smaller all the time.

Of course the center is really small right now!!

With the left and Right constantly beating the center up, and no political structure of its own, how can the center grow?

nothing can grow without being clearly defined first.

logically speaking, the center can be rinos and blue-dog democrats, if the latter species won't be extinct already.

so the only possibility for the center now is the split of the GOP into RINOs and Conservatives.
Dims are leftard loons and I don't see anybody reasonable in their ranks at all - they have transformed into left-wing nuts 100%.
Just remember that in this political tussle, it was not the conservatives that lost!! Yes the Republicans lost, but not the Conservaive republicans!! It was the moderates that caved!! The conservatives were willing to shut down government, refused to raise the Debt ceiling and even more to make America concede to their prinicples.

But the moderates are not that fanatical about Conservatism. Yeah, they may say they are conservatives, but that is a lie that all of us moderates share in. "I am a conservative" or "I am a liberal" are just pathetic narcissitic lies we moderates tell you in order to find a place to fit in. And you ringers know it to--you act like you don't know until we vote your guy in--then it is nothing but insults and attacks from you!!

Moderates are tired of getting a political black eye for trying to be what we are not!! We want our own party!! We want our own cause--forget the liberal/conservative ones we have held onto due to our spinelessness and wayward nature!! We want to be recognize as a distinct group of Americans! No more conceding to the left or right, we will stand on our own two feet and strive forward on our own.

If only we had the courage and personal fortitude that was necessary to forge such an identity!!

We moderates lose--we always lose!! Don't count on us Conservatives, We are just not that strong and willful. Why else do you think we are in your party? Sorry!!:(

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