How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

Gays have always been in the military. The fact that they kept it hidden didn't change the fact they were gay.
I can honestly say that I never saw or met a homo while I was in the Army.

If we had ever found out there was a homo in our unit. He would not have lived past the next fire fight.

Unfortunately, during a time of war; friendly fire sometimes happens. :eusa_angel:

So you would be willing to murder someone based solely on their sexual orientation? You would intentionally kill a fellow soldier, because you found out he was gay, whether he did anything or not??

Sunni wouldn't actually do this. There's some threads where he tries to sound like an insane individual, like the one where he said he would want to participate in the stoning of a woman, but he's not actually nuts.

He just thinks sounding crazy will score him points with his crazy prophet. He wouldn't actually participate in a stoning, he wouldn't actually murder a gay soldier or send him out to be killed in a suicide mission.

And it's downright insanity that a soldier would be in Vietnam getting bullets shot at him by what look like trees and bushes and be worried about a potentially gay soldier being around him. If someone is that big of a psycho, he'd make for one shitty soldier and likely be killed anyways.
Islam is Not misogynistic.

There, feel better? :cool:

Since you're a psychologist, what do you say to a Muslim woman who admits her husband hits her because the Quran gives her husband permission to do so?
First of all, muslim women only see women Doctors or women mental health workers.

Second, if she is being willingly disobedient; then he has every right as her husband to adjust her attitude. :cool:

The sad part is, and the reason why islam will never advance beyond the barbaric is that most muslim women would agree with you. Muslim men are cruel to muslim women because muslim women desire it.
The sad part is, and the reason why islam will never advance beyond the barbaric is that most muslim women would agree with you. Muslim men are cruel to muslim women because muslim women desire it.
Muslim men are Not doing it to be cruel.

But some, not all, women get out of line. And it is the husbands responsibility as her husband to keep his house and marriage in order.

And no; muslim women do not desire punishment.

Most are good women who have never provoked their husband's ire. :cool:
The sad part is, and the reason why islam will never advance beyond the barbaric is that most muslim women would agree with you. Muslim men are cruel to muslim women because muslim women desire it.
Muslim men are Not doing it to be cruel.

But some, not all, women get out of line. And it is the husbands responsibility as her husband to keep his house and marriage in order.

And no; muslim women do not desire punishment.

Most are good women who have never provoked their husband's ire. :cool:

Of course muslim men don't think they are being cruel. Neither do most muslim women. Even stoning to death is done with a lot of love. It depends who you talk to. Oh come on don't tell me muslim women don't desire a good beating now and then for their own good. Muslim women are the first ones to stand up and say another woman deserved to be beaten, They are happy to throw rocks at a stoning victim themselves.

A woman, any woman, muslim or non muslim that gets hit one time and stays wants it.

I've had more than one romantic entangelments with muslim men. I've just run when it started getting creepy but didn't progress to physical violence. For a short term fling, I highly recommend them. Just don't let it go on too long.
There are 2 dynamics going on that make a muslim marriage successful and long lasting.

The Prophet said, "The muslim who is best to his wife, is the best muslim".

And Islam teaches that, "Obedience to your husband is the path to heaven".

Thus, when both spouse's understand their duties and responsibilities to each other.

There is no need for for cross words or conflict within the marriage. :cool:
There are 2 dynamics going on that make a muslim marriage successful and long lasting.

The Prophet said, "The muslim who is best to his wife, is the best muslim".

And Islam teaches that, "Obedience to your husband is the path to heaven".

Thus, when both spouse's understand their duties and responsibilities to each other.

There is no need for for cross words or conflict within the marriage. :cool:

It is handy that you, the man, get to punish her when she gets out of line. But she doesn't have that same option.

A marriage should be based on equal partners, not a man over a woman.
Let me make sure I'm keeping up with the story line here.

Sunni is saying he's well educated in the field of psychology and also saying that physical abuse helps keep a marriage healthy and strong?

What next, boiling water makes it turn to ice?
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There are 2 dynamics going on that make a muslim marriage successful and long lasting.

The Prophet said, "The muslim who is best to his wife, is the best muslim".

And Islam teaches that, "Obedience to your husband is the path to heaven".

Thus, when both spouse's understand their duties and responsibilities to each other.

There is no need for for cross words or conflict within the marriage. :cool:

It is handy that you, the man, get to punish her when she gets out of line. But she doesn't have that same option.

A marriage should be based on equal partners, not a man over a woman.
The equal partner's idea is a Western concept. And is proving to be a complete failure.

Islam acknowledges the difference's between men and women. And that both have a different role to play in the marriage. That the husband is to be the head of the house and the wife is to be under his authority.
The sad part is, and the reason why islam will never advance beyond the barbaric is that most muslim women would agree with you. Muslim men are cruel to muslim women because muslim women desire it.
Muslim men are Not doing it to be cruel.

But some, not all, women get out of line. And it is the husbands responsibility as her husband to keep his house and marriage in order.

And no; muslim women do not desire punishment.

Most are good women who have never provoked their husband's ire. :cool:

Of course muslim men don't think they are being cruel. Neither do most muslim women. Even stoning to death is done with a lot of love. It depends who you talk to. Oh come on don't tell me muslim women don't desire a good beating now and then for their own good. Muslim women are the first ones to stand up and say another woman deserved to be beaten, They are happy to throw rocks at a stoning victim themselves.

A woman, any woman, muslim or non muslim that gets hit one time and stays wants it.

I've had more than one romantic entangelments with muslim men. I've just run when it started getting creepy but didn't progress to physical violence. For a short term fling, I highly recommend them. Just don't let it go on too long.
Yes, Muslim women have their own Phyllis Schaflys.
There are 2 dynamics going on that make a muslim marriage successful and long lasting.

The Prophet said, "The muslim who is best to his wife, is the best muslim".

And Islam teaches that, "Obedience to your husband is the path to heaven".

Thus, when both spouse's understand their duties and responsibilities to each other.

There is no need for for cross words or conflict within the marriage. :cool:

It is handy that you, the man, get to punish her when she gets out of line. But she doesn't have that same option.

A marriage should be based on equal partners, not a man over a woman.
The equal partner's idea is a Western concept. And is proving to be a complete failure.

Islam acknowledges the difference's between men and women. And that both have a different role to play in the marriage. That the husband is to be the head of the house and the wife is to be under his authority.

Depends what you deem more of a failure. A high divorce rate or women being slowly tortured to death in the street cuz their husband made an allegation?
There are 2 dynamics going on that make a muslim marriage successful and long lasting.

The Prophet said, "The muslim who is best to his wife, is the best muslim".

And Islam teaches that, "Obedience to your husband is the path to heaven".

Thus, when both spouse's understand their duties and responsibilities to each other.

There is no need for for cross words or conflict within the marriage. :cool:

It is handy that you, the man, get to punish her when she gets out of line. But she doesn't have that same option.

A marriage should be based on equal partners, not a man over a woman.
The equal partner's idea is a Western concept. And is proving to be a complete failure.

Islam acknowledges the difference's between men and women. And that both have a different role to play in the marriage. That the husband is to be the head of the house and the wife is to be under his authority.

If the rules get to be made up by misogynistic men, this is the obvious result. But then, aren't most women in Islam under someone else's authority their entire lives?
We all witness the Muslim female's true commitment to ME marriage and cultural rules for women when they get to the West.

Most Islamic women I know in America subscribe to modesty, expect the husband to provide, but have very solid expectations of what they can do here: almost everything, thank you very much.
How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People | Belief | AlterNet

May 16, 2012 |

Christian Right activists who give money, pressure politicians and organize against gay rights may think they’re accomplishing a couple of goals, like rolling back gay rights and asserting their religion’s primacy in American culture. Unfortunately for them (but fortunately for the rest of us), one of the things they're doing in the long run is alienating their young people -- not a good long-term strategy. Short-term victories like passing more bans on gay marriage, sometimes repeatedly in single states, might feel good for homophobic Christians, but in the long run, it’s their religion that will pay the ultimate price; available evidence shows that anti-gay activism is souring young people on Christianity.

In response to the latest gay-bashing vote in North Carolina, evangelical writer and speaker Rachel Held Evans wrote an impassioned plea to her fellow Christians to just cut it out. She points to statistics showing how much damage the church has sustained because of its anti-gay crusade. Research conducted by the pro-Christian Barna Group in 2007 on Americans age 16-29 found that “anti-homosexual” was the dominant perception of modern Christians. Ninety-one percent of non-Christians and 80 percent of Christians in this group used this word to describe Christians.

Read more at the link provided. It is a copyright violation to cut and paste an entire article. Newby

Young people tend to move away from anything that, on the face of it, looks and sounds stupid...

unfortunately, the Christian right often does indeed look and sound (and indeed is) stupid when it spouts off about almost anything...

on the other hand, the left is usually somehow able to cloak their inane spoutings so that it's not readily apparent that they are at least as stupid (if not more so) as the Christian right... thus duping the young folks to nonetheless buy into something stupid...
If the rules get to be made up by misogynistic men, this is the obvious result. But then, aren't most women in Islam under someone else's authority their entire lives?
Women are to have man's authority over them their entire lives. Men are to protect them and provide for them. That is not in any way, shape, or form, misogynistic at all. :cool:
If the rules get to be made up by misogynistic men, this is the obvious result. But then, aren't most women in Islam under someone else's authority their entire lives?
Women are to have man's authority over them their entire lives. Men are to protect them and provide for them. That is not in any way, shape, or form, misogynistic at all. :cool:

I guess you don't hate them as long as you can own them, huh?
I know a number of Muslim men in our local and regional businesses, and the are great guys until the topic of women emerge.

One of the law enforcement folks here reportedly told the two most important religious personalities that as long as men beat women in their community, the police will beat the men even worse. Not a perfect cure, but some of the violence has abated.
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Men in the West have perverted the natural order between men and women.

Without restraint and guidance; women will try to dominate and rule over men.

Even nature shows that the male of the species (mammals) is to be over the female.
Men in the West have perverted the natural order between men and women.

Without restraint and guidance; women will try to dominate and rule over men.

Even nature shows that the male of the species (mammals) is to be over the female.

So unrestrained women will try and rule over men. And to stop that, men rule over women?

lol You posted that with a straight face?

That you think women should not be allowed to rule over themselves, and that men should be allowed to rule over women, shows a level of misogyny in and of itself.

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