How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

Men in the West have perverted the natural order between men and women.

As opposed to you who advocates murdering women.

Given that you're one twisted individual murdering women is perfectly acceptable to you.
Women in the West are an example of how women act when they left to their own devices.

Dress like hookers, lesbianism, abortions, children out of wedlock, drugs, alcohol abuse, STD's, tattoos, prostitution, etc.

Sad, very sad.
How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People | Belief | AlterNet

May 16, 2012 |

Christian Right activists who give money, pressure politicians and organize against gay rights may think they’re accomplishing a couple of goals, like rolling back gay rights and asserting their religion’s primacy in American culture. Unfortunately for them (but fortunately for the rest of us), one of the things they're doing in the long run is alienating their young people -- not a good long-term strategy. Short-term victories like passing more bans on gay marriage, sometimes repeatedly in single states, might feel good for homophobic Christians, but in the long run, it’s their religion that will pay the ultimate price; available evidence shows that anti-gay activism is souring young people on Christianity.

In response to the latest gay-bashing vote in North Carolina, evangelical writer and speaker Rachel Held Evans wrote an impassioned plea to her fellow Christians to just cut it out. She points to statistics showing how much damage the church has sustained because of its anti-gay crusade. Research conducted by the pro-Christian Barna Group in 2007 on Americans age 16-29 found that “anti-homosexual” was the dominant perception of modern Christians. Ninety-one percent of non-Christians and 80 percent of Christians in this group used this word to describe Christians.

Read more at the link provided. It is a copyright violation to cut and paste an entire article. Newby

So let me get this right?

We're not to follow the Word. You know, that old fashioned book called the Bible. Now I'm supposed to listen to some woman called Rachel Held Evans?

Over the Word of the Lord?

You want to run this by me one more time? Rachel tops God. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
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Sad, very sad.

Do you plan to murder any women anytime soon?

You are, morally speaking, a complete scumbag.

Murder is a far greater moral offense than homosexuality, tattoos, or adultery.

You vigorously advocate murder and you're a liar. You're morally depraved.
when and where did I advocate murdering women??

When you condoned stoning women for adultery.

You lie and you advocate murdering women and homosexuals.......You are one sick fuck.
Women in the West are an example of how women act when they left to their own devices.

Dress like hookers, lesbianism, abortions, children out of wedlock, drugs, alcohol abuse, STD's, tattoos, prostitution, etc.

Sad, very sad.

Thats right, because all women in the west do that? lol

What makes muslim men able to be in control but muslim women would not be able to?
When you condoned stoning women for adultery..
Before they are stoned for their crime.

They first have a trial in a court of law.

If found guilty. They are now a criminal.

Then they are sentenced according to the Laws of that nation.

I believe in law and order and in punishing criminals.

Don't you?
Killing women for adultery is murder as is murdering homosexuals.

You lie and you favor murder......You are one twisted fuck.
When you condoned stoning women for adultery..
Before they are stoned for their crime.

They first have a trial in a court of law.

If found guilty. They are now a criminal.

Then they are sentenced according to the Laws of that nation.

I believe in law and order and in punishing criminals.

Don't you?

I do indeed. However, I believe that the punishments should be equal, regardless of gender.

So when you advocate for a woman being stoned for adultery, and think its ok that the man is just whipped, I see misogyny.

You're a vile liar.

You're an extremely depraved individual and you are claiming the moral high ground......Twisted fucks like you don't get the moral high ground.
What makes muslim men able to be in control but muslim women would not be able to?
It is our religion and our belief

No one is asking your opinion or to validate it.

It is what it is.

Deal with it. :cool:

Ok cool.

Just like it is our opinion that you (and all who think like you) are murderous misogynists.

It is what it is. Deal with it.
You're a vile liar.

You're an extremely depraved individual and you are claiming the moral high ground......Twisted fucks like you don't get the moral high ground.
Obviously, you are a fudge packer.

Because no straight man would have a username of "Parsifal". :doubt:

You are obviously a repressed homosexual, because no one but a gay man would hate women like you do.
Sunni Man's stated comments about adulteresses and homosexuals and how he would deal with them evidences a very ill pathology.

He would have made a great member of the homosexual SA in Hitler's armed militia.

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