How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

The post is self evident, Buford, and you have nothing to support your position at all. It is anti-scripture. End of discussion.

You keep saying that, but you don't provide anything to back it up. Everyone can see you're ignorant of scripture and that is why you just toss out accusations without any scripture to back it up. Jesus warned us about "wolves in sheep's clothing". I'm well acquainted with people like you who claim to speak for Christianity while you twist and manipulate scripture to suit your agenda. That's why you can't and will not engage me in scripture debate. You know I'm well versed.
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The post is self evident, Buford, and you have nothing to support your position at all. It is anti-scripture. End of discussion.

You keep saying that, but you don't provide anything to back it up. Everyone can see you're ignorant of scripture and that is why you just toss out accusations without any scripture to back it up. Jesus warned us about "wolves in sheep's clothing". I'm well acquainted with people like you who claim to speak for Christianity while you twist and manipulate scripture to suit your agenda. That's why you can't and will not engage me in scripture debate. You know I'm well versed.

The scripture is clear on this point, and only those who despise women support an all male priesthood.,

You want to speak for Christianity, and so do most devils like you,
The GOP has shown that the religious right is many things but Christian is not one of them.
The Koch funded tea party is a joke and supports nothing but Taliban style religion. The same religion it rants about in other countries.
Mixed race marriages are on the rise with young people and they are not brainwashed today like they were when the world was hidden from them.
Americans live in the same world as everyone else and should stop using the better than thou attitude against other people that is destroying our republic.

How does support for lower taxes, lower, saner spending, and an expectation that the Federal Government will abide by the Constitution support a "Taliban style religion"?

We should likewise stop pretending we are like everyone else in the world and cease aspiring to be better people.
Avatar4321 may live long enough to witness a major schism in LDS'ism when women leave the church if not given the priesthood, for a new LDS church that does.
You know them, and you are not authorized to re-interpret them to your own perverted ideology.

So you wont cite them for him?

Arent you suggesting that he should be reinterpreting them?

Exactly what is it that he supposedly is supposed to change?
You know them, and you are not authorized to re-interpret them to your own perverted ideology.

So you wont cite them for him?

Arent you suggesting that he should be reinterpreting them?

Exactly what is it that he supposedly is supposed to change?

I don't have to because you know them. This is an argument whether scriptural is literal and authoritative. Or unless it is translated wrongly. :lol:
No, they are just following what the Bible clearly says about women and how to treat them :cool:

Yeah, that's what I said.
I don't view their treatment of women as wrong or bad.

The Bible is the guide book for christians and the church.

A true christian will do exactly as the Bible instructs. :cool:

I dont think someone is any less a true Christian if he does something ignorantly or is unaware of some detail that the Bible teaches. Because the Spirit of the Lord teaches man line upon line and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. We are only accountable for what we know
Sunni Man, as a militant muslim, is accountable for what he thinks he knows.
You know them, and you are not authorized to re-interpret them to your own perverted ideology.

Yet, YOU cannot seem to show us what you're speaking of. Making accusations without backing them up is sad and lame.

Don't have to 'cause it's common knowledge. Accusations that are accurate in common knowledge as I have made are solid and confident.

You, however, have not been from post one on the Board.

By definition, common knowledge is something known to everyone. Your reference to uncited resources is hardly common knowledge. The general populace can't possibly read your mind and know what you are referencing.
That's what Jake does. It's his standard script:

"I already explained it"
"Everybody knows it, no need to explain"
By definition common knowledge is a body of knowledge commonly known to those who would know the material.

You, Buford, and I know the material. The material is not the question.

The question is whether the material should be taken literally or the church fathers taken literally or traditiona should be taken literally, or any group of all the above.

Notice that kg stumbles, giggles, and pees on the lawn,
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