How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

Men who abuse women's human rights in the name of sharia are religiious thugs before God and man and human decency.

Yes. There is nothing good and decent in Islam. Islam is a lie from beginning to end, which hopefully will be soon. The world will be a much nicer safer place.

We find similiar hatred of women on the far right of Christianity and Judism, which has to stop.

Be specific and provide an example.
I don't believe that he can be specific, at least for Christianity, unless the examples he provides stray far from Orthodox Christianity (the views that unite Christianity) into cults.

Exactly. Christians who actually study scripture are as much a threat as Islam in their mind because they don't understand scripture. Their understanding of scripture is superficial and easily threatened by the truth.
Jake's just a trolling loon. Don't even give his statements the time of day, there's no point. His primary personality trait is that he's a liar.
I don't believe that he can be specific, at least for Christianity, unless the examples he provides stray far from Orthodox Christianity (the views that unite Christianity) into cults.

The Christian and Jewish sects that abuse the human rights of females are well known, i e, common knowledge.

But an example would be any that restrict church leadership to men, for starters.
I don't believe that he can be specific, at least for Christianity, unless the examples he provides stray far from Orthodox Christianity (the views that unite Christianity) into cults.

The Christian and Jewish sects that abuse the human rights of females are well known, i e, common knowledge.

But an example would be any that restrict church leadership to men, for starters.
The Baptists, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, Church od God, and most Full Gospel / Evangelical / Charismatic, churches; to name just a few, Do Not allow women to be Preacher's, Deacons, Bishops, or in other church leadership positions.

Are you saying that none of these denominations and churches are Christian because they restrict women and treat them as second class church members?? :cool:
I don't believe that he can be specific, at least for Christianity, unless the examples he provides stray far from Orthodox Christianity (the views that unite Christianity) into cults.

The Christian and Jewish sects that abuse the human rights of females are well known, i e, common knowledge.

But an example would be any that restrict church leadership to men, for starters.

Give us an example so we know what you're talking about.
The GOP has shown that the religious right is many things but Christian is not one of them.
The Koch funded tea party is a joke and supports nothing but Taliban style religion. The same religion it rants about in other countries.
Mixed race marriages are on the rise with young people and they are not brainwashed today like they were when the world was hidden from them.
Americans live in the same world as everyone else and should stop using the better than thou attitude against other people that is destroying our republic.
I don't believe that he can be specific, at least for Christianity, unless the examples he provides stray far from Orthodox Christianity (the views that unite Christianity) into cults.

The Christian and Jewish sects that abuse the human rights of females are well known, i e, common knowledge.

But an example would be any that restrict church leadership to men, for starters.
The Baptists, Assembly of God, Church of Christ, Church od God, and most Full Gospel / Evangelical / Charismatic, churches; to name just a few, Do Not allow women to be Preacher's, Deacons, Bishops, or in other church leadership positions.

Are you saying that none of these denominations and churches are Christian because they restrict women and treat them as second class church members?? :cool:

That's a lie. Full Gospel churches have women in leadership position, pastors, teachers, etc.
There's nothing wrong with restricting pastorship in the church to males only. The church is fine with it, the congregation is fine with it, and the statists have no business worrying about it. It's out of the realm of their control.
If they don't like it, they can become Episcopalians, or Ba'hai.
There's nothing wrong with restricting pastorship in the church to males only. The church is fine with it, the congregation is fine with it, and the statists have no business worrying about it. It's out of the realm of their control.
If they don't like it, they can become Episcopalians, or Ba'hai.

And yet not the point.
There's nothing wrong with restricting pastorship in the church to males only. The church is fine with it, the congregation is fine with it, and the statists have no business worrying about it. It's out of the realm of their control.
If they don't like it, they can become Episcopalians, or Ba'hai.

And yet not the point.

What's the point?

That fundy Christians treat women badly.
There's nothing wrong with restricting pastorship in the church to males only. The church is fine with it, the congregation is fine with it, and the statists have no business worrying about it. It's out of the realm of their control. If they don't like it, they can become Episcopalians, or Ba'hai.
I would suggest you become Christian in the full sense of the meaning. Go back and look at your OT and NT, kg.

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