How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

I don't view their treatment of women as wrong or bad.

The Bible is the guide book for christians and the church.

A true christian will do exactly as the Bible instructs. :cool:

A true muslim will not abuse women as you do, Sunni Man., :cool:

What evidence is there that he does abuse women?

Read all of his posts and you would not write that.

The threat to subject American women to sharia is abusive in and of itself.
The post is self evident, Buford, and you have nothing to support your position at all. It is anti-scripture. End of discussion.

So you are going to end the discussion. Without providing one iota of evidence to support your position? And you think that wins? Alright... but dont be surprised if people dont see things your way here Jake.

if you are going to argue that a position is scriptural it really helps your argument if you actually quote scriptures.
The post is self evident, Buford, and you have nothing to support your position at all. It is anti-scripture. End of discussion.

So you are going to end the discussion. Without providing one iota of evidence to support your position? And you think that wins? Alright... but dont be surprised if people dont see things your way here Jake.

if you are going to argue that a position is scriptural it really helps your argument if you actually quote scriptures.

Read above.
What led you to have that thought?

More to the point, why would it be relevant to Jake's point?

He self-identifies and proclaims as a Christian, but doesn't know the Bible? Or he's feigning ignorance because it doesn't fit his agenda.

Tough call.

Most of the world is ignorant of the Bible. Im sure there are tons of christians are.

But you said he was a "church-goer". Which is completely irrelevant to the discussion.
The post is self evident, Buford, and you have nothing to support your position at all. It is anti-scripture. End of discussion.

You keep saying that, but you don't provide anything to back it up. Everyone can see you're ignorant of scripture and that is why you just toss out accusations without any scripture to back it up. Jesus warned us about "wolves in sheep's clothing". I'm well acquainted with people like you who claim to speak for Christianity while you twist and manipulate scripture to suit your agenda. That's why you can't and will not engage me in scripture debate. You know I'm well versed.

The scripture is clear on this point, and only those who despise women support an all male priesthood.,

You want to speak for Christianity, and so do most devils like you,

Then cite a scripture.
Avatar4321 may live long enough to witness a major schism in LDS'ism when women leave the church if not given the priesthood, for a new LDS church that does.

If I live to be 500, I highly doubt I will ever see that.

I wish you would learn about the Priesthood though. You would lose many of your preconcieved notions.
You know them, and you are not authorized to re-interpret them to your own perverted ideology.

So you wont cite them for him?

Arent you suggesting that he should be reinterpreting them?

Exactly what is it that he supposedly is supposed to change?

I don't have to because you know them. This is an argument whether scriptural is literal and authoritative. Or unless it is translated wrongly. :lol:

And how on earth would I know what scriptures you are refering to without you citing them?
I am sure those LDS in the communal collectives of the church said the same thing, and yet it came to an end.

I am sure those LDS who practiced in and believed in polygamy said the same thing, and yet it came to an end.

I am sure those LDS who said and believed the priesthood would always rule Utah said the same thing, and yet it came to an end.,

I am sure those LDS who said and believe the the African-descended members would never benefit from holding the priesthood said the same thing, and yet it came to pass.

A female priesthood too will come to pass.
So you wont cite them for him?

Arent you suggesting that he should be reinterpreting them?

Exactly what is it that he supposedly is supposed to change?

I don't have to because you know them. This is an argument whether scriptural is literal and authoritative. Or unless it is translated wrongly. :lol:

And how on earth would I know what scriptures you are refering to without you citing them?

Oh, here's a thought. You could think. What verses do fundamentalists use to control their spouse.
Which fundamentalists? If you know, why don't you share?

Progressives hate specificity because it always shows them to be liars.

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