How the Democrats became the "peace" party


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Most Americans believe that if you are truly anti-war, then you need to join the Democrats.
Are the Democrats really the party of peace?
There are wars the Democrats have supported, which means that they are choosing which wars they want to vilify and which ones they don't.
The fact is, even though the Democrats whined relentlessly about Bush's attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan, 99% of the Democrat politicians approved everything Bush did and voted to give him funding for it.
Obviously by acting 'anti-war' they are going to win support from a certain amount of people who will always oppose war, up until the day some foreign soldier kicks open their door and shoots them, just for the hell of it. Only in those last seconds will they reconsider their views.

Before WW2 the Democrat party was already being run by Socialists.
They supported the war against Hitler.
You say "well i can understand that" , but let's look closer.
The Socialist agents like musician Pete Seeger and union activist Harry Bridges were strongly opposed to fighting Hitler, it was only after Hitler attacked mother Russia that all the Socialists in America became pro-war.
In fact, Socialist FDR was determined to save Russia, he ordered all of the anti-war protests to stop, he coached Russian diplomats as to what to say to our Congress, he ordered the media to be pro-war, and he ignored warnings that Japanese were going to attack.
FDR was willing to sacrifice every American man, woman, and child to save Russia.
Keep in mind, the Russian Communist government was purging people at random and was becoming the largest mass murder in world history.

Originally, with the Socialist plan to unionize works in America, not only were they going to demand wages and benefits, but if there was a war they didn't agree with, they were going to shut down production. Wow! scary.

After WW2 , Gen. MacArthur wanted to continue into China and solve that problem. Many people running our government intended to stop the spread of Communism around the world.
There was now a war inside our government between the anti-Communists and the Marxists who didn't want America over-throwing Communist leaders.
The end result was , as part of our government got involved with interfering in Communist governments, the Marxist agents in America used the media and musicians with Communist roots to demoralize the war efforts.

The hippie "peace" movement was started by Communists , the largest mass murderers in the world.
(see Pete Seeger, see Woodie Guthrie, see Bob Dylan (before he converted), see Weather Underground)

If you're like me , you were confused about why the Democrats kept referring to Presidents like Ronald Reagan as a "war monger",'s the reason, if you have a Communist Russia and a Communist China, the Democrats feel the best way to avoid a war, is to have a Communist(or Socialist) America.
What happens when you have a pro-American Conservative leader among Communist world powers?
...Cuban missile crisis.
The Democrats feel that if you don't abandon your Christian, conservative, freedom views, then you are bound to end up in a war with Communist nations and therefor you are a war monger.

Of course, the battle within our government between the conservative Democrats and the Marxist Democrats ended with the public execution of JFK by Marxist activist Lee Oswald.
After that point the nation has adopted Marxist policy and has been suffering ever since.

With a Communist influenced Russia , China and America , the world has less war, and the Communist governments can focus on what they do best , harassing and killing their own citizens.

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The Republicans do the exact same thing.

But we aren't talking about the Republicans. They always have supported war. What is out of character for Democrats is to support war. JFK and Carter were distinct exceptions to that rule. War is good if the President who starts the war is a Democrat. In essence, war is only good if a Democrat does it.
Most Americans believe that if you are truly anti-war, then you need to join the Democrats.
Are the Democrats really the party of peace?
There are wars the Democrats have supported, which means that they are choosing which wars they want to vilify and which ones they don't.
The fact is, even though the Democrats whined relentlessly about Bush's attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan, 99% of the Democrat politicians approved everything Bush did and voted to give him funding for it.
Obviously by acting 'anti-war' they are going to win support from a certain amount of people who will always oppose war, up until the day some foreign soldier kicks open their door and shoots them, just for the hell of it. Only in those last seconds will they reconsider their views.

Before WW2 the Democrat party was already being run by Socialists.
They supported the war against Hitler.
You say "well i can understand that" , but let's look closer.
The Socialist agents like musician Pete Seeger and union activist Harry Bridges were strongly opposed to fighting Hitler, it was only after Hitler attacked mother Russia that all the Socialists in America became pro-war.
In fact, Socialist FDR was determined to save Russia, he ordered all of the anti-war protests to stop, he coached Russian diplomats as to what to say to our Congress, he ordered the media to be pro-war, and he ignored warnings that Japanese were going to attack.
FDR was willing to sacrifice every American man, woman, and child to save Russia.
Keep in mind, the Russian Communist government was purging people at random and was becoming the largest mass murder in world history.

Originally, with the Socialist plan to unionize works in America, not only were they going to demand wages and benefits, but if there was a war they didn't agree with, they were going to shut down production. Wow! scary.

After WW2 , Gen. Patton wanted to continue into China and solve that problem. Many people running our government intended to stop the spread of Communism around the world.
There was now a war inside our government between the anti-Communists and the Marxists who didn't want America over-throwing Communist leaders.
The end result was , as part of our government got involved with interfering in Communist governments, the Marxist agents in America used the media and musicians with Communist roots to demoralize the war efforts.

The hippie "peace" movement was started by Communists , the largest mass murderers in the world.
(see Pete Seeger, see Woodie Guthrie, see Bob Dylan (before he converted), see Weather Underground)

If you're like me , you were confused about why the Democrats kept referring to Presidents like Ronald Reagan as a "war monger",'s the reason, if you have a Communist Russia and a Communist China, the Democrats feel the best way to avoid a war, is to have a Communist(or Socialist) America.
What happens when you have a pro-American Conservative leader among Communist world powers?
...Cuban missile crisis.
The Democrats feel that if you don't abandon your Christian, conservative, freedom views, then you are bound to end up in a war with Communist nations and therefor you are a war monger.

Of course, the battle within our government between the conservative Democrats and the Marxist Democrats ended with the public execution of JFK by Marxist activist Lee Oswald.
After that point the nation has adopted Marxist policy and has been suffering ever since.

With a Communist influenced Russia , China and America , the world has less war, and the Communist governments can focus on what they do best , harassing and killing their own citizens.


Another fine young graduate of Glenn Beck University.
The Republicans do the exact same thing.

But we aren't talking about the Republicans. They always have supported war. What is out of character for Democrats is to support war. JFK and Carter were distinct exceptions to that rule. War is good if the President who starts the war is a Democrat. In essence, war is only good if a Democrat does it.

[Italics above are mine] Wrong, period.

Woodrow Wilson led the USA into war in 1917.

FDR led the USA into war in 1941, and clandestinely and then more openly supported the Allies for at least two years before that.

While it was Eisnehower who introduced the US military officially in South Vietnam, first Kennedy then Johnson increased the troop presence to more than 500,000 by 1968.

Dems are in character in support of war are as Republicans.
How did the Republicans become the party that moved the nation's wealth to the top 5%, started two unpaid for wars and took the nation from a surplus to economic disaster?

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