How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run

Actually it doesn't depend on what the foreign correspondence is, by State Dept protocol all exchanges, regardless of their content, with foreign officials are automatically classified at the time they are created.
Don't you even understand the law that you cited? The classified information has to be "respecting the national defense" and be damaging to the United States. So yeah it does depend on what the correspondence is.

She had intelligence satellite photos on her server, you don't get more national defense than that. But go ahead you're going to defend the criminal till she goes to jail. That says much more about you than anything.
ummm, no she didn't.

Hillary Clinton emails included very secret satellite images « Hot Air
Hot air? :lol:

Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Townhall, Drudge, Briebart, The Daily Beast, Cns, Wnd, Forbes business, etc etc etc is all the Right Wing MEDIA ECHO CHAMBER....a big circle jerk of quoting each other, not news, not reliable, not even close to a trusted source...surely you know this?

The article you posted is from last August and since then the Inspector General of Intelligence has POSTED ON A GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT WHAT THEY ARE INVESTIGATING....

And IT IS NOT even close to what the right wing echo chamber was saying last August...

Read the darn link on WHAT IS being investigated. don't you want to know the truth?

That deals only with the way State would screen emails for release under FOIA requests, has nothing to do with the FBI investigation on the handling, storage and access allowed to information on the server.
The man I originally replied to, was man enough to admit he was wrong w/o being called out.

You are not a man, not even close.

I've got a box full of medals that say otherwise. What do you have?
I have the same thing.

But your actions prove that you are liar, so your claims of medals is most likely bullshit.

Guy, that psych discharge they gave you in boot camp isn't a medal.
Oh, I get it.

you claim to be a heroic Vet, but all your medals are digital call of duty type stuff

oora pussyfied, oora
Don't you even understand the law that you cited? The classified information has to be "respecting the national defense" and be damaging to the United States. So yeah it does depend on what the correspondence is.

She had intelligence satellite photos on her server, you don't get more national defense than that. But go ahead you're going to defend the criminal till she goes to jail. That says much more about you than anything.
ummm, no she didn't.

Hillary Clinton emails included very secret satellite images « Hot Air
Hot air? :lol:

Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Townhall, Drudge, Briebart, The Daily Beast, Cns, Wnd, Forbes business, etc etc etc is all the Right Wing MEDIA ECHO CHAMBER....a big circle jerk of quoting each other, not news, not reliable, not even close to a trusted source...surely you know this?

The article you posted is from last August and since then the Inspector General of Intelligence has POSTED ON A GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT WHAT THEY ARE INVESTIGATING....

And IT IS NOT even close to what the right wing echo chamber was saying last August...

Read the darn link on WHAT IS being investigated. don't you want to know the truth?

That deals only with the way State would screen emails for release under FOIA requests, has nothing to do with the FBI investigation on the handling, storage and access allowed to information on the server.
And that's the point. Americans are aware of the FBI involvement with the screening for release related to FOIA requests. Only brain addled republicans have been made aware of any other investigation, through unnamed sources quoted in the likes of the NY Post. You only believe that shit because it feeds your emotional being, exactly as propaganda is intended to do. Dupe.
Actually it doesn't depend on what the foreign correspondence is, by State Dept protocol all exchanges, regardless of their content, with foreign officials are automatically classified at the time they are created.
Don't you even understand the law that you cited? The classified information has to be "respecting the national defense" and be damaging to the United States. So yeah it does depend on what the correspondence is.

She had intelligence satellite photos on her server, you don't get more national defense than that. But go ahead you're going to defend the criminal till she goes to jail. That says much more about you than anything.
ummm, no she didn't.

Hillary Clinton emails included very secret satellite images « Hot Air
Hot air? :lol:

Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Townhall, Drudge, Briebart, The Daily Beast, Cns, Wnd, Forbes business, etc etc etc is all the Right Wing MEDIA ECHO CHAMBER....a big circle jerk of quoting each other, not news, not reliable, not even close to a trusted source...surely you know this?

The article you posted is from last August and since then the Inspector General of Intelligence has POSTED ON A GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT WHAT THEY ARE INVESTIGATING....

And IT IS NOT even close to what the right wing echo chamber was saying last August...

Read the darn link on WHAT IS being investigated. don't you want to know the truth?
In reality Hillary just changed her meaning of what a work e-mail is the other day. Why, because the FBI has caught her, and she is trying to weasel out of her lies. Hillary Changes the Definition of ‘Work-Related Emails’

The FBI will not be changing any definitions in the law.
He lied in the Paula Jones case during discovery for a State case, the republicans didn't have a damn thing to do with it.

You mean other than illegally taping another person who he was having an affair with to prove that he lied?

Hey, guy, here's the thing. A LOT of guys don't consider fellatio to be "Sex". Fellatio is the new third base.
Actually Petreaus did considerably less, at least the person he disclosed to had a security clearance. The hildabeast forwarded classified information to Blumenthal who had no clearance and wasn't even in government. Also her lawyers office did the screening of her email to decide which were work related, no one in their office had a clearance. None of the private companies she gave access to her server had any type of a clearance. The only one you're convincing here is yourself.

A whole lot of problems with that argument.

The first is, that she forwarded anything to Sid that was actually classified at the time she sent it. The government "classifies" media reports, and that's part of the problem here.

Second, the person Petreaus disclosed to did not have a clearance to see THOSE documents.

Third, you and I don't know what documents were actually classified because we can't see the documents, they are "classified". My guess is, if this ever gets to a discovery phase, Clinton's lawyers are going to be able to show everything Clinton talked about in her e-mails was already in the public domain.

So, no, guy, you just don't have a case.

Again, did you dipsticks learn "not a thing" from the whole Lewinsky ordeal? The more wild shit you accuse the Clintons of, the more the public actually feels sorry for them. Because you guys come off as genuinely unhinged.

Trust me, back in the 1990's, I was one of you right wing idiots who talked about "Subornation of perjury" like that was a real thing, and people would look at me and say, "He only lied about a blow job!"

This doesn't even rise to THAT level. "She talked to Sid Blumenthal about Libya!" No, really?

Now, here's the thing. if you guys were smart, instead of whining about e-mails and Benghazi, ask a really sensible question, like why did she think it was necessary to get in the middle of Libya's Civil War when Khadafy had already agreed to stop funding terrorists and give up his WMD programs.

You know, actually question her on her judgement and policy positions.
Oh, she'll get away with her lies alright, her mishandling and disclosure of classified information may be an entirely different story.

Whitewater, Vince Foster, Travelgate, Filegate, Benghazi.... we've heard this song before. You guys make a lot of noise about how Hillary did something wrong.

And then you come up with... nothing.

It's like you never fucking learn.

Not to worry, after she's president, you will no doubt come up with a lot more of these.

Were pulling for the FBI because were hoping there is one tiny small part of government who will hold someone, anyone accountable. All these big government officials lie to us whether they are Democrats or Republican

Yes, they do. They tell us what we want to hear. Whose fault is that?
Obama the Supreme Leader already decided that there wasn't anything classified in the emails because he said so. He will order Loretta Lynch to ignore any FBI evidence for indictment. So Hillary will be the nominee. But President? That's going to be a steep hill for chubby Hillary to climb.

Not really. Even if the GOP didn't have a bunch of clowns running, the fact is, the demographics still favor Hillary.

There just aren't enough angry old white guys for you guys to win.
The man I originally replied to, was man enough to admit he was wrong w/o being called out.

You are not a man, not even close.

I've got a box full of medals that say otherwise. What do you have?
I have the same thing.

But your actions prove that you are liar, so your claims of medals is most likely bullshit.

Guy, that psych discharge they gave you in boot camp isn't a medal.
Oh, I get it.

you claim to be a heroic Vet, but all your medals are digital call of duty type stuff

oora pussyfied, oora

are you still talking, you sad loser? Or just wanking off to the Starr Report.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
Yea you pussies are hoping and pulling for the FBI, because you know your sorry ass party of clowns can't stop her:rofl:..

Funny how you so called Government haters love the Government when you want to stop Clinton..

I'll let you in on a little secret, Obama will pardon her just like drunk Bush did scooter libby:rofl:

No Problem..

If you had an ounce of sense you wouldn't want another liar as President.
Hmmm OK tell me a President THAT NEVER LIED??

Sorry never has been one to my knowledge:dunno:

Find one that has lied as consistently and blatantly as OBAMA or HILLARY you dumbass!
Tell that to people who have been prosecuted for less.

Which people are those? And don't say Petreaus, because he did a lot more.

Actually Petreaus did considerably less, at least the person he disclosed to had a security clearance. The hildabeast forwarded classified information to Blumenthal who had no clearance and wasn't even in government. Also her lawyers office did the screening of her email to decide which were work related, no one in their office had a clearance. None of the private companies she gave access to her server had any type of a clearance. The only one you're convincing here is yourself.

NO she DID NOT.....

The CIA has told Congress that the name of an alleged secret agency source, mentioned but then partially redacted by the U.S. State Department from an email received on Hillary Clinton's private server was not considered by the agency to be secret at all.

At issue is Moussa Koussa, a one-time intelligence chief for Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and the question of whether or not his name should have been treated as a secret in an email Clinton received four years ago from a close confidant.

Republicans, who are trying to show Clinton mishandled classified information while secretary of state, have argued that Koussa's name should not have been included in the email she got on her private server from Sidney Blumenthal.

But the CIA, weighing in after the Republicans made their accusation earlier this month, has told lawmakers that Koussa's name was not classified, according to correspondence between the spy agency and officials of the House of Representatives panel set up to investigate the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic facility and nearby spy base in Benghazi, Libya.

Secret source in Hillary Clinton email was no secret: CIA

Now Please, STOP with your bull crud claims and accusations.

Trey Gowdy has EGG ON HIS FACE for telling you right wingers that Hillary passed along classified information, blah blah blah, the most secret type information there is, blah blah blah CRAP and LIES.

It's a shame you don't go after your beloved Republican investigators for Lying, and making this a circus of liars, ALL on the Right Wing.
Tell that to people who have been prosecuted for less.

Which people are those? And don't say Petreaus, because he did a lot more.

Actually Petreaus did considerably less, at least the person he disclosed to had a security clearance. The hildabeast forwarded classified information to Blumenthal who had no clearance and wasn't even in government. Also her lawyers office did the screening of her email to decide which were work related, no one in their office had a clearance. None of the private companies she gave access to her server had any type of a clearance. The only one you're convincing here is yourself.

NO she DID NOT.....

The CIA has told Congress that the name of an alleged secret agency source, mentioned but then partially redacted by the U.S. State Department from an email received on Hillary Clinton's private server was not considered by the agency to be secret at all.

At issue is Moussa Koussa, a one-time intelligence chief for Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and the question of whether or not his name should have been treated as a secret in an email Clinton received four years ago from a close confidant.

Republicans, who are trying to show Clinton mishandled classified information while secretary of state, have argued that Koussa's name should not have been included in the email she got on her private server from Sidney Blumenthal.

But the CIA, weighing in after the Republicans made their accusation earlier this month, has told lawmakers that Koussa's name was not classified, according to correspondence between the spy agency and officials of the House of Representatives panel set up to investigate the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic facility and nearby spy base in Benghazi, Libya.

Secret source in Hillary Clinton email was no secret: CIA

Now Please, STOP with your bull crud claims and accusations.

Trey Gowdy has EGG ON HIS FACE for telling you right wingers that Hillary passed along classified information, blah blah blah, the most secret type information there is, blah blah blah CRAP and LIES.

It's a shame you don't go after your beloved Republican investigators for Lying, and making this a circus of liars, ALL on the Right Wing.

The FBI is handling he situation
She had intelligence satellite photos on her server, you don't get more national defense than that. But go ahead you're going to defend the criminal till she goes to jail. That says much more about you than anything.
ummm, no she didn't.

Hillary Clinton emails included very secret satellite images « Hot Air
Hot air? :lol:

Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Townhall, Drudge, Briebart, The Daily Beast, Cns, Wnd, Forbes business, etc etc etc is all the Right Wing MEDIA ECHO CHAMBER....a big circle jerk of quoting each other, not news, not reliable, not even close to a trusted source...surely you know this?

The article you posted is from last August and since then the Inspector General of Intelligence has POSTED ON A GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT WHAT THEY ARE INVESTIGATING....

And IT IS NOT even close to what the right wing echo chamber was saying last August...

Read the darn link on WHAT IS being investigated. don't you want to know the truth?

That deals only with the way State would screen emails for release under FOIA requests, has nothing to do with the FBI investigation on the handling, storage and access allowed to information on the server.
And that's the point. Americans are aware of the FBI involvement with the screening for release related to FOIA requests. Only brain addled republicans have been made aware of any other investigation, through unnamed sources quoted in the likes of the NY Post. You only believe that shit because it feeds your emotional being, exactly as propaganda is intended to do. Dupe.

So why would the FBI need the server and related thumb drives if all they were doing is screening emails the hildabeast already turned over?
He lied in the Paula Jones case during discovery for a State case, the republicans didn't have a damn thing to do with it.

You mean other than illegally taping another person who he was having an affair with to prove that he lied?

Hey, guy, here's the thing. A LOT of guys don't consider fellatio to be "Sex". Fellatio is the new third base.

Oh boy, more equivocation, when are you going to get it through your head, it wasn't the act itself, it was his lies that got him in deep shit. Had he just admitted what he did, nothing would have come of it, I know, the concept of personal responsibility is a foreign concept to the Clintons and regressivecrats.
Tell that to people who have been prosecuted for less.

Which people are those? And don't say Petreaus, because he did a lot more.

Actually Petreaus did considerably less, at least the person he disclosed to had a security clearance. The hildabeast forwarded classified information to Blumenthal who had no clearance and wasn't even in government. Also her lawyers office did the screening of her email to decide which were work related, no one in their office had a clearance. None of the private companies she gave access to her server had any type of a clearance. The only one you're convincing here is yourself.

NO she DID NOT.....

The CIA has told Congress that the name of an alleged secret agency source, mentioned but then partially redacted by the U.S. State Department from an email received on Hillary Clinton's private server was not considered by the agency to be secret at all.

At issue is Moussa Koussa, a one-time intelligence chief for Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, and the question of whether or not his name should have been treated as a secret in an email Clinton received four years ago from a close confidant.

Republicans, who are trying to show Clinton mishandled classified information while secretary of state, have argued that Koussa's name should not have been included in the email she got on her private server from Sidney Blumenthal.

But the CIA, weighing in after the Republicans made their accusation earlier this month, has told lawmakers that Koussa's name was not classified, according to correspondence between the spy agency and officials of the House of Representatives panel set up to investigate the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic facility and nearby spy base in Benghazi, Libya.

Secret source in Hillary Clinton email was no secret: CIA

Now Please, STOP with your bull crud claims and accusations.

Trey Gowdy has EGG ON HIS FACE for telling you right wingers that Hillary passed along classified information, blah blah blah, the most secret type information there is, blah blah blah CRAP and LIES.

It's a shame you don't go after your beloved Republican investigators for Lying, and making this a circus of liars, ALL on the Right Wing.

Please show where I even mentioned the email you are referring to.

The fact that you folks keep ignoring is any email exchange she had with any foreign official is automatically classified until it is reviewed and declassified. Those types of exchanges are also required to be conducted on secure systems. The hildabeast NEVER submitted any such exchange for declassification, nor did she conduct them on a secure system. So her claim that she never sent or received any classified emails on her private system is a lie on it's face.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
Yea you pussies are hoping and pulling for the FBI, because you know your sorry ass party of clowns can't stop her:rofl:..

Funny how you so called Government haters love the Government when you want to stop Clinton..

I'll let you in on a little secret, Obama will pardon her just like drunk Bush did scooter libby:rofl:

No Problem..

If you had an ounce of sense you wouldn't want another liar as President.
Hmmm OK tell me a President THAT NEVER LIED??

Sorry never has been one to my knowledge:dunno:

Find one that has lied as consistently and blatantly as OBAMA or HILLARY you dumbass!
Go fuck yourself, goofy cocksucker both the Bush's and Nixon, ever heard of Watergate,? i suppose a dumbass like you will probably blame that on Carter..
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
Yea you pussies are hoping and pulling for the FBI, because you know your sorry ass party of clowns can't stop her:rofl:..

Funny how you so called Government haters love the Government when you want to stop Clinton..

I'll let you in on a little secret, Obama will pardon her just like drunk Bush did scooter libby:rofl:

No Problem..

If you had an ounce of sense you wouldn't want another liar as President.
Hmmm OK tell me a President THAT NEVER LIED??

Sorry never has been one to my knowledge:dunno:

Find one that has lied as consistently and blatantly as OBAMA or HILLARY you dumbass!
Go fuck yourself, goofy cocksucker both the Bush's and Nixon, ever heard of Watergate,? i suppose a dumbass like you will probably blame that on Carter..

Looks like Hillary is having a tantrum....................

PS. This scandal makes Watergate look like a kid stealing candy, as you will soon know.

Yea you pussies are hoping and pulling for the FBI, because you know your sorry ass party of clowns can't stop her:rofl:..

Funny how you so called Government haters love the Government when you want to stop Clinton..

I'll let you in on a little secret, Obama will pardon her just like drunk Bush did scooter libby:rofl:

No Problem..

If you had an ounce of sense you wouldn't want another liar as President.
Hmmm OK tell me a President THAT NEVER LIED??

Sorry never has been one to my knowledge:dunno:

Find one that has lied as consistently and blatantly as OBAMA or HILLARY you dumbass!
Go fuck yourself, goofy cocksucker both the Bush's and Nixon, ever heard of Watergate,? i suppose a dumbass like you will probably blame that on Carter..

Looks like Hillary is having a tantrum....................

PS. This scandal makes Watergate look like a kid stealing candy, as you will soon know.

:haha::haha::haha:...Your as Naive as the day is long, not gonna happen..

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