How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run

This is about the fact that Hillary Clinton never sent one single legal e-mail as Secretary of State, as every single e-mail she sent or received was insecure, and open to the enemy. She did not even have anti hacking software installed, to monitor hacks, so would not even know if she was hacked. The man who set this up pleaded the fifth because otherwise he would already be in prison, because he worked for the State Dept and knew better, so his saying I did not know is just not viable. Clinton also knew, and this makes her liable.

Guy, you can try to twist and turn this into a federal case all you want.

Unless you can show ACTUAL HARM, this is pretty much downloading a cute kitten video on your e-mail. Most reasonable people would laugh at you.

Hey, guy, I realize this is hard for you to grasp, but most of the country is not made up of splenetic Hillary haters. You actually have to show a REASON why they should care about this.
This is a Federal case moron, it became a Federal case when the FBI got involved.

Next moronic comment.
Nobody is authorized to speak on the record about ongoing investigations, I think we'll know by the first of April if they are going to recommend charges. Then again they may say nothing if it's taken to a grand jury, until indictments are issued. And don't be surprised if it touches more than the hildabeast.

Actually, if the FBI director keeps whining about how it's awful cops are being filmed in misconduct, he might not make it until April.

Since this is nothing but deflection I shouldn't respond, but I will. The Director of the FBI is appointed for 10 years to place him above the petty politics. He is an American and is entitled to his opinions.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

depends what the foreign correspondence is? Hillary is in violation of life, but unfortunately democrats are all brain dead and could care less.

Actually it doesn't depend on what the foreign correspondence is, by State Dept protocol all exchanges, regardless of their content, with foreign officials are automatically classified at the time they are created.
Don't you even understand the law that you cited? The classified information has to be "respecting the national defense" and be damaging to the United States. So yeah it does depend on what the correspondence is.

She had intelligence satellite photos on her server, you don't get more national defense than that. But go ahead you're going to defend the criminal till she goes to jail. That says much more about you than anything.
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.

Guy, it's like you lived through the whole Lewinsky thing and you didn't learn a fucking hting from it.

This isn't like she lied about intelligence and 5000 guys got killed over weapons that didn't exist.

You know, something we OUGHT to care about.

Oh right, that would be the war she voted for. LMAO at your attempted deflection. This situation goes way beyond billies perjury. And you idiots still rejoice that your senators didn't vote to convict clinton when he admitted to felonious conduct, but then you regressivecrats have never been real big on upholding oaths of office.
This is a Federal case moron, it became a Federal case when the FBI got involved.

Next moronic comment.

No, it became a political case when the Fumbling Boobs and Idiots got involved.

You do get that they'd better be able to convince a jury she did something wrong, right? A jury of Washington residents who vote Democratic.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
How's that shilling against Hillary Clinton paying these days? I've been watching your posting history. Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread................silence for a few days.......rinse and repeat.

i wonder who's paying him. lol
Oh right, that would be the war she voted for. LMAO at your attempted deflection. This situation goes way beyond billies perjury. And you idiots still rejoice that your senators didn't vote to convict clinton when he admitted to felonious conduct, but then you regressivecrats have never been real big on upholding oaths of office.

Again, guy, until 2008, when your Boy Bush fucked up the economy, i was more right wing than you are.

Now I know better.

Anyway, point is, if Bush didn't go to jail for killing a hundred thousand people, Hillary isn't going to jail for putting a file in the wrong server.... I'm sorry, you just don't get that.
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.

Guy, it's like you lived through the whole Lewinsky thing and you didn't learn a fucking hting from it.

This isn't like she lied about intelligence and 5000 guys got killed over weapons that didn't exist.

You know, something we OUGHT to care about.

Oh right, that would be the war she voted for. LMAO at your attempted deflection. This situation goes way beyond billies perjury. And you idiots still rejoice that your senators didn't vote to convict clinton when he admitted to felonious conduct, but then you regressivecrats have never been real big on upholding oaths of office.

no laugh. :cuckoo:

the president was given authority based on the lies his administration told. it's probably time for you to stop whinging about that.
This is about the fact that Hillary Clinton never sent one single legal e-mail as Secretary of State, as every single e-mail she sent or received was insecure, and open to the enemy. She did not even have anti hacking software installed, to monitor hacks, so would not even know if she was hacked. The man who set this up pleaded the fifth because otherwise he would already be in prison, because he worked for the State Dept and knew better, so his saying I did not know is just not viable. Clinton also knew, and this makes her liable.

Guy, you can try to twist and turn this into a federal case all you want.

Unless you can show ACTUAL HARM, this is pretty much downloading a cute kitten video on your e-mail. Most reasonable people would laugh at you.

Hey, guy, I realize this is hard for you to grasp, but most of the country is not made up of splenetic Hillary haters. You actually have to show a REASON why they should care about this.

The law doesn't require actual harm only potential harm, and that isn't in dispute except for people who refuse to acknowledge known facts.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
How's that shilling against Hillary Clinton paying these days? I've been watching your posting history. Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread................silence for a few days.......rinse and repeat.

i wonder who's paying him. lol
I have to laugh at retards who paid to use this free web site......................

Morons all
Oh right, that would be the war she voted for. LMAO at your attempted deflection. This situation goes way beyond billies perjury. And you idiots still rejoice that your senators didn't vote to convict clinton when he admitted to felonious conduct, but then you regressivecrats have never been real big on upholding oaths of office.

Again, guy, until 2008, when your Boy Bush fucked up the economy, i was more right wing than you are.

Now I know better.

Anyway, point is, if Bush didn't go to jail for killing a hundred thousand people, Hillary isn't going to jail for putting a file in the wrong server.... I'm sorry, you just don't get that.

Tell that to people who have been prosecuted for less.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
How's that shilling against Hillary Clinton paying these days? I've been watching your posting history. Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread................silence for a few days.......rinse and repeat.

i wonder who's paying him. lol
I have to laugh at retards who paid to use this free web site......................

Morons all

Fuck you, if you're going to dance you should chip in on the cost of the band. Plus we don't have to deal with the ads, that alone is worth the price.
The law doesn't require actual harm only potential harm, and that isn't in dispute except for people who refuse to acknowledge known facts.

Yawn, guy, you are boring me. By your logic, every traffic violation and error on a tax form should be treated as a federal case.

You know why you guys got HUMILIATED by all things Lewinsky? NOt because you hadn't proven your "Legal" Case. Yup. Clinton was asked a question and he lied. Case closed.

Except most people understood perfectly well why he lied, and thought you guys were being assholes for chasing this as far as you did.

You guys are going to have to do a lot better than, "Well, technically she broke a law" to get any milage out of this.

Or you could try the novel approach of nominating a candidate who isn't a crazy person.
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.

Guy, it's like you lived through the whole Lewinsky thing and you didn't learn a fucking hting from it.

This isn't like she lied about intelligence and 5000 guys got killed over weapons that didn't exist.

You know, something we OUGHT to care about.

Oh right, that would be the war she voted for. LMAO at your attempted deflection. This situation goes way beyond billies perjury. And you idiots still rejoice that your senators didn't vote to convict clinton when he admitted to felonious conduct, but then you regressivecrats have never been real big on upholding oaths of office.

no laugh. :cuckoo:

the president was given authority based on the lies his administration told. it's probably time for you to stop whinging about that.

Yet congressional investigations said otherwise. Also I didn't bring up the deflection, your comrade did.
The law doesn't require actual harm only potential harm, and that isn't in dispute except for people who refuse to acknowledge known facts.

Yawn, guy, you are boring me. By your logic, every traffic violation and error on a tax form should be treated as a federal case.

You know why you guys got HUMILIATED by all things Lewinsky? NOt because you hadn't proven your "Legal" Case. Yup. Clinton was asked a question and he lied. Case closed.

Except most people understood perfectly well why he lied, and thought you guys were being assholes for chasing this as far as you did.

You guys are going to have to do a lot better than, "Well, technically she broke a law" to get any milage out of this.

Or you could try the novel approach of nominating a candidate who isn't a crazy person.

He lied in the Paula Jones case during discovery for a State case, the republicans didn't have a damn thing to do with it.
Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

depends what the foreign correspondence is? Hillary is in violation of life, but unfortunately democrats are all brain dead and could care less.

Actually it doesn't depend on what the foreign correspondence is, by State Dept protocol all exchanges, regardless of their content, with foreign officials are automatically classified at the time they are created.
Don't you even understand the law that you cited? The classified information has to be "respecting the national defense" and be damaging to the United States. So yeah it does depend on what the correspondence is.

She had intelligence satellite photos on her server, you don't get more national defense than that. But go ahead you're going to defend the criminal till she goes to jail. That says much more about you than anything.
Yeah, what it says is that I haven't lost my ability to reason objectively. You and the OP are so emotionally involved in the defeat of HRC that it effects your ability to think rationally. I gave you the actual correspondence between the Intelligence Community and the Justice Dept. which details the role of the FBI and shows that it is not a criminal investigation. You reject this and in return you posted a link to the New York Post who quoted unnamed sources. I'm embarrassed for you. Anyway, I don't defend Clinton, she is a piece of neo-con shit and I will never cast a vote for her. But I do defend the truth.
Tell that to people who have been prosecuted for less.

Which people are those? And don't say Petreaus, because he did a lot more.

Actually Petreaus did considerably less, at least the person he disclosed to had a security clearance. The hildabeast forwarded classified information to Blumenthal who had no clearance and wasn't even in government. Also her lawyers office did the screening of her email to decide which were work related, no one in their office had a clearance. None of the private companies she gave access to her server had any type of a clearance. The only one you're convincing here is yourself.
So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

depends what the foreign correspondence is? Hillary is in violation of life, but unfortunately democrats are all brain dead and could care less.

Actually it doesn't depend on what the foreign correspondence is, by State Dept protocol all exchanges, regardless of their content, with foreign officials are automatically classified at the time they are created.
Don't you even understand the law that you cited? The classified information has to be "respecting the national defense" and be damaging to the United States. So yeah it does depend on what the correspondence is.

She had intelligence satellite photos on her server, you don't get more national defense than that. But go ahead you're going to defend the criminal till she goes to jail. That says much more about you than anything.
Yeah, what it says is that I haven't lost my ability to reason objectively. You and the OP are so emotionally involved in the defeat of HRC that it effects your ability to think rationally. I gave you the actual correspondence between the Intelligence Community and the Justice Dept. which details the role of the FBI and shows that it is not a criminal investigation. You reject this and in return you posted a link to the New York Post who quoted unnamed sources. I'm embarrassed for you. Anyway, I don't defend Clinton, she is a piece of neo-con shit and I will never cast a vote for her. But I do defend the truth.

One question, have you ever held a federal security clearance?

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