How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run

Yep, but you refuse to accept any evidence, so feel free to google classified information on the hildabeast server, descriptions are available all over the place.
You can not provide anything to back up your claims, that is why you won't, for that reason and no other.

She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You can keep say no, no, no and you will still be wrong.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

Short answer, yes. Like the email exchange she had on the Benghazi attack with the Egyptian Foreign Minister on 9/12/11.

I've given you all the facts you need, so I'm done.
You can not provide anything to back up your claims, that is why you won't, for that reason and no other.

She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You can keep say no, no, no and you will still be wrong.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

Short answer, yes. Like the email exchange she had on the Benghazi attack with the Egyptian Foreign Minister on 9/12/11.

I've given you all the facts you need, so I'm done.
You call the New York Post and unnamed sources "facts".:lmao:
Why are Republicans so focused on "derailing" Hillarys presidential run?

Why don't they just try to beat her on the issues?
they can't let the voters decide, because Mrs Clinton could win, if it were up to the voters...

so they use my and your tax dollars to run the GOP/RNC negative presidential campaign instead of the party's advertising and marketing funds...

I truly hope America wakes up and everyone sees what the Repubs have done and are doing with our tax funds and kicks every one of the SOB's out of office come next election.

This is a criminal investigation by the F.B.I. not from Republicans

Yea we know liberals don't really care seeing how some of them 're elected a mayor busted for smoking crack.
You can not provide anything to back up your claims, that is why you won't, for that reason and no other.

She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You can keep say no, no, no and you will still be wrong.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

depends what the foreign correspondence is? Hillary is in violation of life, but unfortunately democrats are all brain dead and could care less.

Actually it doesn't depend on what the foreign correspondence is, by State Dept protocol all exchanges, regardless of their content, with foreign officials are automatically classified at the time they are created.
I've been up here watching the R's for year after year peddling these endless lists of multitudinous sins committed by the Clintons and hearing their breathless incantations of imminent prosecution, probable incarceration and even hellfire and I've known since day one it was all smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking and the politicization of hate. Jesus you American taxpayers have a lot of patience. You've been footing the bill for this do nothing party of "no" for so long you must think that's just the way it is. Christ I thought you guys fought a revolution over taxation without representation. Well these bums haven't represented anybody but the Republican Party for a long long time. When the hell you gonna wake up and smell the rats gnawing at your innards and slurping the cream off the top?
So when Bill was proven guilty and got disbarred, you were heavy into crack?

Is that why you don't recall that?

Hillary has been called to court, to defend herself or employer about the same number of times as the Teflon Don.

She delayed for months, the turning over of evidence, but that's just hateful con speak, not some vile whore covering her tracks.

You got me there. Without doubt Bill was one of those alpha male sex-addicted assholes who isn't strong enough to to keep it in his pants, no matter the consequences. No telling what he could have accomplished if he hadn't been weighed down by that albatross around his neck.
I have to quote this post for history.

You are the only liberal left and the only non-con poster to admit he was wrong.

Thank you

My hope springs anew.
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You can keep say no, no, no and you will still be wrong.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

Short answer, yes. Like the email exchange she had on the Benghazi attack with the Egyptian Foreign Minister on 9/12/11.

I've given you all the facts you need, so I'm done.
You call the New York Post and unnamed sources "facts".:lmao:

Nobody is authorized to speak on the record about ongoing investigations, I think we'll know by the first of April if they are going to recommend charges. Then again they may say nothing if it's taken to a grand jury, until indictments are issued. And don't be surprised if it touches more than the hildabeast.
You can not provide anything to back up your claims, that is why you won't, for that reason and no other.

She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You can keep say no, no, no and you will still be wrong.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest
Just as it relates to the law you can forget about section (e). As SoS she was certainly authorized, so that section wouldn't pertain. As far as (f) is concerned, I suppose you would have to prove gross negligence and also that classified information was lost, stolen or destroyed. Has that been proven.

Of course it is all made moot by the fact that the FBI isn't even investigating her for criminal violations. Aside from my links, has it not dawned on you that the FBI is part of the Justice Dept. Need I say more.

First gross negligence is not required, just negligence.

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’

All that is required is that Hillary received a classified e-mail on an insecure network, and then she did not report this to the authorities. That said she never once received an e-mail on a secure server, so either she did her classified work on an insecure server, or she did not do her job in the first place. Either way she is a loser..............
many links proving me right

now admit you lied, aplogise for doing so and I'll consider reading the rest of your bullshit

Okay... I'm sorry...

That you are such a pathetic, hateful loser that you think pissing away 70 million dollars on a panty-sniffing raid and destroying dozens of lives was worth it in order to get a guy to surrender a law license he wasn't using for only a short period of time.

When you say something intelligent, let me know.
Nobody is authorized to speak on the record about ongoing investigations, I think we'll know by the first of April if they are going to recommend charges. Then again they may say nothing if it's taken to a grand jury, until indictments are issued. And don't be surprised if it touches more than the hildabeast.

Actually, if the FBI director keeps whining about how it's awful cops are being filmed in misconduct, he might not make it until April.
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You can keep say no, no, no and you will still be wrong.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

depends what the foreign correspondence is? Hillary is in violation of life, but unfortunately democrats are all brain dead and could care less.

Actually it doesn't depend on what the foreign correspondence is, by State Dept protocol all exchanges, regardless of their content, with foreign officials are automatically classified at the time they are created.
Don't you even understand the law that you cited? The classified information has to be "respecting the national defense" and be damaging to the United States. So yeah it does depend on what the correspondence is.
many links proving me right

now admit you lied, aplogise for doing so and I'll consider reading the rest of your bullshit

Okay... I'm sorry...

That you are such a pathetic, hateful loser that you think pissing away 70 million dollars on a panty-sniffing raid and destroying dozens of lives was worth it in order to get a guy to surrender a law license he wasn't using for only a short period of time.

When you say something intelligent, let me know.
The man I originally replied to, was man enough to admit he was wrong w/o being called out.

You are not a man, not even close.
Right, when did they stop classifying current intelligence satellite photos? We know for a fact she had at least one such document on her unsecured server which was kept in locations not approved for storage of classified information. So keep up your denial, and you'll keep being wrong.

YOu mean current Photos that are 10 years old and have been on Wikileaks for years.

But you keep telling yourself that you'll find the key to the mess hall

Here's the thing.

No one died because she had a file in an unsecured server. No secrets were lost. The North Koreans already know that we know that they have nukes, so it's not like it was an actual secret.

You see, the problem you failed to learn from the Benghazi hearing is that if you kick up enough fake outrage about something, everyone is going to see it for what it is... that you are just looking for an excuse to hate on the woman.

Okay, we are going to play an excercise. They have Hillary in a courtroom, and I'm the juror you have to convince to vote guilty on something.

Give it your best shot why I should give a fuck?
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.

Guy, it's like you lived through the whole Lewinsky thing and you didn't learn a fucking hting from it.

This isn't like she lied about intelligence and 5000 guys got killed over weapons that didn't exist.

You know, something we OUGHT to care about.
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.

Guy, it's like you lived through the whole Lewinsky thing and you didn't learn a fucking hting from it.

This isn't like she lied about intelligence and 5000 guys got killed over weapons that didn't exist.

You know, something we OUGHT to care about.
This is about the fact that Hillary Clinton never sent one single legal e-mail as Secretary of State, as every single e-mail she sent or received was insecure, and open to the enemy. She did not even have anti hacking software installed, to monitor hacks, so would not even know if she was hacked. The man who set this up pleaded the fifth because otherwise he would already be in prison, because he worked for the State Dept and knew better, so his saying I did not know is just not viable. Clinton also knew, and this makes her liable.
This is about the fact that Hillary Clinton never sent one single legal e-mail as Secretary of State, as every single e-mail she sent or received was insecure, and open to the enemy. She did not even have anti hacking software installed, to monitor hacks, so would not even know if she was hacked. The man who set this up pleaded the fifth because otherwise he would already be in prison, because he worked for the State Dept and knew better, so his saying I did not know is just not viable. Clinton also knew, and this makes her liable.

Guy, you can try to twist and turn this into a federal case all you want.

Unless you can show ACTUAL HARM, this is pretty much downloading a cute kitten video on your e-mail. Most reasonable people would laugh at you.

Hey, guy, I realize this is hard for you to grasp, but most of the country is not made up of splenetic Hillary haters. You actually have to show a REASON why they should care about this.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
Yea you pussies are hoping and pulling for the FBI, because you know your sorry ass party of clowns can't stop her:rofl:..

Funny how you so called Government haters love the Government when you want to stop Clinton..

I'll let you in on a little secret, Obama will pardon her just like drunk Bush did scooter libby:rofl:

No Problem..

If you had an ounce of sense you wouldn't want another liar as President.
Hmmm OK tell me a President THAT NEVER LIED??

Sorry never has been one to my knowledge:dunno:

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