How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run

How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................

Yawn. You guys have been "ready to get Hillary" for something like 25 years now.

Vince Foster's Suicide

Why are you deflecting from the topic of the thread, which is the FBI investigation of her violations of the espionage act?

Because if they prosecute her, they'd have to prosecute every other Government worker who uses laptops and cell phones for work.

Frankly, compared to "She murdered Vince Foster" and "She murdered Chris Stevens" this seems kind of lame as scandals go.
Why are you deflecting from the topic of the thread, which is the FBI investigation of her violations of the espionage act?

Because if they prosecute her, they'd have to prosecute every other Government worker who uses laptops and cell phones for work.

Frankly, compared to "She murdered Vince Foster" and "She murdered Chris Stevens" this seems kind of lame as scandals go.

Tell that to David Petraeus, he did absolutely nothing compared to the hildabeast.
I've been up here watching the R's for year after year peddling these endless lists of multitudinous sins committed by the Clintons and hearing their breathless incantations of imminent prosecution, probable incarceration and even hellfire and I've known since day one it was all smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking and the politicization of hate. Jesus you American taxpayers have a lot of patience. You've been footing the bill for this do nothing party of "no" for so long you must think that's just the way it is. Christ I thought you guys fought a revolution over taxation without representation. Well these bums haven't represented anybody but the Republican Party for a long long time. When the hell you gonna wake up and smell the rats gnawing at your innards and slurping the cream off the top?
So when Bill was proven guilty and got disbarred, you were heavy into crack?

Is that why you don't recall that?

Hillary has been called to court, to defend herself or employer about the same number of times as the Teflon Don.

She delayed for months, the turning over of evidence, but that's just hateful con speak, not some vile whore covering her tracks.
It never ceases to amaze me on how cavalier you regressivecrats can be about literally thousands of national security violations. State will be done reviewing her emails by the end of the year, I'd say by the end of March or early April the FBI will have their recommendations for charges ready. Let's see if your singing the same tune then.
And it never ceases to amaze how you dimwits continually buy into such blatant party propaganda. Educate yourself as to what is taking place in regards to the e-mails....from the source.

Maybe you should educate yourself, the way State is releasing information under a FOIA has nothing to do with the way the hildabeast retained classified information on an unsecured server, transmitted that information over an unsecured network or how she allowed access to that server to persons not authorized to access classified information. That is what the FBI is investigating.
And do you have official proof to back up your claims?
So when Bill was proven guilty and got disbarred, you were heavy into crack?

Is that why you don't recall that?

Hillary has been called to court, to defend herself or employer about the same number of times as the Teflon Don.

She delayed for months, the turning over of evidence, but that's just hateful con speak, not some vile whore covering her tracks.

Except Bill didn't get "disbarred" and he wasn't practicing law at the time anyway.

"You are not allowed to do something you aren't doing!"

It's like if they said to me, "You aren't allowed to make Pizzas in a restaurant!"

But I haven't' done that since 1978!


What amazes me is that you guys think you can beat Hillary by accusing her of all sorts of wild shit, and then wonder when people start feeling sorry for her.

Hey, here's a crazy idea.

Get a candidate who isn't batshit crazy, like Combover and Uncle Tom, who can speak to issues and debate her one on one and win.

You know, the way Obama beat her?
Why are Republicans so focused on "derailing" Hillarys presidential run?

Why don't they just try to beat her on the issues?
So when Bill was proven guilty and got disbarred, you were heavy into crack?

Is that why you don't recall that?

Hillary has been called to court, to defend herself or employer about the same number of times as the Teflon Don.

She delayed for months, the turning over of evidence, but that's just hateful con speak, not some vile whore covering her tracks.

Except Bill didn't get "disbarred" and he wasn't practicing law at the time anyway.

"You are not allowed to do something you aren't doing!"

It's like if they said to me, "You aren't allowed to make Pizzas in a restaurant!"

But I haven't' done that since 1978!


What amazes me is that you guys think you can beat Hillary by accusing her of all sorts of wild shit, and then wonder when people start feeling sorry for her.

Hey, here's a crazy idea.

Get a candidate who isn't batshit crazy, like Combover and Uncle Tom, who can speak to issues and debate her one on one and win.

You know, the way Obama beat her?

many links proving me right

now admit you lied, aplogise for doing so and I'll consider reading the rest of your bullshit
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
The FBI surely knows that it had better have its shit COMPLETELY together if they charge her with anything.

There has been more than enough "throw it against the wall and see if sticks" as it is, and now we're talking about the FBI essentially inserting itself into a presidential campaign.

If the ducks ain't all in a row, if they don't have a clear photo of Hillary with her hand in the cookie jar, they'd better back down.
US law requires certain security arrangement and physical structures for a State Dept facility. If a facility doesn't meet the legal requirements, the Sec of State must sign a waiver of those requirements, they cannot delegate that responsibility by law. The hildabeast failed to provide the required waiver, but allowed the consulate to operate anyways. All that was admitted in the hearings..
Can you show us the supposed law?

22 U.S. Code § 4865 - Security requirements for United States diplomatic facilities
Do you know when the facility was opened?
It never ceases to amaze me on how cavalier you regressivecrats can be about literally thousands of national security violations. State will be done reviewing her emails by the end of the year, I'd say by the end of March or early April the FBI will have their recommendations for charges ready. Let's see if your singing the same tune then.
And it never ceases to amaze how you dimwits continually buy into such blatant party propaganda. Educate yourself as to what is taking place in regards to the e-mails....from the source.

Maybe you should educate yourself, the way State is releasing information under a FOIA has nothing to do with the way the hildabeast retained classified information on an unsecured server, transmitted that information over an unsecured network or how she allowed access to that server to persons not authorized to access classified information. That is what the FBI is investigating.
says who? you and the spinmeisters?

Why do you so easily believe the bull crud from these spinmeisters?

How about a link, to the government agency, (fbi) stating what you being investigated, pretty please.
Why are Republicans so focused on "derailing" Hillarys presidential run?

Why don't they just try to beat her on the issues?
they can't let the voters decide, because Mrs Clinton could win, if it were up to the voters...

so they use my and your tax dollars to run the GOP/RNC negative presidential campaign instead of the party's advertising and marketing funds...

I truly hope America wakes up and everyone sees what the Repubs have done and are doing with our tax funds and kicks every one of the SOB's out of office come next election.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
the government is not going to do anything to Hillary

unless for some reason they want her out

then she would be in a shitworld of hurt
We already know the 1 to 2 hundred emails Gowdy claimed were classified and pretend redacted himself, that he told the public about and told the public that they were classified emails....which he handed over to the Cia to see what they deemed classified ALL CAME BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT AGENCY STATING THAT NONE, zip, zero, nada, niente, not a single one of the emails were classified.

It is a witch hunt, clear as day, by the Repubs....
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
Yea you pussies are hoping and pulling for the FBI, because you know your sorry ass party of clowns can't stop her:rofl:..

Funny how you so called Government haters love the Government when you want to stop Clinton..

I'll let you in on a little secret, Obama will pardon her just like drunk Bush did scooter libby:rofl:

No Problem..

So you don't care that the bitch committed national security violations. I don't normally repost something I posted in another thread, but I'm going to just to save all the typing time. Here is a list of her minimum violations.

US law requires certain security arrangement and physical structures for a State Dept facility. If a facility doesn't meet the legal requirements, the Sec of State must sign a waiver of those requirements, they cannot delegate that responsibility by law. The hildabeast failed to provide the required waiver, but allowed the consulate to operate anyways. All that was admitted in the hearings.

We also know for a fact the hildabeast had a minimum of 400 sensitive and classified documents on her unsecured server, just having those documents outside of approved containers is a felony for EACH document. The law says it doesn't matter if this was done intentionally or by neglect.

Also having the server stored in an unsecured locations, like her basement, the bathroom closet in CO, the cloud base backup service and her lawyers office, are once again felony violations for EACH document. That gives us a total of 2,000 felony violations at this point.

Then you add another 1,200 violations by the FACT that the people at Platte River Tech, the company that did the cloud base backups and her lawyer had access to those documents without proper clearances. Once again these laws do not differentiate between intent and neglect. If my math is correct that is 3,800 individual felony violations so I was being kind in just saying 2,000.

BTW, I didn't get into the obstruction of justice when she told Platte River not to back up all her emails or the perjury she committed by signing the affidavit to the Federal Judge that she had turned over all work related emails when in fact she hadn't.

So your challenge grasshopper is to prove she had no classified documents on her server, keeping in mind that the law doesn't care if she intended to have them or had them through neglect, if she had even one, she's guilty.

You got that wrong.The challenge is yours to prove all your crazy accusations. There have been very many right wing claims, and you have proven none.

She admitted to having classified material on her server in the hearings, just that admission makes your BS moot.

No dumb ass. Some material has been classified retroactively since then. To blame her for having material that was not classified at the time would be like charging her for running a stop sign before it was installed.
I've been up here watching the R's for year after year peddling these endless lists of multitudinous sins committed by the Clintons and hearing their breathless incantations of imminent prosecution, probable incarceration and even hellfire and I've known since day one it was all smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking and the politicization of hate. Jesus you American taxpayers have a lot of patience. You've been footing the bill for this do nothing party of "no" for so long you must think that's just the way it is. Christ I thought you guys fought a revolution over taxation without representation. Well these bums haven't represented anybody but the Republican Party for a long long time. When the hell you gonna wake up and smell the rats gnawing at your innards and slurping the cream off the top?
So when Bill was proven guilty and got disbarred, you were heavy into crack?

Is that why you don't recall that?

Hillary has been called to court, to defend herself or employer about the same number of times as the Teflon Don.

She delayed for months, the turning over of evidence, but that's just hateful con speak, not some vile whore covering her tracks.

You got me there. Without doubt Bill was one of those alpha male sex-addicted assholes who isn't strong enough to to keep it in his pants, no matter the consequences. No telling what he could have accomplished if he hadn't been weighed down by that albatross around his neck.
Such hypocrites these Republican Congress critters, they go absolutely insane about the IRS, when verifying whether a PAC is a ''CHARITY'' or not, by using terms for audit such as Tea Party in their name as being suspect as NOT a Charity that qualifies as a tax deductible charity....was just the Admin using the IRS for political purposes, yadahdahdahdahdah...

Yet they BLATANTLY over 3 years have used my and your tax dollars to do precisely, to a T, THE EXACT SAME THING THEY ACCUSED THE IRS of doing....using tax dollars and gvt agencies, for Political Purposes, by having these 8 dog and pony show hearings/committees investigating on Benghazi, and even bragging about it, on National television, to bring Hillary's Presidential candidacy to a halt, you know, what McCarthy said they were doing.... geez louise, sheesh!

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