How the GOP is driving Americans to the Democrtic Party



Some Republicans say it's not happening.

They haven't been conservative enough.

Some like to point to cultural issues. Gay, women's or minority rights.

Some think it's because of GOP planned attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security considering the majority of Republicans are probably north of 60.

But I tend to think it's about business. The last election, business supported Mitt Romney because of his well documented history of "corporations over people because it's corporations who are the people". But even that's changing.

Corporations understand that if they have no one to sell to, they have no "profits". They understand that you need modernization to compete. That includes abundant energy, which we are discovering we have and it also includes education, which we don't. Not with 3.7 million unfilled jobs.

This morning on Morning Joe, they discussed a modern high tech battery factory built with stimulus money that now employs 300 people. They said no one working there has less than two year in a technical school and 57% have at least a Bachelor's Degree in a technical field. I thought the name they mentioned was SAFT America, Inc.

Stimulus-Funded Battery Plant Opens | News - Home

PolitiFact Georgia | Is education level tied to voting tendencies?

"The higher the education level, the more likely they are to vote Democratic."

The Pew Research Center released data in August 2012 about GOP gains among working-class white voters that found: "Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008."

Among whites without a college degree, the GOP now holds a 54 percent to 37 percent advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago. The partisanship of white college graduates, by contrast, has not changed, the analysis found.


So why does that matter?

During the last election, the Democrats received most of their money from contributions of around 100 dollars average from millions of people. Some giving multiple times. Republicans received enormous amounts of money from just a few corporations and billionaires. It's the educated and people with jobs that win elections. Not unemployed, uneducated mostly white. Even corporations will see this. Not every Democratic nominee will be black. Republicans won't be able to rally an increasingly uneducated and nearly all white base against educated people with money. As the last election proves, money alone isn't enough. And not every corporation is willing to see America turned into a cesspool just to scrounge out a few more bucks.

Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

And what is it the educated want? A robust and modern infrastructure. Available and affordable education. Laws not skewed only favorably towards the wealthy and corporations and skewed against everyone else. Health care. Sane spending on the military. And so on.
Doubt it there Deany.

I used to belong to the GOP and when I left I went straight to the Indi's. Would never be a Dem and I'm sure many Reps feel the same.
Tens of thousands are leaving the GOP, maybe even millions. They all have unique reasons. And that is why they GOP will become irrelevant within 10 years. Because it's not a 1-issue fix.

My reason was purely about their attitude. Yes, it was deeply because of the attitude they showed in saying "fuck you" basically to cops, firemen, teachers after the Tea Party movement got going. They just said to hell with it, and lumped ALL government employees in together under one big umbrella (except military of course, they dont see them as "government workers" somehow).

It was the arrogant, "fuck you, I got mine" attitude that did it for me. The 47% quote summed it up well. But local Republicans throughout the South embraced and displayed that attitude FAR before Romney ever did.

So, my view was you basically had Democrats who meant well, but had faulty policies. And Republicans who may have had some good policies, but their overbearing arrogant attitude sickened me.

I sat the election out.

I find the Democrats to be dreamers. There is a lot of good they'd love to do, but, havent figured out exactly how to do it yet, and I've seen some of their policies flat-out hurt cities and states, so Im hesitant to start voting for them.

But Republicans? They can rot in hell for all I care. I can tolerate a bad idea from a Dem that was meant to do something with good intent. But the right wing has become so hateful, so bitter, so arrogant, that they have pushed away millions of people. And I plan to laugh and cheer at the complete rotting and political-death of that movement.
You don't understand what you're talking about.

rdean said:
Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

This quote, for example, is so laughable it's funny. If we start at the proverbial educational bottom (that is, people who have less than a high school degree), we find that Democrats outnumber Republicans. As you move up the ladder this trend slowly reverses itself until you get to "holds a college degree", where Republicans have a slight edge. Then once you get to the top-- "post graduate degree"-- the trend reverses itself yet again.

Of course, the "top" is a relatively small amount as when compared to the "bottom". Just because people with post-graduate degrees tend to vote Democrat does not off set nor override the fact that Democrats win elections not because of the "top", but because of the "bottom" (where A LOT of their base is), which is a far larger group than the "top".
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Some Republicans say it's not happening.

They haven't been conservative enough.

Some like to point to cultural issues. Gay, women's or minority rights.

Some think it's because of GOP planned attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security considering the majority of Republicans are probably north of 60.

But I tend to think it's about business. The last election, business supported Mitt Romney because of his well documented history of "corporations over people because it's corporations who are the people". But even that's changing.

Corporations understand that if they have no one to sell to, they have no "profits". They understand that you need modernization to compete. That includes abundant energy, which we are discovering we have and it also includes education, which we don't. Not with 3.7 million unfilled jobs.

This morning on Morning Joe, they discussed a modern high tech battery factory built with stimulus money that now employs 300 people. They said no one working there has less than two year in a technical school and 57% have at least a Bachelor's Degree in a technical field. I thought the name they mentioned was SAFT America, Inc.

Stimulus-Funded Battery Plant Opens | News - Home

PolitiFact Georgia | Is education level tied to voting tendencies?

"The higher the education level, the more likely they are to vote Democratic."

The Pew Research Center released data in August 2012 about GOP gains among working-class white voters that found: "Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008."

Among whites without a college degree, the GOP now holds a 54 percent to 37 percent advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago. The partisanship of white college graduates, by contrast, has not changed, the analysis found.


So why does that matter?

During the last election, the Democrats received most of their money from contributions of around 100 dollars average from millions of people. Some giving multiple times. Republicans received enormous amounts of money from just a few corporations and billionaires. It's the educated and people with jobs that win elections. Not unemployed, uneducated mostly white. Even corporations will see this. Not every Democratic nominee will be black. Republicans won't be able to rally an increasingly uneducated and nearly all white base against educated people with money. As the last election proves, money alone isn't enough. And not every corporation is willing to see America turned into a cesspool just to scrounge out a few more bucks.

Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

And what is it the educated want? A robust and modern infrastructure. Available and affordable education. Laws not skewed only favorably towards the wealthy and corporations and skewed against everyone else. Health care. Sane spending on the military. And so on.

If they are so educated how come the majority of companies are run by cons? If yey are so educated how come they love the obama phone so much when in fact that program was started by Regean? I always enjoy this topic for a good laugh when the am dial is dominated by cons, while the left gets their news from a rap song or Bryan Adams. lol
You don't understand what you're talking about.

rdean said:
Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

This quote, for example, is so laughable it's funny. If we start at the proverbial educational bottom (that is, people who have less than a high school degree), we find that Democrats outnumber Republicans. As you move up the ladder this trend slowly reverses itself until you get to "holds a college degree", where Republicans have a slight edge. Then once you get to the top-- "post graduate degree"-- the trend reverses itself yet again.

Of course, the "top" is a relatively small amount as when compared to the "bottom". Just because people with post-graduate degrees tend to vote Democrat does not off set nor override the fact that Democrats win elections not because of the "top", but because of the "bottom" (where A LOT of their base is), which is a far larger group than the "top".

There is a difference between "education" and "degree". I don't count Bible Study degrees as "education". They are "indoctrination".

Then you have Republican leaders like Mitt Romney and Santorum saying we need fewer teachers and education is for snobs. They are saying what they believe the base wants to hear. Considering the "cheering", I suspect they are correct. Do you want links or can you go to Youtube and watch for yourself?
Some Republicans say it's not happening.

They haven't been conservative enough.

Some like to point to cultural issues. Gay, women's or minority rights.

Some think it's because of GOP planned attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security considering the majority of Republicans are probably north of 60.

But I tend to think it's about business. The last election, business supported Mitt Romney because of his well documented history of "corporations over people because it's corporations who are the people". But even that's changing.

Corporations understand that if they have no one to sell to, they have no "profits". They understand that you need modernization to compete. That includes abundant energy, which we are discovering we have and it also includes education, which we don't. Not with 3.7 million unfilled jobs.

This morning on Morning Joe, they discussed a modern high tech battery factory built with stimulus money that now employs 300 people. They said no one working there has less than two year in a technical school and 57% have at least a Bachelor's Degree in a technical field. I thought the name they mentioned was SAFT America, Inc.

Stimulus-Funded Battery Plant Opens | News - Home

PolitiFact Georgia | Is education level tied to voting tendencies?

"The higher the education level, the more likely they are to vote Democratic."

The Pew Research Center released data in August 2012 about GOP gains among working-class white voters that found: "Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008."

Among whites without a college degree, the GOP now holds a 54 percent to 37 percent advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago. The partisanship of white college graduates, by contrast, has not changed, the analysis found.


So why does that matter?

During the last election, the Democrats received most of their money from contributions of around 100 dollars average from millions of people. Some giving multiple times. Republicans received enormous amounts of money from just a few corporations and billionaires. It's the educated and people with jobs that win elections. Not unemployed, uneducated mostly white. Even corporations will see this. Not every Democratic nominee will be black. Republicans won't be able to rally an increasingly uneducated and nearly all white base against educated people with money. As the last election proves, money alone isn't enough. And not every corporation is willing to see America turned into a cesspool just to scrounge out a few more bucks.

Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

And what is it the educated want? A robust and modern infrastructure. Available and affordable education. Laws not skewed only favorably towards the wealthy and corporations and skewed against everyone else. Health care. Sane spending on the military. And so on.

If they are so educated how come the majority of companies are run by cons? If yey are so educated how come they love the obama phone so much when in fact that program was started by Regean? I always enjoy this topic for a good laugh when the am dial is dominated by cons, while the left gets their news from a rap song or Bryan Adams. lol

Are you sure?



Car manufacturers

and so on.

I think it just seems that way because their toxic behaviour makes "news".
Enjoy your serfdom.

How do you suppose the Colonists would have responded if George III had told them "You didn't build that!"?

The only plus, now, out of all this brouaha is that most of the gun makers will have moved to the states that will still allow a certain amount of firearms freedom, and guess where those states are located? What would have happened to the North in 1861 if Colt had been located in Alabama, instead of the land where a man can now marry a man, but a man cannot purchase a gun to protect himself, his wife, his family and his property today? Barry and Jessee, Al and Jeremiah would be busy picking cotton still. When the break comes, and come it must, and DC , Chicago, New York and LA can't purchase any new firearms to arm their troops, what happens? Barry won't be back to picking cotton, and if he doesn't hop onto a one way flight to Kenya or Monrovia PDQ, the victors will have his schedule all planned out for him. The shoe has moved to the other foot and those teachers in Texas teaching the Communist Manifesto to their students in the classroom today, well, they'll be as plentiful as the Do Do birds.There will be a very clear, sharp, and distinct scission between the new American Education system and the Communist Party.
2008 - 2012 Rep gain 1 million voters... Pretty bad overall.

2008 - 2012 Dems lose 4 million voters... Even losing 1 is a record, but Obama shatters the record.

Thanks Rtard for the pointless thread about how the Dem party is growing and the Rep party is shrinking even though by actual votes cast the polar opposite happened, and on a large scale. Dems lost 6ish % of their voter base in just 4 years.

PS: I'm not a Republican nor do I want to be, just giving you the actual non opinion numbers, based on reality rather than bias and hate.
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And Rtard, bragging about Dems being smarter than the Republicans is kinda funny because based on your lack on basic education all I can think is at least over here at the Libertarian party we know how to use the internet and count.

United States presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2008 Obama 69,498,516 Reps 59,948,323 Reps behind by 7%,_2012

2012 Obama 65,907,213 Reps 60,931,767 Reps behind by 4%

Reps made a 3% gain in 4 years.... Dems are shrinking...

/owned = /thread
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2008 - 2012 Rep gain 1 million voters... Pretty bad overall.

2008 - 2012 Dems lose 4 million voters... Even losing 1 is a record, but Obama shatters the record.

Thanks Rtard for the pointless thread about how the Dem party is growing and the Rep party is shrinking even though by actual votes cast the polar opposite happened, and on a large scale. Dems lost 6ish % of their voter base in just 4 years.

PS: I'm not a Republican nor do I want to be, just giving you the actual non opinion numbers, based on reality rather than bias and hate.

Reps gained 60,000 scientist too!
Doubt it there Deany.

I used to belong to the GOP and when I left I went straight to the Indi's. Would never be a Dem and I'm sure many Reps feel the same.

yep i was just the opposite....left the Democrats when people like Dean started coming in....looked at the Republicans, saw Deans buddy Rev Falwell, and went straight to being an UNALIGNED think for myself person.....
You don't understand what you're talking about.

rdean said:
Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

This quote, for example, is so laughable it's funny. If we start at the proverbial educational bottom (that is, people who have less than a high school degree), we find that Democrats outnumber Republicans. As you move up the ladder this trend slowly reverses itself until you get to "holds a college degree", where Republicans have a slight edge. Then once you get to the top-- "post graduate degree"-- the trend reverses itself yet again.

Of course, the "top" is a relatively small amount as when compared to the "bottom". Just because people with post-graduate degrees tend to vote Democrat does not off set nor override the fact that Democrats win elections not because of the "top", but because of the "bottom" (where A LOT of their base is), which is a far larger group than the "top".

There is a difference between "education" and "degree". I don't count Bible Study degrees as "education". They are "indoctrination".

Then you have Republican leaders like Mitt Romney and Santorum saying we need fewer teachers and education is for snobs. They are saying what they believe the base wants to hear. Considering the "cheering", I suspect they are correct. Do you want links or can you go to Youtube and watch for yourself?
Why do democrats indulge in wishful thinking any time they squeak by in an election?

The republicans ran a weak candidate and lost. Get over it. Obama still can't get anything through congress unless the republicans let him.

...and if they keep up with the kind of nonsense shown in the OP, they aren't going to let him do anything at all.
Some Republicans say it's not happening.

They haven't been conservative enough.

Some like to point to cultural issues. Gay, women's or minority rights.

Some think it's because of GOP planned attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security considering the majority of Republicans are probably north of 60.

But I tend to think it's about business. The last election, business supported Mitt Romney because of his well documented history of "corporations over people because it's corporations who are the people". But even that's changing.

Corporations understand that if they have no one to sell to, they have no "profits". They understand that you need modernization to compete. That includes abundant energy, which we are discovering we have and it also includes education, which we don't. Not with 3.7 million unfilled jobs.

This morning on Morning Joe, they discussed a modern high tech battery factory built with stimulus money that now employs 300 people. They said no one working there has less than two year in a technical school and 57% have at least a Bachelor's Degree in a technical field. I thought the name they mentioned was SAFT America, Inc.

Stimulus-Funded Battery Plant Opens | News - Home

PolitiFact Georgia | Is education level tied to voting tendencies?

"The higher the education level, the more likely they are to vote Democratic."

The Pew Research Center released data in August 2012 about GOP gains among working-class white voters that found: "Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008."

Among whites without a college degree, the GOP now holds a 54 percent to 37 percent advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago. The partisanship of white college graduates, by contrast, has not changed, the analysis found.


So why does that matter?

During the last election, the Democrats received most of their money from contributions of around 100 dollars average from millions of people. Some giving multiple times. Republicans received enormous amounts of money from just a few corporations and billionaires. It's the educated and people with jobs that win elections. Not unemployed, uneducated mostly white. Even corporations will see this. Not every Democratic nominee will be black. Republicans won't be able to rally an increasingly uneducated and nearly all white base against educated people with money. As the last election proves, money alone isn't enough. And not every corporation is willing to see America turned into a cesspool just to scrounge out a few more bucks.

Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

And what is it the educated want? A robust and modern infrastructure. Available and affordable education. Laws not skewed only favorably towards the wealthy and corporations and skewed against everyone else. Health care. Sane spending on the military. And so on.

If they are so educated how come the majority of companies are run by cons? If yey are so educated how come they love the obama phone so much when in fact that program was started by Regean? I always enjoy this topic for a good laugh when the am dial is dominated by cons, while the left gets their news from a rap song or Bryan Adams. lol

Are you sure?



Car manufacturers

and so on.

I think it just seems that way because their toxic behaviour makes "news".

Am I sure? do you really have to ask that question?
They need to become a minority that control a majority of the things like the media and public school systems. Make everyone dumb through misinformation and there ya go. That's how it works.
The GOP has done next to nothing is limiting the size and scope of government. They have become the party pretending to be conservative.

Screw'em. I prefer a party that is at least proud of their fascism.
Tens of thousands are leaving the GOP, maybe even millions. They all have unique reasons. And that is why they GOP will become irrelevant within 10 years. Because it's not a 1-issue fix.

My reason was purely about their attitude. Yes, it was deeply because of the attitude they showed in saying "fuck you" basically to cops, firemen, teachers after the Tea Party movement got going. They just said to hell with it, and lumped ALL government employees in together under one big umbrella (except military of course, they dont see them as "government workers" somehow).

It was the arrogant, "fuck you, I got mine" attitude that did it for me. The 47% quote summed it up well. But local Republicans throughout the South embraced and displayed that attitude FAR before Romney ever did.

So, my view was you basically had Democrats who meant well, but had faulty policies. And Republicans who may have had some good policies, but their overbearing arrogant attitude sickened me.

I sat the election out.

I find the Democrats to be dreamers. There is a lot of good they'd love to do, but, havent figured out exactly how to do it yet, and I've seen some of their policies flat-out hurt cities and states, so Im hesitant to start voting for them.

But Republicans? They can rot in hell for all I care. I can tolerate a bad idea from a Dem that was meant to do something with good intent. But the right wing has become so hateful, so bitter, so arrogant, that they have pushed away millions of people. And I plan to laugh and cheer at the complete rotting and political-death of that movement.

So says another government employee who is trying to rationalize his grotesque overcompensation due to his union's political contributions to the Democrats.:clap2:
Enjoy your serfdom.

How do you suppose the Colonists would have responded if George III had told them "You didn't build that!"?

The only plus, now, out of all this brouaha is that most of the gun makers will have moved to the states that will still allow a certain amount of firearms freedom, and guess where those states are located? What would have happened to the North in 1861 if Colt had been located in Alabama, instead of the land where a man can now marry a man, but a man cannot purchase a gun to protect himself, his wife, his family and his property today? Barry and Jessee, Al and Jeremiah would be busy picking cotton still. When the break comes, and come it must, and DC , Chicago, New York and LA can't purchase any new firearms to arm their troops, what happens? Barry won't be back to picking cotton, and if he doesn't hop onto a one way flight to Kenya or Monrovia PDQ, the victors will have his schedule all planned out for him. The shoe has moved to the other foot and those teachers in Texas teaching the Communist Manifesto to their students in the classroom today, well, they'll be as plentiful as the Do Do birds.There will be a very clear, sharp, and distinct scission between the new American Education system and the Communist Party.

Why do you guys insist on being turds? Here is Mitt Romney with his "you didn't build that" moment.
Even George wasn't alone. He had the colonists.

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