How the "honest" pro abortionist would make their true view known.

spoken like a true babykiller,,,

^ spoken like a true hypocrite.

your deflection doesnt make you less a baby killer,,,

embrace it,,,its what you are,,,

it's not a deflection - a zygote isn't a baby. an embryo isn't a baby. a fetus that isn't viable outside the womb isn't a baby. but guess what? any BABY born, should have all the support it needs to thrive.

including medical, housing, clothing, education.

do you support all of that? even if they are brown?

remember when i called you a hypocrite?

yep... ^ that ^
Is a zygote human and alive, while in the womb?

it's got human DNA & that's about it. but if you wanna equate a zygote to a post born human with a history... then there isn't any reasoning & we will go around in circles.
So it’s okay to kill a zygote because it isn’t a post born human, is that right?
no one is 'pro' abortion... only pro choice. so your video starts out with a lie.

pro abortion is as truthful as pro life.

those that claim they are 'pro life' are really just pro birth. after the cord is cut, then the female who carried to term & her offspring are on their own. no help with medical care, housing, food, clothing, childcare, education.....

love the fetus, hate the child is the probirth mantra. & heaven help you if you are a brown person coming from south of the border.
Of course they are pro abortion.

Did you ever hear of anyone being "pro-choice" for slavery, segregation, or Jim Crow?

You either respect Human Rights or you don't. Pro-Aborts don't.
no one is 'pro' abortion... only pro choice. so your video starts out with a lie.

pro abortion is as truthful as pro life.

those that claim they are 'pro life' are really just pro birth. after the cord is cut, then the female who carried to term & her offspring are on their own. no help with medical care, housing, food, clothing, childcare, education.....

love the fetus, hate the child is the probirth mantra. & heaven help you if you are a brown person coming from south of the border.
Conservatives do more for the poor than the government does.

LOL! does that include the $800 billion dollars taken away from medicare & medicaid to give to bigcorp? does that include the desire to end the ACA without anything better to replace it, thus taking healthcare away from over 20 million people that depend on it? does that include defunding SNAP?

well if it does... then you are right - CONservatives are doing more to the poor.
Tax cuts doesn't take away from the government, it's not their money to begin with. Obama care sucks, most cannot afford it. The democrats are in charge now and their not doing crap.
spoken like a true babykiller,,,

^ spoken like a true hypocrite.

your deflection doesnt make you less a baby killer,,,

embrace it,,,its what you are,,,

it's not a deflection - a zygote isn't a baby. an embryo isn't a baby. a fetus that isn't viable outside the womb isn't a baby. but guess what? any BABY born, should have all the support it needs to thrive.

including medical, housing, clothing, education.

do you support all of that? even if they are brown?

remember when i called you a hypocrite?

yep... ^ that ^
Your party is pushing infanticide.

1) i am not a (D) i don't have a party. unlike y-o-u... i am not a partisan hack.

2) 'infanticide is against the law... always has been & always will be.

3) rightwing extremist talking points gets no traction except for the circle jerks that perpetuate them.
Nor in New York the lit the new world trade center up in pink celebrating them passing abortion up till conception.
spoken like a true babykiller,,,

^ spoken like a true hypocrite.

your deflection doesnt make you less a baby killer,,,

embrace it,,,its what you are,,,

it's not a deflection - a zygote isn't a baby. an embryo isn't a baby. a fetus that isn't viable outside the womb isn't a baby. but guess what? any BABY born, should have all the support it needs to thrive.

including medical, housing, clothing, education.

do you support all of that? even if they are brown?

remember when i called you a hypocrite?

yep... ^ that ^
yes I do support that ,,but dont change the subject

all the deflection in the world,,,all the twisting of words ,, wont change the fact you are a baby killer

<pfffft> a 'baby' killer.... you best take a biology course.

lol... deflection? shirley you are grasping. you best start calling your congress critters to vote for raising taxes bigley to help pay for all them 'babies' that will be forced to term & delivered becaue the US population is gonna soar!

all the deflection and excuses in the world wont change the fact your promoting the murder of a child,,,

its not to late to change your way and save your soul,,,

youre the only way saying one of them doesnt matter and needs to be murdered,,,

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