How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

This thread shows me what self-hating-Americans liberals are: you are far more concerned with the opinion of long-time American-hating other countries (our Zeropean "fake" allies, for example) than the opinion of your fellow Americans you look down your noses at.
Who cares?

ONLY the NON-deplorables and NON Trump cult members........LOL

You are disgusting. The dehumanizing contempt for working-class fellow Americans who put food on your table, keep your utilities going, maintain your roads, maintain your modern machinery, maintain your sewer lines, janitor the public facilities you use, dispose of your garbage (which is actually much less vile than liberal garbage). The only thing that makes people like you feel like you're alive is to get up on your scolding, lecturing high horses and utterly dehumanize the "rabble" to whom you feel you're sooo superior and more important, despite all the evidence to the contrary. You people are Disgusting with a capital D.
President Trump is strongly pro-American. Foreigners would prefer a wimp like Obama who supported foreign enemies and who thought the whole world is entitled to a free ride courtesy of the US taxpayer.
President Trump is strongly pro-American. Foreigners would prefer a wimp like Obama who supported foreign enemies and who thought the whole world is entitled to a free ride courtesy of the US taxpayer.

......AND, he was half-black (please don;t forget to fully come out of the closet........LOL)
President Trump is strongly pro-American. Foreigners would prefer a wimp like Obama who supported foreign enemies and who thought the whole world is entitled to a free ride courtesy of the US taxpayer.

Yeah, but he's pro American with nothing behind it...
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
I kid you not, every non American I talk to... first thing that he or she expresses is laugh about Trump and ask me how he got elected.
From Italy to Armenia everyone tells me that you have a clown as a president...and they thought we learned from Bush's experiment.

One thing for sure, the world has 0 respect for the US now and China is slowly taking over.
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Good. If the world doesn't like him, he's doing something right.
The world loved the way we handed out money like Halloween candy. Trump is ending that practice.
:piss2:the globe. What has the world done for us lately? About time we took care of our own for a change...

Israel still collect billions, so does Iraq, Egypt, the UN.....wake up. Trump lied to you....oh and he is arming Saudi Arabia, the country he used to criticize during his campaign.
I kid you not, every non American I talk first thing that he or she expresses is laugh about Trump and ask me how dis he get elected.
Fro. Italy to Armenia everyone tells me that you have a clown as a president...and they thought we learned from Bush's experiment.

One thing for sure, the world has 0 respect for the US now and China is slowly taking over.

NOTHING pleased China more, than the orange demagogue pulling out of the TPP....NOTHING !!!
President Trump is strongly pro-American. Foreigners would prefer a wimp like Obama who supported foreign enemies and who thought the whole world is entitled to a free ride courtesy of the US taxpayer.

Yeah, but he's pro American with nothing behind it...

Tell that to the illegals who are getting here far less and being actually deported far more.
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
I kid you not, every non American I talk to... first thing that he or she expresses is laugh about Trump and ask me how he got elected.
From Italy to Armenia everyone tells me that you have a clown as a president...and they thought we learned from Bush's experiment.

One thing for sure, the world has 0 respect for the US now and China is slowly taking over.

Until they take responsibility for their own defense, and economic growth,

they insults are nothing but the whining of ungrateful children.
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
I kid you not, every non American I talk to... first thing that he or she expresses is laugh about Trump and ask me how he got elected.

I just bet. :lmao:
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

Their view of Trump:

"USA's asshole is not wide open to be taken advantage of, oh shit."

Yeah, I can see why they would be butthurt. Now America puts America first, instead of putting their stupidity first.
President Trump is strongly pro-American. Foreigners would prefer a wimp like Obama who supported foreign enemies and who thought the whole world is entitled to a free ride courtesy of the US taxpayer.

......AND, he was half-black (please don;t forget to fully come out of the closet........LOL)

YOu are a race baiting asshole.

I wonder what Nat things it is funny, when I call her on her race baiting assholeness?

Surely she's not so delusional that she thinks her behavior is funny?

Because people like her are tearing this nation apart.

And she is an asshole.
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

That they took time to print that article, and then that you posted it, is priceless! :badgrin:

Meanwhile, Trump's on a MAGA mission, and winning!
Looks like projection. Trump and the Democrats are destroying the Democrats.

If you look at Trump during the election process and since he's been elected, you'll notice that no other Republican could pull off what he has done so far. I don't know how it would end but I do like the odds.

For start, the mere mention of his name cause derangement in some people. The left is afraid of him because he's most energetic, ferocious and fearless dude we've seen in US politics in last 100 years. He's taking it on Democrats, he's taking it on some Republicans, and at the same time he's taking it on media, while still finding time to slap Meryl Streep and late night shows, he's fighting culture war in the middle of political war, and most remarkable of all is... he's winning.

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