How the war started

NATO broke every single promise made including non expansion on the Russian border. It's a fair bet they weren't going to stop. Who cannot be trusted? .....

:thankusmile: :yes_text12: yo totally took him to school and checkmated him.. the fact that two shills from langleY,ONE A LONG TIME SOCKPUPPET, liked his post proves his post is propaganda:abgg2q.jpg:

The people that keep coming on here posting these mindless rants like his are making themselves look like fools not even bother to watch your video that debunks all their rambling.they wont get past what they THINK is the truth to LOOK at something that exposes the lies of the western corporate controlled media.:uhoh3:
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Speaking of Langley, JoeXi's sleep-up, Kameltoe, swore in the CIA agent Haines. Haines published today @ 1:27 PM. The neo-nazi to watch (first with the sound off, watch only the movements) is Haines's opposite number in Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, who 30 minutes ago, posted a fresh testimony video at youtube. Thus we have a double-female Western propaganda machine whereby CIA Haines spoke first in the media today:

'Putin is Angry.'
Only the prisoners who did not watch Nuland first with the sound on will be able to say there was no prejudicial bias in their intepretation of Nuland's neo-nazi movements. You don't get a second chance on this one. Either you watch Nuland with virgin ears, or your intuition's screwing is pre-accomplished.
More Russian State Propaganda from Pooty Propaganda Pushing Con.


Putin and Pooty supporters are using maskirovka

I read that the tyrants in charge at the time of the Soviet Union once declared Christians/Catholics as having a mental illness.

I have never trusted the Russians.

Looks like Russia is one of the countries were metal is banned.

I have a suggestion for the Ukrainians if they have a Helicopter given to them.

Put something like Slayer on at full blast over speakers in the helicopter.
Hey, daveman Bob Blaylock - Here's a Republican cheering for Putin.

Putin's attack isn't on Zelensky, it's on the people of the Ukraine for rejecting pro-Russian politicians.

Actually, they are doing what you gun nuts keep claiming you would do... protect their land.
You are so full of it that it's hilarious 🤣... So anybody talking fact's is cheering for Putin eh ? ROTFLMBO... You wish you could make something like that stick here Lefty, but everybody with a pea for a brain can see your sick game's here.

I don't know Putin or Zelensky, but I'm not a fool just to think that anything that is said on the MSM is the cold hard truth. Glad I'm not a mindless robot like so many leftist are. I can still think critically instead of towing the line. The propaganda is heavy right now, and you just eat it up, just like you did for 4 year's against Trump. Now go buy you some $7.00 dollar gasoline you knuckle head.
Think about what you just said. "Nazi Jews"? That's Putin's whole justification to the Russian people for INVADING Ukraine. Literally, he boasts that Russia needed to de-nazify Ukraine. When all the evidence is -- Zelensky has moved the country a bit from being controlled by corrupt scoundrels and lot towards Western freedom and democracy,

Dont take it from me -- go argue with liberal press in Europe.

The Russian leader’s pretext for invasion recasts Ukraine’s Jewish president as a Nazi and Russian Christians as true victims of the Holocaust

When Vladimir Putin announced Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at dawn on Thursday, he justified the “special military operation” as having the goal to “denazify” Ukraine. The justification is not tenable, but it would be a mistake simply to dismiss it.

Vladimir Putin is himself a fascist autocrat, one who imprisons democratic opposition leaders and critics. He is the acknowledged leader of the global far right, which looks increasingly like a global fascist movement.

Ukraine does have a far-right movement, and its armed defenders include the Azov battalion, a far-right nationalist militia group. But no democratic country is free of far-right nationalist groups, including the United States. In the 2019 election, the Ukrainian far right was humiliated, receiving only 2% of the vote. This is far less support than far-right parties receive across western Europe, including inarguably democratic countries such as France and Germany.

Yea except that Ukraine had its government overthrown by a violent insurrection since then. It’s not a “democracy”, it’s a failed state.

The problem with that notion is that even if you consider the Maidan government illegitimate, there have been several elections since then that have validated it.

Yeah it was a overthrow of a government like when they took out kennedy and put in Johnson because they knew Johnson would be their willing new world order stooge puppet thst kennedy wasn’t being.

If they really wanted to get rid of Kennedy, all they had to do was expose his affair with Marilyn Monroe.
You are so full of it that it's hilarious 🤣... So anybody talking fact's is cheering for Putin eh ? ROTFLMBO... You wish you could make something like that stick here Lefty, but everybody with a pea for a brain can see your sick game's here.

I don't know Putin or Zelensky, but I'm not a fool just to think that anything that is said on the MSM is the cold hard truth. Glad I'm not a mindless robot like so many leftist are. I can still think critically instead of towing the line. The propaganda is heavy right now, and you just eat it up, just like you did for 4 year's against Trump. Now go buy you some $7.00 dollar gasoline you knuckle head.

Except you aren't talking facts. Satan could appear tomorrow in a MAGA hat and you'd support him.

Putin and Pooty supporters are using maskirovka

I read that the tyrants in charge at the time of the Soviet Union once declared Christians/Catholics as having a mental illness.

I have never trusted the Russians.

Looks like Russia is one of the countries were metal is banned.

I have a suggestion for the Ukrainians if they have a Helicopter given to them.

Put something like Slayer on at full blast over speakers in the helicopter.
Welcome to America then, because currently the left are on a march to destroy any and everything ever built or run by a white person in this country, even though a lot of the leftist are white's Just listen to their rhetoric, race baiting, and goals spoken in their rhetoric. Can't make it up, but somehow we know more about Ukraine than right here at home ??? Pffft

If ya want me to sit thru RT propaganda, I might. But your gonna have to tell me what I'm gonna learn.

As far as the ABC documentary, Ukraine has REAL Russian influence on their elections and political systems. You dont think Putin has just been sitting idle since his LAST Russian stooge was ousted and he took the Crimea do ya?

The opposition leader is STILL in the Ukrainian congress because of the Russian separatist areas to the East. And he IS a genuine STOOGE of Putin -- not like Trump was accused of. Putin is the GODFATHER of one of his kids.

So when ABC tells the story, it seems like tyrannical suppression of democracy. The ONLY DEMOCRATIC institution in Ukraine are the nationalists who DONT WANT TO BE RUSSIAN. So you gotta understand the situation. Putin's not just got a PAW in Ukraine -- he's been farming their political system for decades.

So it's a choice between ACTUAL independence and democracy or allowing Putin to corrupt the INDEPENDENCE and democratic institutions that MOST Ukrainians value. Wasn't working for Putie because Zelensky was more FOCUSED and effective at moving the country further "west"..

This is not like OUR PHONY "Russian election problems".. This is Putin playing for keeps.

Understand the players and prize.
You are so full of it that it's hilarious 🤣... So anybody talking fact's is cheering for Putin eh ? ROTFLMBO... You wish you could make something like that stick here Lefty, but everybody with a pea for a brain can see your sick game's here.

I don't know Putin or Zelensky, but I'm not a fool just to think that anything that is said on the MSM is the cold hard truth. Glad I'm not a mindless robot like so many leftist are. I can still think critically instead of towing the line. The propaganda is heavy right now, and you just eat it up, just like you did for 4 year's against Trump. Now go buy you some $7.00 dollar gasoline you knuckle head.
This is another shill from Langley you should ignore,typical this thread gets moved to the conspiracy theories section,a thread that shoots down the narrative of the corporate controlled media with pesky facts thst cannot be refuted,sense it’s not politically correct it gets moved here to no surprise.,can’t have it in the breaking news section the fact it exposes the lies of the idiot box in the living room.uh uh.
which you COMPLETELY left untouched. WHY did the "extreme right" get less than 2% of the vote in Ukraine? Because the country is NAZIFIED?
Of course, you have no idea, but it is these 2% who rule in Ukraine. These two percent belong to fascist gangs, which, with the full connivance of the police, established their own rules on the streets and public places, and anyone who opposed their ideology was threatened with death or beatings. And it is these 2% who control the whole ideology and propaganda.
But the most important thing is the opportunity to choose from two or more candidates, this is democracy! What pathetic bastards you are...
The problem with that notion is that even if you consider the Maidan government illegitimate, there have been several elections since then that have validated it.
Oh, yes! Elections purify any crime. After Hitler was elected as a result of democratic elections, all subsequent laws adopted by the Nazis were validated as adopted by the legitimate authorities.
First, a question. Why are you calling it "special military operation" and not invasion?
I don't know... Maybe because since the time, when the US president called the war in Korea a "police operation" and after it, the US has never declared war in all its wars, this has become a global trend...
First, a question. Why are you calling it "special military operation" and not invasion?
I don't know... Maybe because since the time, when the US president called the war in Korea a "police operation" and after it, the US has never declared war in all its wars, this has become a global trend...

Basically, you're just repeating what you hear from talking heads on the TV.
Basically, you're just repeating what you hear from talking heads on the TV.
Yeah, and you have your ideas direct from God...
Personally, I call it a war, but politicians around the world have not started a single war since World War II. All kinds of operations all the time, but not wars... Even the "heroic" Zelensky did not officially declare war on Russia. Why? Рrobably it's not fashionable now.
Politifact Shoots Down Reich Wing/Pooty Propaganda.

There Nre no US-Run Biolabs In Ukraine, Contrary To Social Media Posts​

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought false claims on social media that Russian President Vladimir Putin is targeting U.S.-run biological weapons labs in his neighboring country.

False claims from Russia alleging bioweapon use by the U.S. aren’t new, and allegations of a network of such labs along Russia’s border were shared in state-run media in the weeks before the invasion.

A Twitter user by the handle @WarClandestine spread a story on Feb. 24 that Russia was targeting the sites of U.S.-run biolabs when it began invading Ukraine. That account was quickly suspended by Twitter, but others shared the post and began using the hashtag #USbiolabs to spread the false claim.

Our Sources​

Email exchange with Andy Weber, a member of the Arms Control Association Board of Directors and a former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs.

Snopes, "Ukraine, US Biolabs, and an Ongoing Russian Disinformation Campaign," Feb. 24, 2022

Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, "Fact Sheet: The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program," June 2014

Department of Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency, "The U.S. Government responds to false allegations targeted at the DoD CTR Program," Jan. 11, 2022

Department of Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency, "Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Budget Estimates Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Cooperative Threat Reduction Program," Feb. 2020

United States Embassy in Ukraine, "Biological Threat Reduction Program"

United States Embassy in Ukraine, YouTube, "Biological Threat Reduction Program: Ukraine, Caucasus and Central Asia," Jan. 14, 2020

Chicago Tribune, "U.S., Ukraine sign pact on germ threat," Aug. 30, 2005

State Department, "Agreement between the United States of America and Ukraine," Aug. 29, 2005

U.S. Congress, "Soviet Threat Reduction Act of 1991"

Coda, "Does the US Have A Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep?" April 19, 2018

The Atlantic Council, "Pro-Kremlin propaganda in Ukraine changes tone," June 10, 2021

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "Russian media spreading disinformation about US bioweapons as troops mass near Ukraine," Feb. 8, 2022

The Nonproliferation Review, "False allegations of biological-weapons use from Putin’s Russia," Oct. 12, 2021

Newsweek, "Vladimir Putin's Adviser Says U.S. Is Developing Biological Weapons Near Russia," April 4, 2021

Daily Beast, "Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory," April 9, 2021

Military Health System, "Biological Threat Reduction Program"

Kyiv Post, "SBU: No US biological laboratories in Ukraine," May 8, 2020
Of course, you have no idea, but it is these 2% who rule in Ukraine. These two percent belong to fascist gangs, which, with the full connivance of the police, established their own rules on the streets and public places, and anyone who opposed their ideology was threatened with death or beatings. And it is these 2% who control the whole ideology and propaganda.
But the most important thing is the opportunity to choose from two or more candidates, this is democracy! What pathetic bastards you are...

No. You're confused. Because Russia is run by the 2%.. And it's defended by conscripts who are drafted to serve. Ukraine is VOTING NOW to defend its democracy and there's almost unanimous participation in DEFENDING their freedom from autocratic dictators like Putin. No CHANCE of Russian operations to incite any kind of civil war in Ukraine. Putin has TRIED that approach and failed.

What happens to the "political opposition" in Russia that the 2% of rulers dont like?

There's your reasoning problem. Veiled in your love of Russian one party autocratic oligarchies. You wouldn't RECOGNIZE democratic process if you saw it.

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