How the war started

Yes, sincere when first being vetted for TV. In The Real Anthony Fauci, Kennedy mentions that CIA and MI6 will be manipulating the internet, the very ones who forged neo-nazism now operating in Ukraine (eg., Helena Glass blog).
What about the innocent people who have to die?

I heard some innocent civilains are being shot at.

This guy is just a Kid, he has a full life ahead of him:

He doesn't deserve to die in this war

IMHO, all the russian soldiers who killed innocent civilians should be all strung up and executed and Putin punched in the face for killing innocents and given the death penalty.
The problem here in the good ole U.S of A is that we are divided heavily due to the current leadership at the helm, so it's super hard to just start agreeing with anything they say or do after all that they've since done or said. They made me not like them for who knows how long it will last, and it'll probably be forever if they don't have a sudden change in their thinking (hopefully). No Benedict Arnold here.... Never will I defect to the other side. They are way to radical in their ideologies for me. Rhino's should be a shamed of themselves, but they worship power to much.
More on biological weapons at Poltava and Kharkiv:

....V tom chisle na territorii Ukrainy sformirovalas' set', kotoraia vkliuchaet bolee 30 biologicheskie laboratorii, kotorye mozhno rezdelit' na nauchno-issledovatel'skie i sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie.
Included in the territory of Ukraine, is a network of 30 or more laboratories which can be divided into research and sanitary-epidemiological.
V pervuiu ochered', eto monitoring biologicheskoi ostanovki, Kak zaiavliaet Pentagon, v predpolagaemykh raionakh razmeshcheniia voinskikh kontingentov gosudarstv bloka NATO.
First of all, this is the monitoring of biological terminations according to the Pentagon, in the proposed areas for the deployment of military contingents of the NATO bloc states.

Vtoroe, sbor i vyvoz v USA shtammov opasnykh mikroorganizmov.
Secondly is the collection and export to the U.S. of strains of dangerous microorganisms.

Tret'e, napravlenie nauchno-issledovvatel'skie raboty po izucheniiu potensial'nykh agentov biologicheskogo oruzhiia, spetsifichnykh dlia dannogo regiona, kotorye imeiut prirodnye ochagi i sposobny peredavat'sia cheloveku.
Thirdly, is the direction of scientific research work on the study of potential agents of biological weapons, specific to the region, which have natural foci and are capable of being transmitted to humans.

Naprimer, s 2021 gg. Ministerstvo oborony Germanii provodilo na territorii Ukrainy izuchenie vozbuditelei Kongo-Krymskoi, gemorragicheskie likhoradki, leptospiroza, meningita, khantavirusov v ramkakh realizatsii Ukrainoi-Germanskoi initiativy po obespecheniiu biologicheskoi bezopasnosti na vneshnikh granitsakh Evrosoiuza.
In 2021, the German Ministry of Defense conducted on the territory of Ukraine a study of pathogens, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Leptospirosis, meningitis, hantavirus as part of the implementation of the Ukraine-Germany initiative to ensure biological safety at the external borders of the European Union.'
A figurative explanation of why Russia attacked Ukraine. Understandable as for Joe-six pack and even George Egghead. 38:26.
But I advise you to listen to the whole video
But if it is not clear to you even after that, psychiatry is powerless here.

He loses me right at the point you linked to -- "Zelensky has been funding Neo-Nazi right wing militias aligned with the "regime""? Zelensky is Jewish. One of the reasons Putin wants him and his family dead. There MAY BE miltias, but not Neo or otherwise Nazi. That's actually Putin's LIE to the Russian people.

Zelensky is the best thing to happen to Ukraine since the fall of the USSR. Has moved the country "farther west" and OUT of Putin's grasp. Have no idea why you chose a guy REPEATING the Putin lies -- but you did..
More on biological weapons at Poltava and Kharkiv:

....V tom chisle na territorii Ukrainy sformirovalas' set', kotoraia vkliuchaet bolee 30 biologicheskie laboratorii, kotorye mozhno rezdelit' na nauchno-issledovatel'skie i sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie.
Included in the territory of Ukraine, is a network of 30 or more laboratories which can be divided into research and sanitary-epidemiological.
V pervuiu ochered', eto monitoring biologicheskoi ostanovki, Kak zaiavliaet Pentagon, v predpolagaemykh raionakh razmeshcheniia voinskikh kontingentov gosudarstv bloka NATO.
First of all, this is the monitoring of biological terminations according to the Pentagon, in the proposed areas for the deployment of military contingents of the NATO bloc states.

Vtoroe, sbor i vyvoz v USA shtammov opasnykh mikroorganizmov.
Secondly is the collection and export to the U.S. of strains of dangerous microorganisms.

Tret'e, napravlenie nauchno-issledovvatel'skie raboty po izucheniiu potensial'nykh agentov biologicheskogo oruzhiia, spetsifichnykh dlia dannogo regiona, kotorye imeiut prirodnye ochagi i sposobny peredavat'sia cheloveku.
Thirdly, is the direction of scientific research work on the study of potential agents of biological weapons, specific to the region, which have natural foci and are capable of being transmitted to humans.

Naprimer, s 2021 gg. Ministerstvo oborony Germanii provodilo na territorii Ukrainy izuchenie vozbuditelei Kongo-Krymskoi, gemorragicheskie likhoradki, leptospiroza, meningita, khantavirusov v ramkakh realizatsii Ukrainoi-Germanskoi initiativy po obespecheniiu biologicheskoi bezopasnosti na vneshnikh granitsakh Evrosoiuza.
In 2021, the German Ministry of Defense conducted on the territory of Ukraine a study of pathogens, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Leptospirosis, meningitis, hantavirus as part of the implementation of the Ukraine-Germany initiative to ensure biological safety at the external borders of the European Union.'

ALL advanced countries study these pathogens. USUALLY, the strains have been altered to PREVENT duplication. It's very useful research and NOT totally military driven. Methods to DETECT, IMMUNIZE against, and genetically sequence are important to border security.
He loses me right at the point you linked to -- "Zelensky has been funding Neo-Nazi right wing militias aligned with the "regime""? Zelensky is Jewish. One of the reasons Putin wants him and his family dead. There MAY BE miltias, but not Neo or otherwise Nazi. That's actually Putin's LIE to the Russian people.

Zelensky is the best thing to happen to Ukraine since the fall of the USSR. Has moved the country "farther west" and OUT of Putin's grasp. Have no idea why you chose a guy REPEATING the Putin lies -- but you did..
How long has zelensky been the leader of Ukraine ? Putin's Russia is just as modern as any western civilization right ? Now if that is the case, then are we instead to suppose that Putin is a neanderthal type of individual, otherwise beating his chest to his band of ape's yelling kill, kill, kill or is Putin also a pragmatic leader of a modern civilization that doesn't want to be encircled by global forces if that is the case or maybe it's just a lie by Putin being told ?? ??

What are we to think of all of this really ??
ALL advanced countries study these pathogens. USUALLY, the strains have been altered to PREVENT duplication. It's very useful research and NOT totally military driven. Methods to DETECT, IMMUNIZE against, and genetically sequence are important to border security.
Did Fauci do wrong, and what is gain of function, and why did the Covid do what it did, and also did it develope in nature or not ??
He loses me right at the point you linked to -- "Zelensky has been funding Neo-Nazi right wing militias aligned with the "regime""? Zelensky is Jewish.
Zelensky is the best thing to happen to Ukraine since the fall of the USSR. Has moved the country "farther west" and OUT of Putin's grasp.
So you believe in the exclusivity of the jews? Can't there be scoundrels, murderers and nazis among them? And Zelensky is the best thing?! Then you're either a fool or a scoundrel.
The Fascist coup. Refreshing memory.
To turn on English/German/Chinese/Ukranian subtitles click the "Captions" button below the video

Actually, took us 3 weeks to get there in 2003. Pretty good, when your supply lines stretch halfway across the planet.

Meanwhile, Puty-pute-pute is stymied outside Kyiv.
Your take, but thinking that Putin is bogged down in confusion is probably an ignorant thing on your part, but oh well you think that you are some sort of master on all matter's to be. lol.
He hasn't taken Kyiv. He hasn't taken Mariupol. He hasn't taken Kharkov.
He can at anytime he chooses, but he's trying to spare the civilian population as much as possible, because you know that he could carpet bomb that entire country into oblivion if he wanted to or worse nuke it. I'm wondering why the Ukrainian government knowing this fact, is hiding behind human shields instead of dealing with Putin on a governmental level, and therefore keeping the civilian population out of it ??

It seems admirable to push the nation's civilian's to defend their country as the rhetoric has been reported, but is it the right thing to do from a governmental perspective or should government work out their problem's in secrecy, otherwise meaning that if Zelensky had to go according to Putin, then why didn't he just go in order to save his nation and people from the hell they are receiving because of him staying ? Is he that much of a heroic individual that the population of his country are willing to die for him just like the German's died for Hitler ?

Not knowing enough about Zelensky, I can't say that he's a heroic figure or not. I guess the Ukrainian people have decided that one maybe, but I hope they are right, and not just duped by his government.
He hasn't taken Kyiv. He hasn't taken Mariupol. He hasn't taken Kharkov.
First of all because it's not a "war", but a "special operation" for them, and there are hostages in those cities. They want to take Ukraine with the minimal collateral damage.

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