How the war started

TASS: preparations for the creation of nuclear weapons in Ukraine intensified in 2014

Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko contributed to the preparation for the creation of its own nuclear weapons in the country in 2014. This is reported by TASS with reference to a source in one of the Russian departments.

"These works acquired a clearly expressed practical orientation and increasing activity in 2014 after the well—known events in Ukraine by the unspoken order of Petro Poroshenko, at that time the president of the country," TASS writes.

Ukraine began to form the technological basis for the creation of its own nuclear weapons back in 1994, when the Treaty on its Non-Proliferation was signed, the source says.

Earlier, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, Sergei Naryshkin, said that Ukraine was working on the creation of nuclear weapons. According to him, the United States was aware of what was happening, but did not prevent it.

"According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukraine has retained the technical potential to create nuclear weapons. And these capabilities are much higher than those of Iran or North Korea," Naryshkin said.
As the Helena Glass blog has already helped to define neo-nazism, we can now focus on certain individuals who represent the new Nazis forged by CIA, MI6, etc. The group includes, Marco Rubio, Victoria Nuland, Lindsay Graham, Bush, Obama and Clintons.

Naryshkin (post # 21) is mentioned in the very next sentence that mentions Nuland, and Izvestiya as we have said, is specifically targeted by CIA-MI6 internet-molesting effeminates, and so by default, the newspaper to study:

Izvestiya 2022 marta 4 V USA zaiavil o stremlenii izbezhat' novoi kholodnoi voiny
'...."Odnako, kogda my sviadem za stol [peregovorov], Rossiia dolzhna byt' gotova govorit pravvdu - otmetila Nuland.
However, when we sit down at the negotiating table, Russia must be ready to speak the truth -said Nuland.

Dnem ranee direktor Sluzhby vneshnei (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin soobshchil, chto Zapad stremitsia ne tol'ko vozrodit' zheleznyi zanaves, no i unichtozhit' Rossiiu.
A day earlier, the Director of the Foreign Service, Sergei Naryshkin, said that "The West seeks not only to revive the Iron Curtain, but also to destroy Russia." '
The Izvestiya article (post #24) continues, and in the next sentence, Putin links neo-Nazi Nuland to Kiev, noting that most CIA operatives are now located in either Kiev or Lviv:

'V tot zhe den rossiskii prezident Vladimir Putin v vesede s frantsuzskii kollegoi Emmanuel Macron privel argumenty, svidetel'stvuiushchie o sushchestvennoi "roli neo-natsistov v gosudarstvennoi politke Kieva.
On the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a meeting with his French colleague Emmanuel Macron, presented arguments testifying to the essential role of neo-Nazis in the state policy of Kiev.'
The Russian Defense Ministry announced the availability of documents on the development of bioweapons in Ukraine

During the special military operation in Ukraine, the facts of Kiev's emergency cleaning of traces of the military biological program were revealed. Its financing was handled by the US Department of Defense. This was told to "Lenta.<url>" the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

According to him, the biolab gave the Russian military data on the destruction of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases. "Now the documents are being analyzed by Russian specialists of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops," Konashenkov said. He also added that at the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the Pentagon began to undergo difficulties with conducting secret biological experiments.

Already, new data confirm, as the Major General noted, that components of biological weapons were being developed in the biological laboratories of Ukraine located in the immediate vicinity of Russia.

In the near future, the Russian side will present the data of the analysis of the received documents. "We are publishing the instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and the acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories right now," concluded the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry.
They did resolve the issue of Ukraine as a threat to Russia. Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons in exchange for a agreement by Russia never to invade. Putin cannot be trusted and must be deposed.
The trust thing can fail anywhere in the world, and at any given time. No agreement is truly written in stone, just ask any leftist attempting to take down our constitution. The left has no boundaries it won't challenge or cross, and people had best recognize that fact.
The Russian Defense Ministry announced the availability of documents on the development of bioweapons in Ukraine

During the special military operation in Ukraine, the facts of Kiev's emergency cleaning of traces of the military biological program were revealed. Its financing was handled by the US Department of Defense. This was told to "Lenta.<url>" the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

According to him, the biolab gave the Russian military data on the destruction of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases. "Now the documents are being analyzed by Russian specialists of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops," Konashenkov said. He also added that at the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the Pentagon began to undergo difficulties with conducting secret biological experiments.

Already, new data confirm, as the Major General noted, that components of biological weapons were being developed in the biological laboratories of Ukraine located in the immediate vicinity of Russia.

In the near future, the Russian side will present the data of the analysis of the received documents. "We are publishing the instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and the acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories right now," concluded the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry.
Other interesting aspects of the Ukrainian military are coming to light. What would Putin's Chechens think about this?

2022 Mar 6 Vechernaiai Moskva: Ukrainskie voennye ispol'zuiut taktiku islamistov
Ukrainian Soldiers Use the Tactics of Middle Eastern Islamists
....My videli podobnoe na Blizhnem Vostoke.
We have seen this in the Middle East.

Kogda my razbivali islamistov, oni bezhali v goroda, ispol'zovali liudei, grazhdanskikh, kachestve zhivogo shchita i pytalis' izbezhat' unichtozheniia.
When we defeated the Islamists, they fled to the cities, used people, civilians, as human shields and tried to avoid destruction.

Dumaiu, immeno eto i proiskhodit segodniia: ukrainskaia armiia ispol'zuet naselenie, chtoby izbezhat' razgroma, - rasskazal on.
I think this is exactly what is happening today: Ukraine army uses the population to avoid defeat, he said. (Col Douglas Macgregor).'

2022 Mar 5 Col Douglas Macgregor
The Izvestiya article (post #24) continues, and in the next sentence, Putin links neo-Nazi Nuland to Kiev, noting that most CIA operatives are now located in either Kiev or Lviv:

'V tot zhe den rossiskii prezident Vladimir Putin v vesede s frantsuzskii kollegoi Emmanuel Macron privel argumenty, svidetel'stvuiushchie o sushchestvennoi "roli neo-natsistov v gosudarstvennoi politke Kieva.
On the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a meeting with his French colleague Emmanuel Macron, presented arguments testifying to the essential role of neo-Nazis in the state policy of Kiev.'
Like anyone here is stupid enough to believe a Russian troll.
The Russian Defense Ministry announced the availability of documents on the development of bioweapons in Ukraine

During the special military operation in Ukraine, the facts of Kiev's emergency cleaning of traces of the military biological program were revealed. Its financing was handled by the US Department of Defense. This was told to "Lenta.<url>" the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

According to him, the biolab gave the Russian military data on the destruction of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases. "Now the documents are being analyzed by Russian specialists of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops," Konashenkov said. He also added that at the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the Pentagon began to undergo difficulties with conducting secret biological experiments.

Already, new data confirm, as the Major General noted, that components of biological weapons were being developed in the biological laboratories of Ukraine located in the immediate vicinity of Russia.

In the near future, the Russian side will present the data of the analysis of the received documents. "We are publishing the instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and the acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories right now," concluded the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry.
You'll have to do better than that to establish credibility. You give no dates and split the sources, which is bullshit. As far as is known, there is no such report at and no such citation for Konashenkov's statements.
It's a trip to see the profound stupidity On this thread now forced to include Colonel Macgregor as a Russian troll.

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