How the war started

These are problems that should have been resolved at a negotiating table, not a battlefield
You honestly think the Washington Establishment wants to negotiate peace? Biden certainly didn’t try. We’ve got footage from years ago of warmongers McCain and Lindsey fucking Graham in Ukraine telling their soldiers “your fight is our fight”. They’ve wanted this war for a long time an have been building up for it. This is why they hated President Trump so much, he honestly wanted world peace and no new wars.

The Democrats have obviously been paid off and are on-board with war with Russia. The Dems want it, the neocon GOP wants it, so now it’s going to happen. The only people opposed to it are us MAGA types that know this is all bullshit that could had been avoided. How does it feel to see the Democratic Party become the party of McCain and Lindsay Graham?
ALL advanced countries study these pathogens. USUALLY, the strains have been altered to PREVENT duplication. It's very useful research and NOT totally military driven. Methods to DETECT, IMMUNIZE against, and genetically sequence are important to border security.
You cherry-pick the pretext just as NATO does. You are overconfident about alteration of pathogens. At Baric's Noth Carolina lab, they didn't think alteration of bat virus SH014 would become more dangerous but is surprised them. There would be, hard to prove, manipulations of CCHF precisely linking to Crimea as the Russian report states.
Western Nazi-Dem media does not have the adequate IQ to publish the truth. Youtube videos report that MI6 says that Putin cannot sustain the war in Ukraine. Why did Putin specifically address Russian women yesterday, saying that reserves would not be called up? There are contradictions in the reasoning. Putin's message was apparently not covered by English-speaking media.

2022 Mar 7 RIA Novosti
Kochu obratit'sia i k materiam, zhenam, sestram, nevestam i podrugam nashikh soldat i ofitserov, kotorye seichas v boiu, zashchishchaiut Rossiiu v khode spetsial'noi voennoi operatsii.

I want to appeal to mothers, wives, sisters, brides and girlfriends of our soldiers and officers who are now in the batttle to defend Russia in a special military operation.

Ponimaiu, kak by perezhivaete za svoikh liubimykh i blizkikh.
I understand how you feel about your loved ones.

Vy mozhete gordit'sia imi tak zhe, kak vmeste s vami imi gorditsia i perezhivaet za nikh vsia strana.
You can be proud of them just as the whole country is proud of them together with you.

Podcherknu, v boevikh deistviakh ne uchastvuiut i ne budut uchastvovat' soldaty, prokhodiashchie srochnuiu sluzhbu.
Let me emphasize that soldiers who are doing military service do not and will not participate in combat missions.

I ne budut provodit'sia dopolnitetl'nyi prizyv rezervistov iz zapasa.
And there will be no additional call-up of reservists from the reserve." '
TASS: preparations for the creation of nuclear weapons in Ukraine intensified in 2014

Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko contributed to the preparation for the creation of its own nuclear weapons in the country in 2014. This is reported by TASS with reference to a source in one of the Russian departments.

"These works acquired a clearly expressed practical orientation and increasing activity in 2014 after the well—known events in Ukraine by the unspoken order of Petro Poroshenko, at that time the president of the country," TASS writes.

Ukraine began to form the technological basis for the creation of its own nuclear weapons back in 1994, when the Treaty on its Non-Proliferation was signed, the source says.

Earlier, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, Sergei Naryshkin, said that Ukraine was working on the creation of nuclear weapons. According to him, the United States was aware of what was happening, but did not prevent it.

"According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukraine has retained the technical potential to create nuclear weapons. And these capabilities are much higher than those of Iran or North Korea," Naryshkin said.

More Russian State Propaganda from Pooty Propaganda Pushing Con.
Russia Underestimated Ukraine's Resistance, U.S. Official Says.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States believes Russia underestimated the strength of Ukraine’s resistance before launching an invasion that has likely caused thousands of Russian casualties, the Biden administration’s top intelligence official told lawmakers Tuesday.

The testimony, in a hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, amounted to the first public disclosure by the nation’s most senior intelligence officials about how the 2-week-old war is proceeding, offering their insight into the thinking of Russian President Vladimir Putin as his forces continue their march through Ukraine.

The officials made clear their assessment that Russia’s assault has been slowed by unexpected resistance by Ukrainian defenders and that it was unclear if Putin planned a “maximalist” strategy to try to capture all of Ukraine or would settle for something short of that.

We assess Putin feels aggrieved the West does not give him proper deference and perceives this as a war he cannot afford to lose,” Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said. “But what he might be willing to accept as a victory may change over time given the significant costs he is incurring.”




He can at anytime he chooses, but he's trying to spare the civilian population as much as possible, because you know that he could carpet bomb that entire country into oblivion if he wanted to or worse nuke it. I'm wondering why the Ukrainian government knowing this fact, is hiding behind human shields instead of dealing with Putin on a governmental level, and therefore keeping the civilian population out of it ??
Hey, daveman Bob Blaylock - Here's a Republican cheering for Putin.

It seems admirable to push the nation's civilian's to defend their country as the rhetoric has been reported, but is it the right thing to do from a governmental perspective or should government work out their problem's in secrecy, otherwise meaning that if Zelensky had to go according to Putin, then why didn't he just go in order to save his nation and people from the hell they are receiving because of him staying ? Is he that much of a heroic individual that the population of his country are willing to die for him just like the German's died for Hitler ?

Putin's attack isn't on Zelensky, it's on the people of the Ukraine for rejecting pro-Russian politicians.

Not knowing enough about Zelensky, I can't say that he's a heroic figure or not. I guess the Ukrainian people have decided that one maybe, but I hope they are right, and not just duped by his government.

Actually, they are doing what you gun nuts keep claiming you would do... protect their land.
You honestly think the Washington Establishment wants to negotiate peace? Biden certainly didn’t try. We’ve got footage from years ago of warmongers McCain and Lindsey fucking Graham in Ukraine telling their soldiers “your fight is our fight”. They’ve wanted this war for a long time an have been building up for it. This is why they hated President Trump so much, he honestly wanted world peace and no new wars.
Hey, Dave, Bob, here's another one.

The Democrats have obviously been paid off and are on-board with war with Russia. The Dems want it, the neocon GOP wants it, so now it’s going to happen. The only people opposed to it are us MAGA types that know this is all bullshit that could had been avoided. How does it feel to see the Democratic Party become the party of McCain and Lindsay Graham?

I don't see how it can be avoided, exactly. We have signed a bunch of treaties that obligate us to help. The Ukraine gave up their nukes in 1994 on the promise the west would guarantee it's territorial integrity. The UN Charter requires ALL members to respect the territorial integrity of other members.
Hey, Dave, Bob, here's another one.

I don't see how it can be avoided, exactly. We have signed a bunch of treaties that obligate us to help. The Ukraine gave up their nukes in 1994 on the promise the west would guarantee it's territorial integrity. The UN Charter requires ALL members to respect the territorial integrity of other members.
Yea except that Ukraine had its government overthrown by a violent insurrection since then. It’s not a “democracy”, it’s a failed state.
Glad you said "installed", just like in any new little dictatorship eh ?
:thankusmile: Yeah it was a overthrow of a government like when they took out kennedy and put in Johnson because they knew Johnson would be their willing new world order stooge puppet thst kennedy wasn’t being.
I often wonder if people understand that NATO stands for North Atlantic treaty organization or that Ukraine is nowhere close to the North Atlantic.
The expansion of NATO encroaching on Russia like it has is no less threatening to Russia than if Mexico joined a military alliance with China.
Turkey joined NATO in 1952.
Italy? Greece? 1949 and 1952.
Russia currently borders -5- NATO states.
So you believe in the exclusivity of the jews? Can't there be scoundrels, murderers and nazis among them? And Zelensky is the best thing?! Then you're either a fool or a scoundrel.

Think about what you just said. "Nazi Jews"? That's Putin's whole justification to the Russian people for INVADING Ukraine. Literally, he boasts that Russia needed to de-nazify Ukraine. When all the evidence is -- Zelensky has moved the country a bit from being controlled by corrupt scoundrels and lot towards Western freedom and democracy,

Dont take it from me -- go argue with liberal press in Europe.

The Russian leader’s pretext for invasion recasts Ukraine’s Jewish president as a Nazi and Russian Christians as true victims of the Holocaust

When Vladimir Putin announced Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at dawn on Thursday, he justified the “special military operation” as having the goal to “denazify” Ukraine. The justification is not tenable, but it would be a mistake simply to dismiss it.

Vladimir Putin is himself a fascist autocrat, one who imprisons democratic opposition leaders and critics. He is the acknowledged leader of the global far right, which looks increasingly like a global fascist movement.

Ukraine does have a far-right movement, and its armed defenders include the Azov battalion, a far-right nationalist militia group. But no democratic country is free of far-right nationalist groups, including the United States. In the 2019 election, the Ukrainian far right was humiliated, receiving only 2% of the vote. This is far less support than far-right parties receive across western Europe, including inarguably democratic countries such as France and Germany.
When all the evidence is -- Zelensky has moved the country a bit from being controlled by corrupt scoundrels and lot towards Western freedom and democracy,
No, he is not. He is puppet, druged up puppet. Ukraine was and still is corrupt fashist regime.
And for the ukrainian nazis, he is a "useful jew", a puppet, thanks to which the nazis can tell fools in the West, that there is no nazism in Ukraine, because the president is a jew.
No, he is not. He is puppet, druged up puppet. Ukraine was and still is corrupt fashist regime.
And for the ukrainian nazis, he is a "useful jew", a puppet, thanks to which the nazis can tell fools in the West, that there is no nazism in Ukraine, because the president is a jew.

That's exactly how Putin DOES argue the points. Congrats comrade. Your statue is will be in Red Square.

As opposed to the factual stuff that The Guardian posted to refute all that -- which you COMPLETELY left untouched. WHY did the "extreme right" get less than 2% of the vote in Ukraine? Because the country is NAZIFIED? No moron.

It ANGERS putin that Ukraine is TOO independent and NOT nationalistic enough to ACKNOWLEDGE that they BELONG to Russia -- imbecile.
Neo-Nazis do not have to vote at all to operate in Ukraine. CIA and MI6 have created a hybrid organism, so if the reader wants to study this modernity which is not Hitlerist, Victoria Nuland videos with the sound turned off is a start.

OP is correct: 'Nazi-Jews.'

Ukraine The Hub For Neo-Nazis Vs. The BRICS
'The current New World Order Cabal embraces Jews as an atheist secular class and not as a religious culture, while also embracing the Nazi's for their means of global domination.'
The Russian Defense Ministry announced the availability of documents on the development of bioweapons in Ukraine

During the special military operation in Ukraine, the facts of Kiev's emergency cleaning of traces of the military biological program were revealed. Its financing was handled by the US Department of Defense. This was told to "Lenta.<url>" the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

According to him, the biolab gave the Russian military data on the destruction of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases. "Now the documents are being analyzed by Russian specialists of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops," Konashenkov said. He also added that at the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the Pentagon began to undergo difficulties with conducting secret biological experiments.

Already, new data confirm, as the Major General noted, that components of biological weapons were being developed in the biological laboratories of Ukraine located in the immediate vicinity of Russia.

In the near future, the Russian side will present the data of the analysis of the received documents. "We are publishing the instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and the acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories right now," concluded the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry.

First, a question. Why are you calling it "special military operation" and not invasion?

Second, check this tweet. Play the video.

It's a shame that our media isn't saying anything, while RT is tweeting about it.
No, he is not. He is puppet, druged up puppet. Ukraine was and still is corrupt fashist regime.
And for the ukrainian nazis, he is a "useful jew", a puppet, thanks to which the nazis can tell fools in the West, that there is no nazism in Ukraine, because the president is a jew.
:yes_text12::thankusmile: Your wasting your breath on him,none of that stuff he posted debunks your video that he obviously did not watch,by the way ifinally had the chance to watch that very informative video today.another great one that shoots down the western medias narrative propaganda.thanks for sharing it with us.thats one more i can add to my collection i can use to educate the sheep.:thup: :thankusmile:

I noticed to no surprise,only USMBS resident paid trolls that have penetrated this site,gave you a thumbs down or laughing smiley knowing they cannot refute the facts he mentioned in the
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