How to Avoid the 2 Biggest Killers in the Western World

This is God Food here in SW Wisconsin. I've gotten up every morning, drove three miles up the road, and had these for breakfast every morning for the last four years: A 4" sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit slathered with Tabasco sauce and ranch dressing, and washed down with a Monster energy drink. I call them "crack sammiches" because they're so addictive.

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A lot of food can look good. This doesn't. Not a bit.
I KNOW less than 1 in 50 will actually spend the time to listen to the man in the OP. The rest will post their witty comebacks without honest discussion. This thread is for those looking to restore their health to what God intended for us. The arguers can go pound sand. You can't be helped until you're told you have cancer or heart disease. I wish you well
i had cancer like Lance Armstrong in 1991. I am cancer free since then. I had my appendix rupture, it has been gone since 2003. I got on the EMP180 eating plan, lost 55 lbs and was border line diabetic to a clean bill of health. Now all i have to do is get stretched about 2 inches in the lower spine and a metal plate inserted to keep the L3, L4 and L5 discs from collapsing, and that will take care of my latest troubles. Age plus Gravity are not humans friends...
My grandmother smoked at age 14 didnt give them up till her 80s and drank a lot. She lived to be 102.

That was back before companies and the goobermint started pumping chemicals, toxins, and artificial this and that into all foods, drinks, and tobaccos.

Pure, CLEAN tobacco is not harmful, it's all the toxins they put in the mix.
Pure, CLEAN alcohol is not bad for you, unless you abuse it.

I'm allergic to the chemicals the put in cigarettes. I am not however, allergic to pure, clean tobacco.
Cigars do not bother me, because they don't put all those toxins and chemicals in cigar and pipe tobaccon that they do in commercial cigarettes.
How do I avoid gubmint?

Just stop buying them. Easy enough.

That was back before companies and the goobermint started pumping chemicals, toxins, and artificial this and that into all foods, drinks, and tobaccos.

Pure, CLEAN tobacco is not harmful, it's all the toxins they put in the mix.
Pure, CLEAN alcohol is not bad for you, unless you abuse it.

I'm allergic to the chemicals the put in cigarettes. I am not however, allergic to pure, clean tobacco.
Cigars do not bother me, because they don't put all those toxins and chemicals in cigar and pipe tobaccon that they do in commercial cigarettes.
Most of those cigarettes back then didnt have a filter so you got all the tar and nicotine given in that smoke, and the alcohol was not as refined so you got plenty of the proof in each glass...But she was a very healthy woman...
I consider myself healthy .....I eat fresh vegetables and fruit , chicken, fish, seafood.....the only thing I don't eat is red meat, but apart from that I do eat healthy and I cook most of the meals myself so I know exactly what's in it.

Oh....and one more thing, like said above, no poison jab for me, NEVER! ;)
:) :oops::stir:
Bypass surgery or lifestyle change? He HAD to make this choice.

A man I knew had CAD in his family. Grandfather died at 48, dad died at 51, so the grandson ate nothing but nuts, berries, salads, he would use vinegar for his dressing. He didn't even use olive oil.

That was it. He was vegan before veganism existed.

Dead of a heart attack at 52.
I KNOW less than 1 in 50 will actually spend the time to listen to the man in the OP. The rest will post their witty comebacks without honest discussion. This thread is for those looking to restore their health to what God intended for us. The arguers can go pound sand. You can't be helped until you're told you have cancer or heart disease. I wish you well

And this is why vegans are viewed as such assholes. Anyone that does not bow down and tell you how correct you are is attacked.

By the way, if this is what God intended, why was Jesus not a vegan?
My Cheap but Healthy Dinner Tonight

High protein pasta with vegan "ground beef" and peas topped with nutritional yeast (kinda tastes like parmesan cheese but is loaded with B-12 which cadaver and pus eaters tell us we lack 😂

It doesn't spike my blood sugar, but keeps me full and satisfied for hours
Every culture that follows these principles live longer, healthier lives
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in July. I’ve made some minor changes to my diet with the help of a nutritionist, but I’ve also made it very clear that I will not stop eating the things I love, even if it kills me.
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in July. I’ve made some minor changes to my diet with the help of a nutritionist, but I’ve also made it very clear that I will not stop eating the things I love, even if it kills me.
That's your choice. We all make choices.
Various studies say no, a vegan diet gives you no benefit. Coronary Artery Disease is based on your genetics. You can eat like a rabbit, and if you have the killer gene, you will die, the same as anyone else. The one thing that DOES improve outcomes for those with that gene is living a very active life. The more active, the better. Hard core sports is the best. Build up secondary capillaries around the heart and you might survive long enough to get to a hospital.

The worst and most unhealthy foods are processed foods. Apparently, the diet with the most processed foods is the vegan diet, and thus the most unhealthy.

Also, COVID lockdowns were predicted to cause poorer diets due to rising prices etc.. after coming out of lockdowns, which has happened. So more people will suffer from illnesses associated with a poorer diet.

Also with hospital food, malnutrition and inadequate food intake due to crap hospital food have been associated with negative outcomes, such as prolonged length of stay, readmission, mortality, and increased hospital costs.

An army marches on it's stomach, a vegan army would be fucked.
The worst and most unhealthy foods are processed foods. Apparently, the diet with the most processed foods is the vegan diet, and thus the most unhealthy.

Also, COVID lockdowns were predicted to cause poorer diets due to rising prices etc.. after coming out of lockdowns, which has happened. So more people will suffer from illnesses associated with a poorer diet.

Also with hospital food, malnutrition and inadequate food intake due to crap hospital food have been associated with negative outcomes, such as prolonged length of stay, readmission, mortality, and increased hospital costs.

An army marches on it's stomach, a vegan army would be fucked.
Then you have no idea what a vegan diet is.i shop 95% the outside edges of the supermarket.

I guess in your mind the vegan diet is potato chips Doritos and cheezits.

My diet is oats, walnuts pumpkin seeds fruits vegetables, salads, muscli whole/multi grain bread, etc

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