How to Avoid the 2 Biggest Killers in the Western World

Arnold may be vegan (or “plant-based”, whatever) now, but he wasn’t in his heyday.

Just watch the documentary. That was all I was saying, just watch it. It's really, really good. Even a huge meat-eater that I know watched it and he said it was excellent.
My Cheap but Healthy Dinner Tonight

High protein pasta with vegan "ground beef" and peas topped with nutritional yeast (kinda tastes like parmesan cheese but is loaded with B-12 which cadaver and pus eaters tell us we lack 😂

It doesn't spike my blood sugar, but keeps me full and satisfied for hours
Ever wonder why heart disease and cancer were almost unheard of in 1900?

My meal last night and almost every night. Healthy as an ox.

The worst and most unhealthy foods are processed foods. Apparently, the diet with the most processed foods is the vegan diet, and thus the most unhealthy.

Also, COVID lockdowns were predicted to cause poorer diets due to rising prices etc.. after coming out of lockdowns, which has happened. So more people will suffer from illnesses associated with a poorer diet.

Also with hospital food, malnutrition and inadequate food intake due to crap hospital food have been associated with negative outcomes, such as prolonged length of stay, readmission, mortality, and increased hospital costs.

An army marches on it's stomach, a vegan army would be fucked.
You're fucked no matter what you eat.
Ever wonder why heart disease and cancer were almost unheard of in 1900?

My meal last night and almost every night. Healthy as an ox.

Oxen don't live very long.
You're fucked no matter what you eat.
Then you have no idea what a vegan diet is.i shop 95% the outside edges of the supermarket.

I guess in your mind the vegan diet is potato chips Doritos and cheezits.

My diet is oats, walnuts pumpkin seeds fruits vegetables, salads, muscli whole/multi grain bread, etc
I bet you have to take supplements. Your diet is seriously lacking B12, Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine, Iron, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine
I bet you have to take supplements. Your diet is seriously lacking B12, Magnesium, Zinc, Iodine, Iron, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine
Eat your red meat! Red meat is the new health food!

Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research​

Years of shoddy research have overstated the risk.

  • Studies have been linking red meat consumption to health problems like heart disease, stroke, and cancer for years, but these invariably suffer from methodological limitations.
  • In an unprecedented effort, health scientists at the University of Washington scrutinized decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, introducing a new way to assess health risks in the process.
  • They only found weak evidence that unprocessed red meat consumption is linked to colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and ischemic heart disease, and no link at all between eating red meat and stroke.
Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research
This is God Food here in SW Wisconsin. I've gotten up every morning, drove three miles up the road, and had these for breakfast every morning for the last four years: A 4" sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit slathered with Tabasco sauce and ranch dressing, and washed down with a Monster energy drink. I call them "crack sammiches" because they're so addictive.

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This is Jesus food.
This is God Food here in SW Wisconsin. I've gotten up every morning, drove three miles up the road, and had these for breakfast every morning for the last four years: A 4" sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit slathered with Tabasco sauce and ranch dressing, and washed down with a Monster energy drink. I call them "crack sammiches" because they're so addictive.

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This man lived a long healthy life, and he is not a Vegetarian or Vegan.
I haven't heard of any Vegans living that long in America or any other nation on earth.
I fast forwarded it to the diet part.

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People in Siberia live very long lives, their diet is mostly meat, and its one of the coldest places on earth.

I consider myself healthy .....I eat fresh vegetables and fruit , chicken, fish, seafood.....the only thing I don't eat is red meat, but apart from that I do eat healthy and I cook most of the meals myself so I know exactly what's in it.

Oh....and one more thing, like said above, no poison jab for me, NEVER! ;)
Republicans are the reason we don't know what's in the food. They fought food labels every step of the way. Then when they get power they deregulate to strip away any meaning behind the words on the packages. The ingredients listed are only a sales gimmick.

Trump admin authorized Flexibility Policy Regarding Labeling Requirements for Foods for Humans
I believe that in America, it's way too easy to over eat and under exercise no matter what you put in your mouth.

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